Chapter 10.

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The glitch gave a fuzzy sigh, pixels on his arms dancing around as he knit small scarves and miniature dolls to keep himself busy and distracted from the voices occupying the seemingly empty space.

Ever since he and Ink had started the atmosphere had started to feel off.. like something was happening that he did not know of just yet. It was frustrating, not to mention it took over his thoughts more often than Ink if he was being entirely honest.

"Error!!!" A voice called, false cheerfulness present in the tone as the splat of ink against the void met his hearing.

"I-i-i-ink," He greeted coolly, cheeks already gathering up a blue shading as his presence came closer, slowly wrapping his appendages around the taller's waist. "Hi, Ruru!"

His body fizzled hesitantly, pixels clouding his vision before he pushed them down and quietly leaned back into the soulless being's embrace with a tiny hint of a smile.

He'd thought when he had told Ink of his little liking the other would decline his confession, sending him off with a dead face and pinprick white eye lights.

But that hadn't been how it happened, and he was just a bit hesitant to admit that it made him delighted to know he hadn't been turned away. But it still felt weird. Something wasn't right.

"H-h-hi, I-i-ink." He sighed against him as more pixels dominated his vision, hearing going slack as he crashed.

Ink stared down at him with a curious expression, gently letting his head as he took his pink vile and quietly poured a small bit into the glitch's mouth; not enough to make him aroused, just to make him more loveable.. this was how he liked Error.

Instead of destroying, he was cooperative and destroyed only the unneeded copies of different aus after the anomalies had first been eliminated by Nightmare and his gang.

He chuckled as his thoughts grabbed onto the inky being, smiling albeit a little sadistically as he thought of the disease he'd given him through his brilliant paint.

The Hanahaki disease was going to destroy him from the inside because of him while Error would never reveal or remember his true feelings for Nightmare ever.

The being was going to die, and he was fine with this. They had a Dream. This guardian was positive, who needed negativity?

He dropped the smile as Error came through with a loud boot-up noise, blinking open his eyes and then staring around at his surroundings.

"I-i-i-ink? Whyyy dOeSS my-my-mY mo-mouth t-t-taste"

"Oh, I kissed you! I just got excited earlier and threw up. I kinda forgot and just went for it, sorry Error.."

"I-i-i-it's fine..." he mumbled, turning his head away as his thoughts swayed for a minute.

He didn't see any pile of ink on the floor.

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