Pt 2 of the Kktato

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DRAWN BY flufflypandas
Jfc this is super cool and I love it soooo much

Someone *cough cough* gave me the idea to explain why they got their certain emotion.

This shall be violent and emotionally triggering

Bitterness- Ty
Caring- Mu
Rage- Mitch
Guilt- Jerome
Distress- Ian
Loneliness- Quentin
Suffering- Seto
Sorrow- Ant
Wrath- Sparkles
Silence- Sub
Revenge- Ethan


I watched scientists walk past me, not sparing me a glance. I had to admit I was nervous to sign up, but now my nerves were even worse. My legs swung back and forth from where I was sitting, it was a really nice and comfy.

"Relax," a female voice spoke through the intercom, "if we want the procedure  to go correctly you must clear your mind."

I nodded, smiling at nothing and tried to clear my mind. All I could think about was these people and their funny outfits.

"It would help to lay down on the cot and close your eyes. Like you're going to sleep."

I did as I was told, staring up at the white ceiling before closing my eyes. It was still light, like a bright light was over my eyes.

"Now, think of somethings... Happy. Like a place, or a person."

I immediately felt myself smile, thinking back to a park. The park where I met the person I loved.

"How do you feel?"

"Happy. Cheerful. Glad. Delighted," I mumbled, smiling growing brighter. I heard a small laugh.

"Good. Good. Hold that thought as we prepare the experiment."

I held onto them for dear life. It was before I lost the loved one to someone else, but I shouldn't think about that. I felt something pinch my arm but I ignored it.

My thoughts started to waver, and I almost opened my eyes but the nurses instructions kept them shut. It was getting harder to focus as well, like I was falling asleep.

"Thank you for helping with this experiment, Sky, I hope you enjoy your new living quarters."



I never agreed to do this project of theirs. But my friends, Sky and Jason, convinced me. Now I'm stuck in a room with this creepy nurse just circling me.

"What," I finally snapped, making her raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you join?"

"Why? My friends made me," I hissed, wondering what the hell she was getting at. She stopped circling me, choosing to stand right in front of me.

"In words, describe the emotions you went through when coming here."

I scoffed, thinking she was joking. Her seriousness made me rethink that. Sighing, I went along with it, "I don't care for human experiments. I get bad feelings about them."

"So you're hostile to us?" I hated how she sounded so much like a therapist, but I nodded along.

"Yeah. I have this, bitterness, to these types of places."

"All I needed to hear."

I was just about to make another comment on how creepy she was before my vision started to blur. Looking down, I saw that she had somehow stuck a needle in my arm.

"Go to hell," I hissed, seeing her smile as I blacked out.



My footsteps echoed on the floor as I walked the perimeter of the room, humming quietly to myself. The nice nurse lady told me to wait in here while she dealt with other things, I didn't mind though.

I heard the door open and she stepped in, giving me a bright smile and she motioned to the bed. I walked back over and sat on it, swinging my legs back and forth.

"Now Jason, I have a question before we get on with the procedure," she smiled warmly and took out her clipboard, writing a little note down.

"Ok," I smiled back, not really minding if it took time. I had nowhere to be.

"Alright, what are your thoughts on your friends?"

I thought the question was a bit strange, but I didn't want to be rude and not answer.

"I care deeply about them and their wellbeing. I'd be devastated if they got hurt," I kept my answer short as she wrote things down.

"Good good. You're friends have such great friend. Now Jason, I need a quick blood sample to make sure things run smoothly."

I nodded and held out my arm for her. As she pushed the needle in, a gut feeling told me she wasn't drawing blood, but giving me something.

"Wh-what are you doing," my panic rose, but the room was spinning now.

"No need to worry," her voice was fading, "you must care for your new friend when you wake up."



I let out a scream, throwing myself the glass wall once again. It didn't crack, no matter how many times I rammed into it.

"Let's try again. How do you feel?"


"So close."

I let out another anger filled scream as I watched them electrocute my best friend once again. My fists hit the glass, I was desperate to help him, to kill whoever controlled that damn electric stick.

"Now Mitch. How do you feel?"

I even my breathing, turning so I can see the camera that watched my every move for the hours I've been here.

"Anger. Destructive. Rage. Let my friend go," I spoke through clenched teeth, grinding them down to almost nothing.

"Correct answer."

I turned to see my friend, but to my horror, he wasn't there. Panic and anger rose to the back of my throat again. I screamed, hit the glass, kicked it, until my throat was raw.


A door opened in front of me. As I marched my way to it, there was a bang and electric shock waves rolled over me. My vision wavered and I felt myself hitting the floor.



"How does it make you feel that you killed your friend?"

I stared blankly at the screen, fingers twitching from the previous shocks the gave me. The screen had my best friend on the floor, given the same treatment as me. I didn't feel angry though, I didn't...

"To know that because you volunteered first, you had to watch him break. You made him break Jerome," the nurse curved in front of me, shutting off the screen. I blinked, then looked up at her.

"I don't feel angry if that's what you're asking."

She chuckled, but it gave me a terrible feeling in my stomach.

"No no dear. But doesn't it make you feel guilty? Knowing you're own selfish needs caused him to die?"

It hit me like a weight, stopping me from getting air to my lungs. I did this to Mitch? What will they do to me, I'm a killer.

"Now, we can complete the experiment, and have you walk freely, only if you admit your feelings."

"I-I," I stuttered, swallowing thickly, "I feel guilt, for my friends death."

"Was that hard," she cooed, "but sadly, I don't feel guilty about what I'm doing."

I was about to question her but she shoved a needle into my arm, making my vision blur immediately. I didn't have time to scream out.



My heartbeat was racing as I sat in the room alone. I didn't know what to expect from these people. I haven't heard anything on the news...

A nurse came into my room, smiling softly, as if to reassure me. It wasn't helping. It only seemed to make my nerves worse.

"Now Ian, I want you to focus on something for me. Can you do that?"

I shook my head, already feeling my hands shake. She was frowning now, writing somethings onto her clipboard. What will they do if I can't cooperate?

"Ok. We'll try something different. What is causing you to panic?"

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to help you with this project. I mean I really want to do something good since I've been unable to do any good recently. It's making me a nervous wreck, absolute distress," I chuckled nervously, "now I'm rambling to calm my nerves..."

"It's perfectly normal to be afraid," she soothed, holding out her palm. In her hand was what looked like a pill, "I have something that could help you calm down."

Seeing it got my nervous all over again, but I would do anything now. So I took it. The effects seemed immediate, calming down immensely.

"Now we can move on with the procedure."



I don't remember the last time I saw anyone. They lead me into a room and then locked the door. They still give me food, but it's through a trap door. It was getting boring, and I didn't know what they wanted to do. Was this part of the experiment the project mentioned?

I walked the room again, knowing the exact number of steps before turning. It was all white, one bed in the center, and no sign of a clear door, everything just blended together, like the days.

"How are you doing Quentin?"

I jumped turning which way and that. A speaker appeared in one of the rooms corner, making my heart sink. So no one was here...

"A little bored. Isolated," I shrugged, continuing my walk around the room, "when is the experiment over again? I have plans with a friend."

"Oh that was days ago Quentin." I froze, a bad feeling rising in my stomach.

"What do you mean?"

"What I said, that was days ago. We saw him waiting for you, but when you didn't show up, he left, broken."

"Why didn't you tell me," I couldn't help but to rise my voice. I never ditched Kermit on a hang out day.

"You know, he may never want to hang out again. Since you haven't returned any calls or texts. He thinks you left him."

"Then let me see him," I begged. The woman's voice didn't speak for what felt like an eternity.

"Then complete the project. What are you feelings on this?"

I think she's losing it, but I'd do anything to comply. "I don't know... Agony. Betrayed. Lonely. Is that all?"

"Thank you for your time."

The speaker disappeared, leaving me alone once again.



Pain washed over me as I watched the tvs, unable to turn away. Each screen had a single stranger stuck in the same looking rooms. The nurse who lead me here was in front of me, silently writing in her clipboard.

"I have great faith in you Seto," she responded, "we only need one. But we need to find the strongest. One who will suffer all the consequences for the rest to walk free."

A numbing feeling washed over me as I watched each one. One was smiling, another looked pissed, two were walking the perimeter, another two were trying to reach each other, and the last one looked scared.

"It's up to you dear," she spoke, breaking my thoughts. I grazed over my choices. Let others die for only me to walk free, or let seven walk and I would never.

"Ok," I spoke up, getting her attention, "I'll suffer the consequences."


The next thing I knew I was encased in darkness, not a single thing in sight. My body ached, like I was being stabbed by a million tiny needles.

"Hello," I called out, my voice cracking. In a flash I was surrounded by lights of all colors. They were the strangers, each having a different colored aura. They weren't paying attention to me, they were all blindly looking around the dark place.

"ILL KILL WHOEVER DID THIS," the red aura flared, startling me at the outburst. The stranger had no eyes, so did the rest.

"Go to hell!" the green one shouted.

"Is anyone there? I can hear you but can't see you," the light blue stranger yelled.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," one was mumbling furthest away.

"Get me out of here! Please," an ice blue yelled.

"Can't we get along," the closet one to me murmured to no one, having the brightest gold aura out of all of them.

"Please calm down! I don't want anyone hurt," this stranger was different, having a mix between blue and green.

I covered my ears, but it didn't block out the others yelling and sobs of terror. So this is what they meant by suffering for them.

There's gonna be another part to this for the last four.

But here you have it!! My second longest one-shot.

The ending seems abrupt, but I didn't want to drag it on. That's for the next part. ^-^

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