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No, Not today!

Saeran's POV

I looked at the unconcious Ai in my arms and smiled softly.

I guess I can't take her to paradise to meet my savior...

She's too precious to go to my paradise...

I guess when the time comes...

I brought down my mask and kissed Ai's forehead lightly.

You were so nice that you showed me the rath path for me to accept everyone that made a mistake in my life..

But I didn't listen.

Taking revenge to the people who made a mistake to me took over in my mind.

My anger corrupted my mind..

I sighed and smiled sadly at her.

"I'm truly sorry... Babe." I whispered as I look for her room.

Where the heck is her damn room?!


Wait nevermind...

I finally found her room so I went inside and placed Ai in her bed.

I rummaged through my pants pocket if I had any extra pair of portable charger so I could charge Ai.


Where is it now?!

Earlier her room, now my charger!


Oh well.

I think I felt it just a while ago...


And luckily, I found one.

Bitch, I found yoooooouuuuu...


[Insert creepy laugh in his mind..]

Shut up author! Don't break the fourth wall!

[I ain't breaking it, you broke it by anwering me back.]


I turned Ai over and moved her hair to the side but before I plug my charger into the nape of her neck, I noticed a choker flickering around her neck.

I raised an eyebrow at this so I touched it just to be damn electricity went through my hand.

What the fuck.

I turned Ai's body to make it face me and noticed there was a padlock in the front.

How the fuck can I charge her now?!



I turned her again to see the choker gone.

How is that possible..

[Ask me. //wiggling my eyebrows//]

No thank you.

I plugged my charger to the nape of her neck.

I sighed, relieved that Ai was like in 91% battery and thought she was in 3% battery, the dangerous percent...

[How dangerous?]

About 97% dangerous...

Why am I talking to you?

[... Heh.]

I plopped down next to Ai and turned my body towards her.

I caress her hair then hold her right hand.

I closed my eyes and brought my mask down with my free hand.

I remember that before I dye my hair, I thought of her...

That's why my hair is white but with pink tips then I wore a turqouise eye contact lens because I can't find light blue eye contacts and I only saw dark blue..

Every single things made me remember her..



I tried to think of other things but I just can't seem to...

At all.

I sighed again and squeezed Ai's hand gently.

"I... I.." I shuttered a little

I can't help it anymore...

I need to say it before anyone interrupts me..

I inhaled a little then exhaled.

"I love you... Babe." I whispered, smiling cheekily as I have already said what I want to say to her even though she's in sleep mode.

And in any moment, I knew Airo would come home later..

But you know what?

I don't care as long as my Ai is safe with me and Airo..

And if anyone likes her, they need to come at me first and compete..

But if Ai likes someone and it's not me but somebody else..

Then I have no choice but..--

To just bring her to paradise with me and have her meet my savior.

We would be working for the Mint eye if she didn't resist joining me..

But if she resist...

She'll have to meet her fate then.


Kanato's POV

She.. She does remember us..

I chuckled loudly gaining the attention of Yui and my brothers.

"Yui!" I called out making her jump in suprise and shakily then slowly looked at me.

"Y-Y-Ye.. Yes Kanato-kun..?" She shuttered

Am I that creepy?


"Thank you..." I said, grinning widely.

[Yet creepily.. Owkie, I'll just.. go now.]

She looked as shocked like my brothers.

"Why is that Kanato-kun..?" She asked

"You're making her remember her memories... Our memories with her.." I stated, looking at teddy in my arms.

Right teddy?

Yehey! Ai-chan is slowly remembering! Ne Kanato-chan?

I highly agree on what you have said, teddy.

[On cue, LE GASP!]

"B-But... How is that possible?" Yui asked, confused.

I looked at Reiji and he nodded.

I see that he was holding a phone and I hid half of my face on Teddy's head as I smiled.

"I suppose that I have some things to discuss with Airo and we maybe pay her a visit in her house." Reiji stated.

I sighed, relieved.

"That Saeran guy..." Subaru started, having already tons of tick marks in his head.

I looked at him weirdly as he spoke.

"I felt that when he said to me Byung-shin-a... It feels offensive.." He says as he thinks harder for what the word means maybe.

I held my laughter by hiding my face in Teddy's head again and I noticed that everyone here is trying to hide their laughter except for Yui and obviously Subaru.

I can see smoke coming out of his ears...

Oh please..

Don't polute our world too much.

[Since when did you care for our mother nature?]

... Shut up you stupid dog.

[I'm a human for your damn information and not a dog. //flips hair//]

"It is offensive even without thinking about it too much...." Shu said lazily.

"Arghhhhhh! Why are these foreign people talking in such damn weird language?!" Subaru said, frustratedly as he toss his arms up.

We couldn't hold it anymore as we laugh loudly.

"W-Why are you laughing?! It's not funny!!" His face flustered red.

"But it is funny!" I said while laughing.

"The name that Ai made for you is perfect for you~ Ahahahahah~ Tsubaka.~" Laito purred as he laughed.

I noticed Shu stopped laughing silently as he is already speaking.

".. They are not talking in weird language.. You're just the one whose weird... And to tell you the real meaning of the... Byung-shin-a is what I remember Ai said is.. You asshole." Shu explained and Reiji or maybe not just Reiji but all of us brothers stopped laughing and just looked shocked.

I think that's the longest that Shu spoke to us...

Ai did really changed us..

Maybe even Yui.

Reiji silenced us as his phone rang.

He then turned on the speaker mode and a familiar voice spoke to us.

"Hey Reiji.. Why'd you called me?"

To be continued...

-Czyraax ☆ Janee // @Czyraax
2/28/17 [before February ends]
1137 words.

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