Enma's Rage

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Immediately after hearing Komasan screaming,Enma and Zazel rushed into the room to find Mystica lying on the black carpet. Komasan holding her head on her lap, trying to wake her up. Enma saw this, helping Komasan in the attempt to get Misty to open her eyes.

Zazel examined the room, investigating anything that could cause a being of Mystica's power to collaspe into unconscious. Nothing seemed out of order, the only that seemed out of the ordinary was the tea cup half spilled next to the princess's body. He picked up the cup and sniffed it, it had an alluring aroma with a hint of a potion scent.

"It seems the tea was laced with a potion that causes it's victims eternal pains" Zazel informed, quickly disposing the tea

"What?!" Enma became angry, instantly blaming the Yokai who brought the tea.

Enma handed Mystica to Zazel to tend to Mystica, hopefully he could provide her a cure. After the two left, Enma faced Komasan with his eyes full of rage equal to a dragon's.

"You tried to poison my sister?! I can't believe that,I for a second thought that you cared for her! I swear if I see you within a foot from her again, I will show you why I am considered the most powerful yokai" Enma threaten, not letting Komasan adorable, innocent eyes to soothe the rage boiling in his veins.

"B-but" Komasan voice shook with fear and worry. He knew nothing about the potion that Zazel mentioned, so how in sam hill did it get in there?

"Leave Now." Enma had to keep himself from going into his awaken form, he wanted to, for Misty's sake

Komasan wanted to protest, but Enma was his king, his words were law.

Tears welded up in Komasan's golden yellow eyes, believing that he truly poisoned Mystica. He would never see her face, he never deserved to marvel at her face that was as lovely as a freshly bloomed rose again.

At that moment, rain befell the heart of the cheerful koma.

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