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David's house was a lot different than the other houses I've been to. It was smaller. When we entered the house we stepped right into the living room. Beyond the living room was an entrance that led into what looked like a kitchen. To the right was a hallway that led deeper into the rest of the house. The couches were black leather with a wooden coffee table in the middle and a big TV across from it.

I turned to David when he closed the door behind us. He stepped past me and dropped his bag on the floor by the couch. He turned toward me and held out a hand.

"Come on, I want to show you something," he said softly.

I slid my hand into his and silently followed him past the living room and down a short hall to a door at the end that was firmly closed. David pushed it open and tugged me closer. With a nod he came me permission to enter before him. The room was dark but a second later light suddenly flooded. I blinked rapidly to get used to the sudden light. When I did, my mouth dropped open in surprise.

The first thing that drew my attention was the knives lined neatly on top of a chest of drawers. They were all different sizes and colours—even the blades looked different.

"Remember at the club I told you that everyone has fetishes?" David asked softly from behind me.

I nodded without looking up at him. His chest suddenly pressed into my back. David reached past me and picked up a small knife. He held it up so that the bright light caught on the blade.

"Knife play is one of mine."

My heartbeat increased. "Only one?"

"Only one," he breathed against my ear. "I like inflicting pain. I like tying woman up and using their bodies. I like being rough instead of gentle." His breath fanned my neck as he lowered his head. "And I love sliding the tip of my knife across their skin and leaving marks for everyone to see."

Fear washed through me, making my stomach cramp. My eyes were glued to the knife he held in his hand. David raised it a little more, making me flinch away from him. I wanted to move away from him but before I could, he wrapped and arm around my waist and tugged my body against his. A whimper fell from my lips when he suddenly pressed the tip of the knife against my stomach.

My knees weakened until they couldn't hold my weight up any longer. My body sagged against his. I gripped his arm tightly.

"Breathe sunshine," he whispered against my ear. "I'm not going to hurt you."

He pulled the knife away only to grip the hem of my shirt and tugged it up, exposing my stomach. The cool tip of the knife brushing my skin made me suck in a sharp breath. He held it still for a few seconds before he started moving. David trailed the knife across my skin to my hip and then along the band of my pants.

"Am I hurting you?" he questioned roughly.

"N-no," I croaked.

He pressed the knife down a little hard as he trailed it back up toward my navel. I stared at the red line that the knife left on my pale skin. The knife slid down to the band of my pants again. This time it slipped underneath and traced along my pubic bone.

"Are you still scared?"

I nodded and then shook my head. It was hard to think. My stomach clenched but it wasn't from fear. Need washed through me when the tip of the knife brushed one of my pussy lips.


"Push down your pants and spread you legs."

I hesitated but only for a second. Reaching down, I pushed my pants down as far as I could with his body keeping me straight. They dropped all the way down to my ankles. After blowing out a breath, I moved my feet to spread my legs as wide as they could go with my pants around my ankles.

A shudder raced through me when the knife brushed against my swollen clit. It slid over my pussy and then to the inside of my thigh. The tip of the knife dug into my skin. My focus shifted to his hand that slid over my stomach and in between my legs. My body jerked when his fingers brushed against my clit, making the knife slip.

David cursed harshly in my ear. My eyes snap open. I stared down at the blood that started to pool around the cut the knife had made when it slipped. It burned slightly but the pain wasn't so bad. The blood slowly started to drip down my thigh.

"I'm sorry," David breath in my ear. "I didn't mean to cut you."

Instead of answering him I started moving my hips. Even the smallest of movements made his fingers brush my clit. David blew out a breath and muttered something under his breath that I didn't hear. I reached down and gripped his wrists. He didn't press the knife against my skin again. I actually wanted him to do it.

David raised his arm and threw the knife down onto the chest with the others and then gripped the edge of it. His hand between my legs slipped lower on my pussy. I moaned when one of his fingers slid inside me.

"Ride my hand, darling. Let me watch you."

My movements increased as pleasure washed through me. I dug my nails into his skin. He was whispering against my ear—about all the things he wanted to do to me. The mention of his knives made my stomach clenched. David suddenly picked the knife up again. I stared at the bloodied tip. He lowered his hand and pressed the knife against my skin again. Unlike before, he actually pressed it harder against my skin. This time he didn't accidentally cut me.

The sudden sharp flash of pain made me crash over the edge.

I was floating. Darkness and silence surrounded me for what felt like hours before I slowly dropped towards earth. The first thing I realized was the fact that I no longer wore my pants and panties and the second thing was the fact that David was carrying me. Heat flooded my body. He gave me an orgasm with his hand.

"Don't move," he ordered softly as he lowered me to the couch.

My eyes followed him until he disappeared from sight. He was barely gone for a minute before he reappeared with a white box with a red cross on the front of it. Dropping it on the couch next to me, he crouched in front of me. My eyes were instantly drawn to the bulge in his black slacks. When it disappeared from sight, my eyes snapped up to his face.

He looked like he was in pain. I felt so confused. What the hell happened in there? Why was it such a turn on to feel the blade running along my skin. That sting of pain made me float higher than I've ever been.

David placed his hands on my knee and pushed my legs apart. Colour instantly flooded my cheeks. His hands slowly slid up to rest on the inside of my thigh. With a tilt of my hips his fingers would brush along my pussy lips.

"This might sting a bit," he muttered.

It did sting, but only for a few seconds. I tried to focus on what he was doing but it became harder with every passing second his fingers brushed against my skin. Once the bandage was covering the small cuts, he closed the box and finally looked up at me. His eyes trailed over my face.

"Are you okay?" David asked softly.

I nodded and then shook my head. Tears burned my eyes as guilt washed through me. I couldn't understand why I was feeling guilty. I knew that we didn't do anything wrong. We hadn't had sex so he wasn't cheating, or was he?

"Talk to me, sunshine. Tell me what you're feeling."

I swallowed. "I'm confused. I feel. . . I feel guilty."

"Guilty. Let's start there." He gave me a small smile. "Why do you feel guilty?"

"You. . .your wife. . ." I trailed off. "She'll leave you when she—"

"We already talked about this," he interrupted me. "I explained things to you. My wife knows what I do for a living. We started the club together. We perform together or with others."

"I know that, but it still scares me. I don't want to ruin your relationship with her like what happened with—" I broke off and glanced away.

"Are you sure that their relationship was broken?" he asked softly. "Did you really ruin it like you belief you did?"

Every time I saw Bella she was with Tyrone. Their relationship continued even after I ended things. Michel just returned home but I didn't know if he went home to her or an empty house. Had their marriage been broken because of me, or were they still together?

"I don't know."

"See. Maybe they're still together and you're feeling guilty for nothing. I don't see how you're the cause for their marriage ending." David straightened and pushed his torso between my legs. He leaned forward but kept his weight off of me by leaning on his elbows. "You told me that they told you from the beginning that it's all of them or nothing?"

I nodded. "I was attracted to my stepfathers brother first but then I met her and then her husband. I felt attracted to all of them. They said that it was all of them or none of them and I was okay with that. I liked being with all of them like that. But then somewhere things started to change."

"Change how?"

"She became different. She was holding back and whenever they were together it felt like I didn't belong with them."

"Being in a relationship is never easy, Sin. Being in a Poly relationship is even harder. In the beginning things would be going great but later on it would change. Like any relationship there will be obstacles. It just depends on how you handle things." He seemed to hesitate. "I'm not saying what she did was right, but there has to be a reason for her behaving the way she is."

I glanced around the room as I took in his words. It didn't make any sense. His explanation didn't match with the things Bella said to Michel. It didn't match with the look she gave me on the beach when she saw me. I didn't think that Bella had any reason to why she didn't want me to be with them. She wanted Michel and Tyrone for herself.

"No." My eyes darted back to his.

David gave me a sad smile. "It's getting late. I should drive you home."

Just the mention of going home made me tense and fear flood me. Draven wasn't home. Lauren would be waiting for me. She would lock me inside that closet again.

"Hey," David whispered, cupping my cheeks. "Breathe."

"I d-don't want to g-go home."


"Please don't take me home," I whispered. "Let me stay."

David hesitated. I really wanted to stay with him. Leaning forward, I threw my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist. If I held on tight enough he wouldn't let me leave. 

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