Morning Rituals

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I need some fluff.

Being ignored sucks and I love all of you here so have a hug *hugs*

But they're hybrids in this. Not full animal

It was exceedingly quiet in the squid base. No one was walking the corridors. Guards were asleep at posts. Squids were no where in sight.

Maybe because it was 4 in the fucking morning.

Stampy knew if he woke Ballistic up now he'd be in a bad mood; but it was just soooo boring! He huffed and laid back down on the bed, eyes watching Ballistic. His cat ears flattened against his head, a little whine escaping. The noise made Ballistic stir, but not wake up.

Stampy sat up again and narrowed his eyes, a plan moving into place. Ever so slowly, he inched closer until he was cuddled right up against Ballistic. He let out a sigh of content, relaxing and nuzzling his face into the side of Ballistic's neck.

It was a peaceful few minutes, until Stampy felt an arm move and trap him in. He jumped, opening his eyes to meet one light and one dark blue eye. Ballistic smiled and shifted, pulling Stampy closer to him.

"You better have a damn good reason for waking me," his voice was hoarse from sleep. Stampy fake pouted and rested his chin on Ballistic's shoulder.

"I got cold and bored," he whined, ears perking up when he heard him chuckle. Ballistic shifted again so that he was laying on his side and facing Stampy.

"Not a good reason darling. I'm going back to bed," Ballistic mumbled, making Stampy let out a whine. He went to sit up but Ballistic had a tight grip around him. "If I'm sleeping you're sleeping."

"No fair," Stampy mumbled, ears going flat again as he pouted more. Ballistic couldn't see it though, he was already asleep again. Stampy could only stay still for so long. In minutes he was trying to escape, wiggling and shifting around.

"I swear if you keep moving I'm going to give you a better reason to be squirming," Ballistic mumbled. Stampy found them flipped, Ballistic now hovering over him. Stampy flattened his ears but smirked, moving his hips a bit.

"Naughty naughty," he purred out in a laugh, "but as long as you're awake!"

"Nah. Goodnight."

Ballistic made his point by collapsing onto Stampy, knocking the air out of him.

"Hey! You're heavy! Get off!"

"Goodnight Stampy!"

This took too long to write

sail_the_sea requested this. Thanks my friend!!

Btw: last chapters ships (in order) SsunMu, LogdotMu, then MunchingUniverse

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