Chapter 45

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I wanted to enjoy the remainder of my minutes with him.

And Although unintended, I couldn't help falling asleep on the couch, beside Jimin- no, my head was resting on his lap.

I fell asleep around 10pm I believe.

I mean it was Jimin's gosh darn fault I didn't sleep enough the night prior but whatever.

And Somehow, some way, I ended up on my bed. Now, I don't know if my legs did me a favour and sleep-walked my ass there, or if Jimin dragged me there- or god forbid if he attempted to carry me there.
But, I ended up in bed, sleeping, blissfully in Jimin's arms.
Being spooned was lovely.
But as soon as I had woken up to go toilet in the middle of the night, a thought occurred to me; my butt sticks out, he was spooning me.
I'll just leave it at that.

When I returned to my bed I pushed Jimin, managing to roll him onto his other side and resumed my blissful sleep as I spooned him.
Of course another thought occurred to me also, that his butt-

And I mean I love his butt.
10/10, would grope.

I- I was finally feeling his butt.
After all these years.
I started from the bottom and now I was at Jimin's bottom. :').

I snuggled up closer and buried my head into his back, I tried my best to stay awake, to cherish this glorious moment for just a little while longer.
But my heavy eye-lids thought otherwise.

The next morning I woke up, and somehow, Jimin was spooning me again.

Along with my movement, Jimin finally woke up too.
"Morning sweetie." Jimin sang as he stretched his head back, his eyes still closed- hair messy.
"Morning~" I answered as I stretched out my legs.

Jimin had his schedule to tend to, which meant that he wouldn't be able to see me off later on today.
To make up for it, we spend most of our morning hugging; holding eachother close.

When the time came for him to leave, he had a bitter expression on his face. "I'll be back soon. I promise." I squeezed his hand and kissed him on the cheek.
He nervously laughed, "Okay but you really shouldn't be kissing me on the cheek..." he pushed back his hair as he laughed.
"What? What do mean?" I asked confused, almost leaning in to kiss his other cheek.

"No, really. Last night was difficult enough. I need to go to the gym and let off some steam.." he mumbled then hugged me tightly.
"Have a good trip. Message me when you get to the airport. Message me when you get on the plane. Let me know when you land safely, and remind me how much you miss me, got it?" He whispered, then turned to leave.

"Bye Jimin, I'm going to miss you."
I hugged him one last time and closed the door gently once he left.
I sighed, "I'm really going to miss him."

I returned to my phone to find that Lisa, Sariah, Sungra, Hana, and the other members had messaged me farewell.

GUYS it was like 12 I was not leaving for the airport for another 3 hours gosh.

I reassured myself that I had packed a sufficient amount of clothes and books to aid me on my voyage, then showered and got dressed.

By the time I was ready to leave, it was already 2.50pm.
I messaged Jimin to tell him that i was leaving soon, then called the cab.


I immediately stopped what I was doing and dashed towards my phone, I read Sena's message and began typing away.


Jimin: Are you sure you have everything packed? Sure you're not forgetting something?

Sena: No, I'm confident that I have everything.

Jimin: really? :/

Sena: ... yeah?
Sena: what did I forget? Tell me.

Jimin: Me...

Sena: fgs


Sena: LMAO don't worry he knows.

Jimin: oh. Well. Okay ^^' make sure to be superrrrr careful OKAY? Don't talk to any strangers. Especially not any cute guys :P

"Or any guys named Suho" I mumbled to myself.

Sena: Jimin, sweetie, you set the standard for CUTE and you've ruined me because nothing is cute unless it's you or Jungkook.

Jimin: True though. Good thing he doesn't have a thing for you, totally thingless, thank god :*

Sena: Hahaha okay 👍
Sena: I'm near the airport, I'll message you once I've checked in.

The schedule for that day was to film an advertisement for BBQ chicken, absolutely not complaining because I literally was paid to eat chicken and look hot; two activities I very strongly enjoyed indulging in.

Despite my high expectations however, with the number of cuts we had to film and the number of actual chickens I feel like I ate, a piercing pain shot through my stomach.

All the way back to the dorm we were groaning.

Finally, after eagerly waiting, Sena messaged me again.

Sena: Hey I just checked in and I'm going to look around a little until the gate opens~

Jimin: Ah okay, how are you feeling, you nervous?

Sena: I'm okay, I just have a headache that's all, and no why would I be nervous?

Jimin: WHAT? My baby's head hurts? Have some painkillers!
Jimin: And I don't know, you're flying alone ^^

Sena: I'm cringing you said that on purpose. And I will don't worry, I brought some with me.

Jimin: Good.

Sena: There is one other thing though.

Jimin: ???

Sena: check your gym back I left you a gift ^^
Sena: I'll be off now, I'll message you again later. See you xx

Jimin: A GIFT?
Jimin: oh. See ya xx

I got up off of my bed and ran towards my gym back, tripping up on the pile of laundry on the floor.
I let out a loud groan from the pain of the contact between my face and the wooden floor.

Nonetheless I got up and presumed to fetch my bag, full speed, gotta go fast.

"What could it beeee? What is it? What is it? Is it... photos? Auh no no Jimin no... what could it be?" I quietly thought aloud as I rummaged through the back.

My hand eventually met an unfamiliar object, it was cold, pointy. I pulled it out to find that it was a key; a key to her apartment.

I instantly held it tight and hugged it then proceeded to giggle like a fool. I got up and skipped back to my bed, where I proceeded my parade by rolling around on my bed.

Oh my goooooood. This was great it was great, this meant so much it also meant that I could sleep in her bed when she was goneeee~
And wear her clothes~ not because I want to but because I miss her smell~

Suddenly I forgot that she was leaving and all I could think about was that she was going to come back, on my laptop I began searching online for date ideas, and cute things I could do for her or buy for her.

Unknowingly, I had a huge grin plastered across my mug.
"Hey Jimin, what's up?" Tae walked up to me, cautious, examining me.
"It's nothing" I answered, trying to hide my smile- failing.
"What happened? Was it Sena?" He slowly asked as he took a seat next to me.
I continued nervously laughing but nodded in response.
Tae slapped me across the back,
"Yaaa look at our Jiminnie, falling in love!" He giggled.
"What? In love? When did I say that?" I'm pretty sure I went
Red when he said that.
"Am I wrong?" He tilted his head to the side.
"...No..." I forced out, causing Tae to burst out in manic laughter.

That, that definitely made me go red.

He slapped me on the arm this time, "HEY I CANT BELIEVE YOU DIDNT TELL US???? SOME OF
US FOUND OUT FROM THE FANCAFE?" He upbraided my decision.

Suddenly I remembered, and my eyes widened, "THE FANCAFE. I FORGOT TO CHECK IT-"
Hands almost shaking I managed to pull up our fan cafe, I clicked on my post and began scrolling through the comments without a second thought.

'Ah we support you Jiminnie! But who is this lucky girl? How come we've never heard of her?'

'I'm so jealous TT'

'Thank you for telling us personally, I'm sad for myself but happy for you.'

'Oppa if she breaks your heart we're gonna come for her, but now we'll welcome her ^^'

'Jiminnie so that's it? No chance for me? T T well it's not like i had a chance before....'

'I mean you're human too, of course you can fall in love!'

'I wish you both the best <3'

'Woah hyung you got a girlfriend? Awesome! Has she got any pretty friends?"

'Is she pretty? We can't tell the photo is blurry hmph'

Without realising I found myself contently smiling again.
I didn't deserve such amazing fans.

I began typing a new post on the cafe:

'Hello dear ARMYs! Thank you so much for being understanding and kind about my last post.
I love you all you much, thank you for the support. I'm always forever grateful for all of your love and support.
Don't worry this won't take any time away from you guys, I'll stay committed to both my girlfriend and my ARMYs <3'

It finally felt like everything was coming together.

I opened up to Taehyung about exactly how I felt and how much I cared for her, he was curious, and mildly inappropriate- but most importantly he was understanding and supportive.

Once Taehyung left to play games with Jungkook, I went to shower.
I checked my phone before and after.
Still no messages.
It was 5.16pm.
Her flight was soon, and she hadn't responded yet. She was probably busy going to the gate, or finding her seat.

The minutes passed by dreadfully slow, I finally gave in and messaged her.

Jimin: Sena? Are you boarding your flight now?

I waited, no response.
She was probably peeing last minute.

I got dressed and resumed searching online for gifts for Sena, feeling fresh, and excited for her return.

"Jimin-ah.." a familiar voice called out from behind, but I couldn't quite place who it was, the tone was very unfamiliar, and shaky.

I turned to find Yoongi, standing, just barely, and staring back at me.

"Yes?" I hesitantly asked, my question echoing through the eery atmosphere.

"W-when did you say the flight was?" He quietly stuttered as he continued staring at me.

"At 5:35... why? Is something wrong?" I stood up and began walking towards him, I held him by the shoulders.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" I asked, nervous and scared.

"Jimin-" he trembled a little this time.


A/N it's a double update because I literally didn't want a 5000 word update so it's still now

Ofc IT hasn't been proof-read YALL know me
I hella gotta pee
Ily all,
Gn (it's 7am help)
I still don't understand how I have 100k+ I feel truly blessed and lucky to have even 10 people interested in this story BUT WOW i mean I never even imagined djdndjdndnd

Ily all goodnight


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