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"But they are best friends, and there are just some lines you do not cross."

   "Wow! That's amazing."Seokjin only stared in awe at Jimin's red drenched test paper of Home Economics.

   "It's not okay! That's why I'm here. Tutor me in H.E, hyung~. You're a top student of this subject." Jimin pleaded.
   He was in desperate need for a tutor in this subject. He can't ask his other friends. Jin's boyfriend, Namjoon can't even cut a single onion properly. His other friend, Hoseok know nothing about cooking let alone almost burned down Jin's apartment. And he was too ashamed to even make a single eye contact with his ex-best friends. Jimin's face clouded with sadness.

   "Thinking about them again?" Jin asked softly, interrupting his thoughts.
   Jimin looked away, ashamed.

   No, he would want to remember it again. Not when he was starting to get over it. 

   He straightens himself.

   "That was a long time ago. I'm already over it." Jimin said, a little forcefully.

   For a moment, there was a heavy tension in the air until, finally, Jin smiled warmly and said, "Oh! And don't forget. Hoseok's hosting a party for Namjoon's birthday. Why don't you come, Jimin?"

   "Uhh, I don't know, Jin. Besides, I probably won't know anyone there. Better not embarrass myself." Jimin said. He wasn't a party person so this definitely isn't his place.

   "Okay, that came out wrong. It's not actually a party. It's more of a slumber party. You know where you sleep in another persons house. And you know Namjoon doesn't like parties. Jeez c'mon, Jimin."

   "Fine, but whose going? Surely the only people we know will be there since we're the only ones who know where Namjoon lives." Jimin asked.

   "Does it really matter? I mean if I tell you then there's no way you're going there because *takes a very deep breath* HoseokalreadyaskedTaehyungandJungkooktocomeandtheyagreedbecausetheysaidNamjoon'salsotheirfriendand—"

    "WAIT!" Jimin interupped Jin. "YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU INVITED ME KNOWING THAT TAEHYUNG AND JUNGKOOK ARE COMING TOO! THAT'S ABSURD. Well, I guess I can resume all my plans for that day because there's no way I'm coming. Sorry Jin-hyung." Jimin said fiercely.

   "Oh, shit."

  "Well, sorry too, Jimin but I already told Hoseok you're coming. You know Hoseok. If you already decided, you can't go back. Remember that last time when Namjoon was supposed to be part of your birthday but he suddenly had a group project so he decided to not come. When tomorrow came Hoseok was screaming for Namjoon. All. Over. The. Whole. Damn. School. So bear with it." Jin said sassily, putting his hands in his hips while one eyebrow was arched.

   "Well, fuck."

Bonus(Jin Dad Jokes)
Jin: Yoongi-ah what goes, "oom, oom"?
Suga: Shut up
Jin: A cow walking backwards
      *windshield laugh*

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