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Keep up the good work and your secret will stay buried. L

I crumbled the little note in a ball and stuffed it into my pants pocket. I had no idea how she managed to get it into my room but I didn't really care about that at the moment. The last thing I needed was for everyone to keep questioning me.

"I'm going to see Sin," Michel said as he entered the kitchen.

My head snapped up. "Why?"

He glanced over at me with a frown. We hadn't exactly been talking like we used too. Something was missing but I knew that things would be sorted out sooner or later. We'd been though worse and we managed to work it out.

But the fact that I told them that I didn't want Sin included in our relationship was apparently much worse than the previous shit we went through.

"Because when I went to see her we had sex without a condom. I need to take her to the doctor or have her take a home test to make sure that she's not pregnant."

I flinched and quickly dropped my eyes before he could see the emotion flashing through my eyes. My mouth dried as an image of Sin's swollen with one of their children flashed through my mind. I didn't want to think about it but I couldn't get the image out of my head.

"She's would've been the perfect solution for us," Michel muttered. "She could've been our surrogate."

My hand shot out to grip hold of the counter as my knees weakened. A lump formed in my throat as tears started to burn my eyes. I wanted so much to have my own baby. Our baby. But we couldn't because my body was fucked up.

We were so close to having our own baby but it was ripped away from us when the woman decided to keep her baby.

"Our own family. Our—"

"Please stop," I croaked.

Michel pressed his chest to my back and wrapped an arm around my waist. His head dipped and his lips brushed my neck. In silence we stood like that with his other hand resting low on my stomach. Painful memories flashed through my mind, one after the other, making the tears spill over.

"I love you."

I swallowed. "I love you too."

With a kiss to my cheek, he stepped back. I watched him leave through blurry eyes. The moment he was gone, I broke down. I slid to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest as I sobbed. Once the tears died down, I wiped my cheeks and stood.

Tyrone had decided to stay close to Sin because he wanted to make sure that she was okay. It was going to turn into a problem.

Just as I was headed upstairs, my phone pinged. I pulled it out and read the text that made my heart drop to my stomach. Like I had predicted, it was already causing problems.


She was running late.

My eyes darted around the diner, searching but not locating the person I was waiting for. She was over an hour late and I couldn't wait any longer. I was on call and my shift was about to start in half an hour.

With a silent growl, I got up and threw money on the table to pay for my drink before I picked up my bag and headed towards the exit. I kept my head down as I walked over to my car but when I reached it, I glanced up and instantly wished I hadn't.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.

Right across the street, near the entrance of a club I was all too familiar with stood Sin. She was staring down at her feet but her head snapped up the moment the door opened. The air locked in my throat when I realized just who she was talking too.

It was worse than I thought it was.

David handed a box over to Sin and then leaned down to whisper something against her ear. She nodded and tilted her head back to smile up at him. It was the same way she looked at Tyrone. David said something else before he turned and entered the building again.

Sin clutched the box to her chest and turned. The smile slipped from her face the moment she looked up and our eyes locked. I wanted nothing more than to run over to her but I couldn't.

If Sin was doing what I think she was doing, Tyrone was going to kill David when he found out.

God, this was even worse than Lauren wanting me to keep Sin and Tyrone apart.


Hey Guys! Tripple update as promised. I can't promise that I'll be able to update every week or that it'll be double updates. Please be patient with me, promise the long waits will be worth it.  

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