SyndiSparkAnt: Overprotective

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Let me live

The trio was hanging out in the Spawn City park when it was 'fall'. The world was modded so that the leaves changed colors and the temperature was just a little cooler. They all enjoyed it cause it meant Ant could wear a black sweater and not be hot and Sparkles (I PUT SOARKLES IM DE AD) wasn't complaining about it being cold. Syndi had on his zombie styled scarf to keep his neck warm.

Skit had tagged along, holding Ants hand while the other held onto the scarf around his neck. When they had gotten close to the playground Skit let go of his hand and ran ahead, almost losing his scarf in the process. Syndi looked at Ant and gave him a shitty puppy face. The shorter one rolled his eyes but nodded, getting Syndi to cheer and run after Skit, tripping and face planting into the dirt.

"Kids," Sparkles scoffed, getting Ant to glare at him, "what? They are. And why'd you wear this," he questioned, flicking the hair that Ant pulled into a messy bun. Half of it was still falling in his face. Ant shrugged, looking back to see Skit kneeling by a still face planted Syndi. "Go help the boyfriend Sparkles. I'll be reading."

Sparkles sighed but listened, teleporting next to Skit and Syndi. Ant walked to a nearby bench, sitting down and pulling a book from his inventory. He crossed his legs and leaned back, opening to his page.

Syndi got up without a problem, tackling Sparkles and laughing. Skit screeched and jumped back before laughing too. Sparkles pushed Syndi off, and the two were off chasing each other. Skit spun in circles watching them, smiling big and giggling. Ant looked up every now and then to make sure they didn't hurt Skit. Last time, Syndi fell on him and nearly got burnt to a crisp by Ants powers.

By late afternoon Sparkles and Syndi were resting on the swing set, watching Skit climb around the play ground. A few crafters passed by, and a few girl ones cooed and awed and Skit's cuteness. They would approached Syndi and Sparkles for autographs, never Ant. He's too scary too bother.

Ant was halfway into his book when he felt a presence by him. He ignored it thinking it was Syndi wanting attention; but when an arm went behind him on the bench he knew other. He glanced quickly when looking at a page, seeing a crafter he didn't know. He was fairly new, judging by the lack of scars or originalness in his outfit.

"What's a small cutie like you doing alone in this crazy spawn city?" Ant mentally sighed. Great, another fuckboy who doesn't know him thinking he's a girl. It's happened before. Is it the hair or height? Ant didn't say anything, all he did was turn a page.

"Come on baby. Too stuck up for me?"

"I would step away from our baby."

Ant couldn't help but smile slightly. This idiot was too focused on him to notice Sparkles and Syndi. Now they're standing full height in front of this dude. Ant glanced up to see a pissed off Sparkles, so mad in fact, he had white eyes. Syndi didn't even happier, arms crossed and his zombie skin showing up in some places. Skit was still on the playground, a few girl crafters had him distracted.

The guy stuttered, and the last thing Ant heard was him running. He looked up once he knew that crafter only have his idiots on either side of him.

"Did he say anything to you," Sparkles asked worried, taking Ant's arm.

"Did he touch you," Syndi hissed, still angry. Ant rolled his eyes at them.

"I'm fine. I didn't speak a word. I could of handled it," Ant tried to pull his hand free but couldn't. He sighed in annoyance but they didn't leave him. Syndi pouted and put his chin on Ant's shoulder, his skin going pale again. Ant couldn't help but smile at that, leaning his head against his.

"Please. I'm more powerful that you Syndi. I could of handled it." Sparkles scoffed and Ants words and leaned his head on Ant's other shoulder, "keep in mind I'm the stronger of both of you," Sparkles added, getting Ant to sigh, annoyed again.

"I don't do this to you two. I don't go chasing girls away from you."

"Yeah cause you trust us," Syndi chirped up.

"And you don't trust me?"

"Well you kind of ran off and-," Sparkles stopped when Skit came over, or dragged his feet over.

"I'm tired," Skit whined. Ant closed his book and put it in his inventory. The two got off once he stood up. Ant picked Skit up and started walking, getting a shout from both Syndi and Sparkles as they got up and ran to catch up.

Let me live

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