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I want it, this love.
I want it, real love.


   "Okay. So, you're Jun?" Yoongi clarified, because damn, Jimin has alot of friends. "No. I'm Joshua." Yoongi groaned.

   "Jimin, I appreciate you trying to get me to know your friends but I give up." Jimin giggled at the latter's statement.

   "Hyung, there are just thirteen of them. They're not really that many. Besides, you still need to meet another three."

   "No!" Yoongi whined, prolonging the word.

   "Whatever. Come on. We need to go to class. Bye, guys!" Jimin said as he dragged Yoongi out the cafeteria.

   Surprisingly, it seemed like Jimin and Yoongi has the same schedule every day. Jimin was impressed that Yoongi was actually in Arts & Design. They got to know each other the past days. Jimin learned that Yoongi came from Daegu while Jihoon came from Busan. Yoongi said that when he was four years old, his father came to get him from his mother. But when Yoongi turned thirteen and his father was diagnosed with a lung cancer, he let Yoongi chose whether to go his mother in Busan or go with him to live in New York to get the treatment for his illness. Of course, he chose to go to his mother who got remarried and had Jihoon. He was fine with it. His mother and father got divorced because his mother didn't like the way Yoongi's father kept on spending their money on useless things.

   Yoongi's stepdad didn't mind him being there either. Instead of being all evil like Yoongi imagined him to be, he was actually more father like. He would tell old dad jokes(that weren't funny, in Yoongi's case). He would play pranks on either Jihoon or Yoongi and would even sometimes include their mother. They would go on trips and picnics on weekends. In any case, Yoongi's stepdad is any dad you could ask for.

   Years later, they sent seventeen years old Jihoon to this university. After a year and a half, they decided to send Yoongi and here he is.

    With Yoongi, he learned that Jimin's parents are barely even home because of work. Jimin was only three years old when both his parents left him the house to take care of family business outside the country. This continued for years until they decided to let Jimin live in a school dorm given that they live a little far away from the university and Jimin refused to let his butlers drive him to the campus.

   Jimin said that he was supposed to have brother but when his mother was in her fifth month of pregnancy, she got into an accident causing her to have a miscarriage.

   With this little information, Yoongi had come into a conclusion that Jimin came from a wealthy family. He got it confirmed when Jimin said that his parents are actually ambassadors of South Korea.

   But despite Jimin being rich and all, he was not a spoiled brat. He was actually kind and caring. He has looks, too.

   They reached the classroom and as they were about to open the door, it swung open and they were faced by Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin's face visibly fell and refused to meet their eyes. Yoongi noticed this action and just nodded at the two. Whatever was between them, it was best to keep it sleeping. Yoongi grabbed Jimin's wrist and dragged him towards their desk. They sat in silence as a cold silence swept over them. Jimin turned to Yoongi only to find him sleeping.

   Class carried on like that and when it was over, Jimin shook Yoongi. Yoongi stood up and stretched.

   "Wow. It must've been a good sleep." Jimin said as they headed for the cafeteria. The class was a double period so it was now lunch time.

   "Yeah. It was. What did you discuss anyway?" Yoongi said as he yawned.

   "Dynasties of China. All of them. It was probably for the best that you slept. I swear, it felt like my head was floating." Yoongi laughed.

   They bought their lunch and went to the rooftop where they usually ate. They were just laughing when Yoongi suddenly turned serious.

   "Hey, Jimin. You know whatever happens, I'm still your friend, okay?" Yoongi said.

   "I don't understand what you mean but it sounds flattering so, okay." Jimin was startled when Yoongi suddenly pulled Jimin closer and wrapped his arms around him.

   Jimin tensed up when Yoongi tightened his arms, but nevertheless he gave up. He hugged Yoongi back. When he did so, he couldn't help but think that he fit so perfectly in Yoongi's arms.

   And so he hugged Yoongi more, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.


Bonus( dead bugs )

Jimin: do you ever feel bugs on you even if there aren't any bugs?

Jungkook: they're ghost of the bugs you've previously killed.

Hoseok: (○_○')

Yoongi: look what you've done you scared him.

   ( •_•)'
   /> <\


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