Immortal Au- Ot8?

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I'm double posting. The overview of what the hell this is is in the new headcanon book.


Time Period: 1948

The clock read 4:01 next to the couch, the second hand ticking by quietly. Adam watched the clock intently, hand brushing through Harvey's hair. The other's face twitched in his sleep, body jerking every few seconds as he dreamed. Adam only kept rubbing his hair, holding still. Footsteps echoed louder in the room, making Adam turn to look down the hall. Ian was awake, pushing his hair up into a bun as he yawned. The two shared a silent look, followed by a somber smile.

"Another nightmare?" Ian whispered, moving to stand near the couch. He gently picked Harvey's legs up, sitting down and moving the legs back. Harvey didn't wake up but was settling down.

"He mentioned the word leader again," Adam answered. Ian nodded, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling.

"Do you have nightmares still?" Ian asked.

"I've been alive for almost as long as you," Adam began, "but I can still see their faces as if they were alive yesterday."

A silence fell between the two, the only sound heard was the clock and Harvey's breathing. Ian looked to Adam, a twinge of sadness passing his face. "Do you want to talk about it? It has been centuries since you spoke of her."

Adam blinked, getting a dazed stare as he looked at the ticking clock. Ian looked down, guilt flashing on his face. The silence became tense at the mention but was broken with Adam sighing.

"She was the leader of a neighbor tribe," Adam spoke in another tongue, lost to time. Ian glanced to him, understanding what he was saying.

"At first we hated each other. But as time passed we grew fond of each other," Adam continued, "we made peace with everyone around. We found a way to have a stationary tribe instead of moving with the animals."

The two paused when Harvey stirred, but he fell back asleep. Ian looked back to Adam as the other was wiping his face with his hand. The clock read 4:45.

"What was her name?" Ian asked quietly in the same language. Adam gave a dry laugh.

"Its been over 2000 years. But I haven't forgotten the meaning," Adam smiled softly, "Born within fire. She had the brightest red hair."

"What about yours?" Ian asked.

"Born under the sky," Adam whispered, using English once again. The clock could be heard again, filling the silence. There was shuffling down the hall, meaning someone else was awake. Ian and Adam shared a look, silently promising to never mention it again. Adam looked over to see Jason walking into the room, mumbling something under his breath. He silently went over to the three, bending over to touch foreheads with Ian. Jason spoke his old language, standing back up to touch Harvey's head.

"I heard him run out of the room this night," Jason's voice always had an accent in the morning. "You were awake?"

"I never sleep," Adam joked. Jason shook his head, moving to place his forehead on Adam's next.

"A well-rested person is the strongest fighter," Jason said.

"There is nothing to fight Jas," Ian answered, "And we promised Mitch we wouldn't start anything unless you want to move yet again."

Jason sighed, speaking under his breath but nodded in agreement, "I won't fight our neighbor for Mitch's sake. As well as Harvey's."

The clock read 5:13. Harvey was finally waking up with all the noise. Adam hadn't stopped brushing his hair with his fingers but slowed down when the other moved. Harvey spoke a few words, clearly in Russian. Adam shook his head, making Harvey clear his throat.

"Water," he spoke so the others understood. Jason walked off, the only one able to move. Harvey moved to sit up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His sleeve slipped down to show various scars, marks that Harvey hasn't talked about. Adam let Harvey lean on him as he woke up, reaching for a glass that Jason brought him.

Ian stood up, stretching, "I'm going to the market today. I think Jerome mentioned joining."

"I'll be staying home. The house needs straightening up," Jason added, "Adam will be helping me. Willing or not."

"Ty's helping me learn more English," Harvey added, "to lose my accent."

"Understandable. I once had a hoard of Englishmen chase me and Quentin due to my Nordic manner," Jason laughed as if the memory was funny.

"Times will change. We'll be accepted soon," Ian reassured Harvey who begun to look worried. "Adam and I were accepted to be emperors of Rome because of our knowledge of languages. Luck had it we met Jerome."

"Yeah but... with Russia and the United States of now," Harvey trailed.

"Luck brought you to Ty. And to us," Ian smiled. "Luck is game of fate. We have no control but it leads good people to good fortune."

"Ian I don't want to hear your old time wisdom bullshit this early," Ty yawned as he walked in. He scratched at his head, squinting. "What time is it?"

"5:59," Adam called. "Time moves too fast."

"It moves slow," Harvey spoke." It is fast for you?"

"Too fast," Adam and Ian spoke at the same time. "It felt like yesterday when we arrived in America and met you." Adam motioned to Ty.

"You both sounded like foreigners," Ty snorted, recalling their first meet. "Adam tried to stab me."

"You stabbed me first," Adam pointed out. Ty shrugged and sat next to Harvey, wrapping an arm around him. Ty clumsily said a phrase in Russian, getting Harvey to smile and respond. Ty squinted his face again.

"What'd you say?"

"I replied, you're not a morning walker," Harvey grinned, one of the few times he did. "You stayed up late."

"Do none of you sleep?" Jason scolded, "sleep is important!"

"I'll sleep when needed," Ty brushed Jason off. The Viking glared at Ty before heading back down the hallways towards the bedrooms. Ian had headed into the kitchen, out of sight. Adam listened quietly to Ty and Harvey talking and trying Russian words together.

The clock read 6:07.

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