Night Out- Multiple Ships

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Quick warning: alcohol, guys being guys, stupid bets, stupid Demi-gods taking bets, stupid friends following through the bet, hinting at things to happen, kinkshaming, from me, I kinkshame people, mostly Ant and Sparkles, also Demi-gods can apparently hold their liquor, but not Sky, weak

Spawn City can be glamorous and all. But at night when the kids are asleep, the adults are out.

Well, I can't really call them adults.

"Alright. Last crafter standing wins," Sky flashed a smile at the group as they all sat down at the table. Ant and Sparkles share a look as Swift messed with his bands. Every now and then; Sky, Sparkles, Ant, Syndi, Cave, Swift, Rage, and Curaxu would get together and do the most stupidest bets.

Tonight, Sky suggested they see who can hold their liquor the longest without passing out or throwing up.

"Everyone got that emergency contact?"

"You mean Deadlox and Seto?" Ant crossed his arms, "they'll knock you to next week if you drink a drop."

"Swifts my ride and anyone else's," Cave spoke up. Swift nodded. Curaxu mumbled Hallow's name and Rage stared straight ahead. Sky rolled his eyes and signaled the bartender.

-5 Shot Mark-

Sky's head was already on the table, whining about some type of headache. Cave was chatting quietly to Swift who was drinking Pepsi. Curaxu and Rage were leaning against each other, focusing on the table and not throwing up. Syndi had walked off bored, since he wasn't in the bet. Ant looked bored as well, swirling a finger on an empty glass.

-10 Shot Mark-

Seto had long ago picked up a drunk Sky. Cave had fell on the floor. Swift quietly ate some food, refusing to go home until he saw the winner. Rage had ran off to the bathroom while Curaxu laughed until falling off his chair. Sparkles was already ordering 5 more.

-30 Shot Mark-

Cave and Swift had gone home when Swift feared Cave has honestly passed out on the floor. Rage was possibly being driven to the hospital by a freaking out Hollow. Curaxu was with them. Syndi had flirted his way into getting a free bottle from a table. Ant and Sparkles were glaring at each other.

(By 30 straight up vodka shots you can get alcohol poisoning.)
(Don't be stupid when 21.)

-50 Shot Mark-

"Give up Sparkle boy," Ant hissed. Sparkles glared and looked at Syndi who was watching in shock.

"Get two bottles."

-50 Shots and 1 Bottle Mark-

By now a whispering crowd had gathered. Syndi was going through them, talking each one into placing bets.

Ant hadn't move an inch, glaring at Soarkles. Neither move unless it was taking a drink.

-50 Shots and 2 Bottles Mark-

"Guys I'm tired," Syndi whined, leaning onto the table. He'd been bored again and flirted his way into be given more drinks.

"Not going home until I beat Ant," Sparkles spoke without even breaking eye contact with Ant.

"If I win I get to punish Syndi for being a whiny baby."




-50 Shots and 3 Bottles Mark-

By then the bartender kicked the three out, yelling that they'd run the company dry. The Demi-gods had no symptoms of even being faintly buzzed. While Syndi was getting a piggy back ride from Sparkles.


"Sure. I think Syndi fell asleep," Sparkles rolled his shoulder, hearing a small protest, "nope I think he's awake."

"Can we share the prize?"

"You mean Syndi. Right Ant?"

"Hell yeah I don't walk away from a bet tied and not take my prize."

"... you guys are assholes," Syndi groaned in annoyance.

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