Passionate about armchairs

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Camila sauntered through the corridors, a travel mug full of her favorite tea clasped firmly in her hand, to her office wondering how she would spend the rest of her afternoon. She had no more classes to teach today and all her essays were graded. Perhaps she would relax with a good book and a glass of wine and... OOF!

Turning the corner, she made contact with a solid barrier, spilling hot tea all over the front of her blouse in the process.

"Holy fucking shit! Fuck that burns! Jesus FUCKING Christ!" Torrents of related filth spurted from her mouth.

"I'm so sorry! Oh my god I can't believe I did that. Let me help you!" A pair of hands made their way to her blouse and began dabbing at the liquid.

Camila looked up into the face of the owner of said hands and momentarily forgot about her searing flesh.


"Fuck, Camila! I'm so, sorry for running into you like this." She continued to dab at her blouse.

"Erm... Lauren, could you maybe try to take your hands off of my breasts? If you wouldn't mind."

In that moment two things happened. One, Lauren realized she had been 'dabbing' at the hot liquid using nothing but her hands. She blushed like a fourteen year old virgin. Two, a visitor arrived to the scene.

"Mom? What are you doing with Professor Cabello?" Lucas stood in the corridor gaping that his Mother's hands were firmly planted on his favorite teacher's breasts.

Lauren removed them swiftly. "Luke! Hey, buddy! I just had a meeting with the Headmistress regarding my annual donation. Your common room could use some new armchairs and..." she looked down at where her hands had been and motioned between Camila and herself.

"This is not what it looks like! I ran into her you see and I spilled tea all over her like an absolute fucking idiot... and then I tried to fix it because again, I'm an idiot and then, well, you showed up. And that's pretty much it."

Camila had been nodding helpfully throughout Laurens's ranting.

Lucas narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Why couldn't Menzel have just emailed you about the chairs? What are you doing here?"

Lauren rubbed the back of her neck, blushing furiously. "Oh well. It's a nice day you know. And I thought... I'd... you know... The school is just so nice this time of year." Shut. The hell. UP Lauren! You sound like a fucking idiot.

"And... the Headmistress typically likes to discuss these things in person" Camila spoke up, attempting to smooth the tension.

Lauren shot her a grateful look. Camila blushed. And then Lauren blushed knowing she had made the younger girl blush. They both averted their gaze to the floor.

Lucas watched the exchange with mild horror. He had never seen his Mother so unhinged.

He had also never seen Professor Cabello wearing a wet shirt and his attention was inevitably swayed to the nipples he could now make out through her blouse.

Both Lauren and Camila noticed Lucas's unblinking gaze shift at the same time. Camila looked down and her eyes widened in shock that her shirt was now completely see through. She looked up to find Lauren wearing the exact expression, his eyes glued to her chest.

Camila shouted to avert the Mother and sons attention from her breasts. "Jauregui!"

Both of them looked up at the same time. Camila took the opportunity to address Lucas. "Your Mother was just going to escort me to the nurses office." She shot Lauren a look.

Lauren picked up on the cue. "Yes. I was. Because I feel terrible about ruining her blouse."

"And burning me with hot liquid."

"And doing that too."

The two made their way towards the staircase.

Lucas shook his head and scowled. His Mother was usually cool under pressure. But it made sense that she would be uncomfortable around Professor Cabello. She was probably still embarrassed from the whole 'My Son's In Love With You, Please Don't Expel Him' debacle. He hoped one day he'd live that down.

Although it kind of seemed like... no. His Mom didn't like Professor Cabello. I mean... she didn't even like her, much less like her like her.

But why did she keep popping up at the school? Lucas had gone four years at Miami Academy without his Mother shadowing the doorstep of the school, and now barely a month into the semester she's here all the time.


Nurse Watson never forgot a face. "Lauren Jauregui. Never thought I'd see you in my office again."

"Hello Miss. Professor Cabello needs-"

"Your son hardly ever needs medical attention, were you aware of that Lauren?"

"I'm... glad to hear it Miss. As I was saying-"

"I can only imagine it's because he did not inherit your gene for causing trouble, Lauren."

"I am glad to say he did not. So Professor Cabello here-"

"And that dangerous sport."

"Miss. I am well aware that my son is too good for me, but Professor Cabello needs medical attention pronto. Thank you."

Nurse Watson huffed. She turned to Camila. "You're another one who always seems to need my help, are you aware of that?"

Camila gulped. "Yes Miss."

"Always a clumsy one, nearly getting yourself killed."

"Yes, Miss."

Nurse Watson nodded. "What have you stepped in this time?"

The blouse soaked up most of the ire of the hot tea, leaving Camila with only mild skin irritation, which Nurse Watson was able to treat easily.

"Now wait ten minutes for that to set. Think you can do that Camila?"

"Miss, really. I'm a grown woman and I'm your colleague. Don't you think you can call me Professor Ca-"

"Are you able to do this yourself or not, Camila?"

Camila gulped. "Yes, Miss."

Nurse Watson walked away, muttering under her breath about how "some things never change," leaving Camila and Lauren alone.

Lauren sighed. "I really can't apologize enough for the whole running into you thing, and the hot tea thing. and the grabbing your erm lady lumps thing... Fuck, why did I even call them that?"

Camila chuckled. "Yes, you were as smooth as your son."

Lauren groaned. "Why do all of our interactions seem to involve me having to apologize to you?"

"Don't ask me. I'm not the one constantly fucking up."

They both laughed. There was an awkward moment of silence.

Lauren bit her lip. "So... I could have emailed Idina. About the armchairs."

Camila hesitated. "...Oh?"

"Yeah. It's just, I wanted to come here in person."

"Because you're... passionate about armchairs?"

Lauren laughed bashfully, a warm blush spreading on her cheeks. "Actually, I was hoping to run into you."

Camila smirked. "Well you certainly did that."

Lauren shut her eyes and chuckled. "I'm fucking this up." She sighed. "Have dinner with me."

Camila bit back a grin. "You mean like now?"

Lauren nodded. "Yes. I mean, after your ointment dries of course. I wouldn't want to bring Nurse Watson's wrath down on you."

"Well we can't have that, can we?" Camila teased.

"And I promise not to injure you or make you feel uncomfortable, or do anything really that would end with an apology on my part."

Camila blushed and tucked a few loose hairs behind her ear. She looked up at Lauren and nodded. "I'd like that."

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