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I knew why Cat was skeptical about letting me tag along. They worked at a nightclub, or strip club, I wasn't sure what type of club it was, and they didn't elaborate apart from saying that they work at a club. I caught sight of the name above the front doors but before I could read it, Cat had grabbed my arm and tugged me away. We walked down a narrow alley and to the back of the building. Aston had to enter a code to open a door.

"This is going to get us in trouble," Cat muttered as we walked down a dark hall.

I licked my lips and kept my eyes on the floor. I wasn't ready to go home but I also didn't want them to get into trouble because of me. My eyes darted up when they entered a small room. I followed and then hovered in the doorway. Cat dropped her bag on the couch before sitting down on the edge. She pulled the strange shoes out of it and placed them on the floor.

"W-what are those?" I asked softly.

"What?" I pointed to the shoe she held in her hand. "Heels. You've never seen heels before?"

"Not ones like those," I muttered.

Aston stepped towards me, drawing my attention toward him. He gave me a small smile. "This is our room so no one will bother you. Just don't wonder off. There are bottled water in the fridge under the table."

"I'll sneak you some food when I get the chance," Cat said as she stood. "Please don't leave the room."

"I won't."


A whimper fell from my lips as I pressed my thighs together. Finishing two bottles of water wasn't such a good idea considering the fact that I had no clue where the bathroom was. My eyes darted around before hesitating on the door. Cat had firmly closed it behind them when they left. I couldn't take it any longer. Jumping to my feet, I hurried to the door and pulled it open.

The hall was empty. There were a few more doors along the hall but they stood open. It was rooms similair to te one I was waiting in. No sign of a bathroom anywhere. The hall suddenly ended with a curtain. After pushing it aside, I stepped into a different part of the club.

Small light covered the ceiling. The walls were painted a deep red that matched the leather chairs. I glanced at bar and then wall behind it. Different types of glasses and alcohol bottles lined the shelves. I turned in a circle to get a better look. This club looked different than the ones I went to with my friends while living with father.

My eyes lingered on the stage before moving over to the dark booths that next to it. I glanced back at the bar. Nobody was around. The need to pee was intensifying with every second. I could go back the way I came but that would lead me out of the club. My eyes darted back to the bar. I took one step towards it but froze when a voice broke the silence.

"There's no money behind the bar."

I swallowed loudly and slowly turned around. The man stood closer than I thought—only a few feet away from me. The moment my eyes locked with his dark brown gaze, I immediately looked down again. Dominance radiated off of him. My knees weakened, and unfortunately so did all my muscles. I paled when I felt the warm wetness dampening my pants.

Shit. No, no, no! I just peed my pants. The shock quickly faded only to be replaced by fear.

Black dress shoes appeared in my line of vision. "Did you just piss your pants?"

My mouth ran dry. He was angry. I clutched the hem of the hoodie tightly and squeezed my eyes closed. His scent filled my nostrils when I suck in a deep breath. He smelled nice—different but nice. I whimpered when strong callused fingers gripped my chin and forced my face to tilt backwards. His hold gentled slightly.

"Look at me."

I pursed my quivering lips and slowly opened my eyes. His eyes instantly locked with mine. They were darker than Bella's and more intense. My stomach quivered when his eyes narrowed. I locked my knees to keep myself from sliding to the floor. Father's friend had taught me how to bow for a man like him.

His eyes drifted over my face. I haven't looked at myself in the mirror, but I was sure that a bruise covered the swollen side of my face. I flinched when his other hand raised. The man paused and then lowered his hand. Dark brown eyes caught mine again.

"There's a bucket and cloth behind the bar. Clean up the mess you made," he ordered softly. "I want this floor sparkling the way it was before you pissed on it. Is that clear?" I instantly nodded. "Words. I don't understand head gestures."

"Y-yes s-sir," I whispered.

For a moment something flashed in his eyes but he turned away from me before I could make sense of it. I was frozen on the spot for a few more seconds. My eyes dropped to the floor and the puddle I stood in. I glanced at him from beneath my lashes. He stood a few feet away, silently watching me.

Licking my lips, I turned and stepped behind the bar. My eyes searched until I located the bucket with clean water and a cloth hanging over the side of it. It was heavier than I expected it to be. Thankfully I didn't spill any water as I carried it to the spot I needed to clean. I hated the intensity of his gaze on me.

Placing it down, i hesitated before I got down to my knees. I grabbed the cloth and dipped it into the water before wringing out the excess water, and then I started mopping up the pee on the floor. Even after it was clean, my damp pants and panties was a reminder of what I had done.

I slowly got up, and bent to pick up the bucket. When my hand wrapped around the handle, he spoke again.

"Leave it there."

I slowly straightened but kept my eyes focused on the floor. The silence was very unnerving. I glanced up at him when he said nothing else. The man was still watching me but he had a calculating look in his eyes. A shiver raced down my spine when his eyes trailed over my body.

"Come with me." He turned and made his way back the way I came.

I hesitated for a second before I hurried after him. I should've know better by now. Strangers were danger, but there was something about him. Maybe it was the air of dominance that clung to him that drew me. He held the curtain open for me.

Instead of walking the way I came, he turned and led the way up a staircase. When we reached the top, he instantly turned left. The low bass of some song playing made the floors vibrate beneath my feet. I was curious to know where the music was coming from but before I could glance around, he opened the door and stood aside.

My eyes darted from his face to the room he wanted me to enter. It was well lit and looked like an office. He raised an eyebrow at me. I swallowed, and quickly hurried past him and into the office. The door clicked shut behind him. My hand automatically gripped the him of the hoodie as nervousness hit.

He walked over to another door and pushed it open before entering the room. I stared at the doorway for a few more seconds before glancing around.

The room was big—similar to the office Draven used at home—but different. There was a big desk with a leather chair behind it. His jacket hung on the back of the chair. The desk was clean and neat. A single lamp stood on it close to a stack papers. There was a pen next to the papers. A computer stood on one edge of the desk. It looked more expensive than the one Draven had.

There was a photo frame too that faced the chair so I couldn't look at the picture. Behind the chair were shelves filled with books. I slowly turned around. I still stood close to the door. To my left was a sitting place—two long leather couches with a glass coffee table. There was a small bowl with mints in the middle of the table.

I stepped closer to the couch to look at the papers in frames above it. In the middle were something written in big purple letters.

"K. . .no." I closed my eyes, sucked in a breath and slowly blew it out before opening my eyes again. "C-L—"

My fists clenched. Why was it always so hard to read? I hated it! I blew out a frustrated breath and turned away from it. The man was standing in the doorway watching me. Colour flooded my cheeks. How long has he been standing there?

"This will probably fit you," he said softly. "You can use the shower."

My lips parted but slammed closed again. Walking closer to him, I took the clothes he held out towards me. He gestured for me to follow him into the room. As I entered I realized that it was a bedroom. I didn't have anytime to glance around because he was pointing towards the bathroom.

I hurried towards it but paused before closing the door. "T-thank y-you."

He gave me a small smile before walking out of the room. I closed the door and leaned back against it. He looked really handsome when he smiled. 

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