Chapter 22: Revenge

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Golden did a lazy flip with his skateboard that still managed to get an impressed gasp out of Onnie.

"Do that again!" He loudly demanded.

"Okay." Golden did another flip, this time off of a skating rail.

"Where the fuck is that Mexican asshole?" Deuz wiped his forehead, cringing as some sweat stuck to his hand.

It was one of the hottest evenings he's ever experienced..........

Damn it.

"Eak's usually late." Fox explained with a simple shrug.

"Why, though? My gang takes almost an hour and 30 minutes to get here while, Eak takes like, what? 20 minutes to get here?" Deuz felt bad for acting so grumpy, but the weather was really getting on his nerves.

"He prefers being late." Town shrugged, shrieked and held onto Chica's shoulders to balance himself on Fox's skateboard.

"Why??" Oxy wanted to know.

"Cuz he thinks being late makes him stand out from the rest of us." Towntrap explained with an amused chuckle.

"Oh, he stands out already." Maggie half-sarcastically commented, throwing a paper ball back and forth at Deuz.

"How do you know that, anyways?" Onnie didn't know why, but he was energetic enough to ask constant questions.

"He told me about it through text." Town dug his phone out of his jacket's-which Deuz cringed at because goddamn was it hot-pocket and showed Onnie his phone.

Eagle man💓: Oh it's cuz I like standing out from the others. It makes me look like a badass!

Onnie wasn't even surprised by that. Rather, he was surprised at the random heart next to Eak's chat name.

Was it really a random heart?

Town noticed his look, gulped slightly and quickly hid his phone away again..

"Duuude if he doesn't show up soon Meg and her gang are gonna be here before 'im." Fox stated, looking down at his smartphone with a raised eyebrow.

"You called?" Fox visibly jumped when he heard Meg's voice from behind him.

Meg looked up at Fox with daring eyes (or well, one eye), her fingers were laced with Bon's who shyly grinned up at him.

"Hey, Fox." Though Fox and Bon just spoke like, two days ago, it felt like they were greeting each other for the first time.

"Yo, dude!" Fox said a bit more energetically, fist-bumping Bon as he did so.

"Where are Toddy and Joy?" Chica curiously asked.

"Right here, hoe." Toddy got through the secret hole, dragging Joy behind her who playfully slapped her arm at the brash insult.

"Hey, bitch. Hi, Joy!" The girls started chatting up, and Deuz quickly lost track of the conversation.

And well, he didn't see the the paper ball that came his way due to Meg blocking his view. The ball lightly hit his head, causing Meg to snicker.

"Deuz." Meg simply addressed him.

"Meg." Deuz replied in the same tone.

With a satisfied smile, she walked off again.

"Was that all?" Maggie asked confused, barely managing to dodge the paper ball heading get way.

Deuz shrugged. Meg was one of those people he really wasn't able to read.

"Guess so."

Oxy might've let out an incredibly loud laugh when Deuz's lazy gaze turned energetic as soon as Usagi entered the skating park rather obnoxiously.

Her skateboard aggressively hit the concrete floor of the park, somehow she was able to be way louder than all of the skating Animatronics together.

She did a flip in the air, getting an excited "WHOO!" out of Bonnie.

"Not bad." Golden raised an amused eyebrow at the blue-haired girl.

"Thanks, golden boy. Just wait 'till you see Loon." Usagi snickered as Loon made his fancy entrance.

He jumped right over a railing, an impressive thing in the eyes of Golden, who had never understood how someone could work with inline skates. The brunette kid did some more impressive moves Golden didn't know the names of before he high-fived Freddy with flare.

"Show-off." Freddy grinned down at the shorter teen.

"Speak for yourself." Loon grinned back.

And well, another flashy entrance was made after that one.

Except it was rather embarrassing, and not a positive kind of flashy.

Eak stumbled through the opening, nearly tripping to the cement as he did so. His hair was messier than usual, oddly sticking out at some parts, and the end of a baseball bat was sticking out of his brown backpack.

It was funny really, kind of cute even. To Chica, at least.

He looked so confident when he regained his balance, amber eyes flaring with energy. And then he saw a bigger crowd than usual all staring at him, and that confidence partly crumbled.

The first thing he had to say was:

"Ah, shit. I didn't think y'all would bring that many people along."

Bon took the responsibility to speak up this time.

"I thought you wanted as much back-up as you could get." There was the tinniest bit of a sassy undertone in Bon's voice.

But well, he was literally in a gang/band with Toddy, for God knows how long already.

Eak licked his lips and nodded a bit jerkily.

"Hell yeah I did. So, what stuff do we got?" Eak hauled himself on top of a pyramid, as if he was the leader watching over all his followers.

Deuz scoffed at that, he hated being told what to do. Usagi kissed the look right off of his face.

Fox gestured towards The Toys and the Idol Duo, getting a fake-offended look from Meg.

"Back-up." The red-head dryly announced.

Eak smiled in satisfaction.

"Great! What else?" He looked around for anything else, weapons probably.

Oxy and Onnie held up some spraying cans.

"Weapons." They both said in unison, dangerous smirks plastered onto their faces.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Eak pumped his fist into the air with excitement.

"I've got these binoculars with me." Loon quietly spoke up, barely reaching Eak's ears.

"Oh, sweet! What for, buddy?" Eak blinked a bit as he stared at the item.

"Deuz told me a few people would have to be on the look-out for cops. So, I got these." The fact that Loon didn't look at him as if he were a complete idiot, made Eak feel an internal gratefulness for the kid.

Eak lightly slapped his jaw with a laugh.

"Right, how could I forgot? Nice thinkin' there, mate!" Eak offered Loon an encouraging thumbs-up.

"Well, I brought my dad's old slingshot with me!" Towntrap held up a thick wooden slingshot, smiling proudly at it.

What was more impressive than the slingshot, though, was the fact that Town didn't have the usual look of emotional pain in his eyes whenever he brought up his parents.

Eak couldn't help but crack a smile.

Maybe he wasn't such a shit-comforter after all.

"Awesome, man! You know how to use it?" Eak asked, just to be sure.

"No." Town half-embarrassed admitted.

"Anyone else know how to use a slingshot?" Eak looked around, hoping Towntrap's dad's awesome slingshot wouldn't go to waste tonight.

Joy's hand shot up, surprising Eak more than anyone else.

Towntrap passed her the slingshot with a grin.

Joy picked up a rock, put it in the sling and jokingly pointed it at Eak.

It took all of his body muscles to not move away.

"Okay, guess we've got everythin' then." Eak slid down the pyramid, his previous awkwardness completely vanished.

"What's in there?" Usagi pointed at Eak's backpack, already knowing full well what it was.

Eak grabbed the end of the stick and pulled an auto-graphed baseball bat out of his bag.

"This babe right here is my dad's baseball bat. Can get some serious damage done, y'know?" Eak sent Usagi a playful wink that managed to make at least three teens in the group jealous.

"Okay, hotshot, why didn't you bring a bat with nails in it then, if you're some impressive?" The pout on Deuz's face nearly sent Eak into a fit of laughter.

Eak nonchalantly shrugged.

"I'm not Steve from Stranger Things, okay? I'm probably gonna use this to smash some windows, not people's skulls." Toddy didn't bother to hide her high-pitched laughter at the comment.

"Well, here's the list of our target's and other slave-driver's addresses." Maggie handed Eak a small note with surprisingly neat hand-writing.

"Oh shit, these idiots really do all live on the same street, huh?" Eak wanted to be shocked by it, but he honestly wasn't.

"The police is in for a treat." Usagi commented with a grin.

"How late is it?" Eak wanted to know.

"22:30." Golden announced in the most robotic voice Eak had ever heard.

"Alright, let's get our asses moving!" Chica beat Eak to the words.

And so Eak found himself wandering the dark streets of Western City, at least 4 gangs of teenagers behind him.

And then he suddenly came to the realization that they were actually about to do something that had something to do with Eak's fucking goal.

Get this shit-hole of a city a better reputation.

It's not like he'd forgotten about his original motivation behind forming a 'good' gang, it's just that none of them had ever really acted on it.

This was literally a huge step closer to getting Western City back on track.

They were literally about to threaten people who made teenagers perform day and night in exchange for their safety.

And goddamn it where you wrong if you thought he wasn't definitely gonna make sure the cops would arrest those fuckers.

Playtime's over.

Eak was thankful that the walk to-was it Sandside-street?-was only 30 minutes or something. Because well, Freddy was smoking to calm his nerves down, and a few others joined him, and let's just say Town looked as though he was gonna snap all of their cigs in half.

"Here it is." Maggie announced, nodding towards one of the huge houses on the street.

Bonnie whistled in amazement.


"Oh my God, we're gonna have so much fun with this!" Onnie's grin was psychotic, to say the least.

"Alright, so here's the plan." Eak motioned for the other teens to gather around him.

"Try not to be too loud, I know this is a revenge crime n'shit but we don't gotta wake up the whole city. I need four people to keep an eye on the end and front of the street, in case someone uninvited comes along." Eak kept a straight face as he looked around the group for any volunteers.

"Usagi and Deuz, you two take the front. Use the stairs to get to the rooftop of that apartment." Eak commanded, pointing towards one of the two ends of the long-ass street.

"Roger that. Little man, can we use your binoculars?" Eak appreciated the fact that Deuz was cooperative for once.

Loon frowned but reached them out to Deuz anyways.

"Please only use them to look at the streets, not.......something, or should I say someone, else." Loon firmly stated.

Usagi, never-flustered-smooth Usagi actually lit up at that comment.

"Yeah, yeah, we got it." Usagi huffed and snatched the binoculars from the brunette.

The two dashed off, leaving Eak to look for party two.

"Bon, Joy, do you two wanna guard the front?" Eak asked, mostly 'cause of Joy's handy-work with the slingshot.

"Sure! If it means I get a chance to use this babe, I won't pass up on it." Eak didn't miss the flicker of pride in Town's eyes when Joy said that.

They didn't go to the apartment right away like Deuz and Usagi did, preferring to stick around to hear the rest of the plan.

"Oxy, Onnie, you two are clearly the experts when it comes to graffiti. I want you two to fuck those houses up with the brightest colors you got. Maybe even spray our gang logos on some of them, I dunno. When you're done with that, go get me so I can tell you what message to leave behind for the police." Oxy and Onnie didn't need to be told twice.

"Maggs, Loon, you're coming along too!" Oxy hauled Loon over his shoulder as Onnie dragged Maggie with him.

"To the rest of y'all, find something to do. I don't know when the twins are gonna arrive with the stuff we asked but-"

"Service~" A smooth voice interrupted Eak.

Everyone turned their heads towards the source of the voice.

And well, you could've colored Eak surprised when Puppet suddenly showed up with a cart full of toilet paper rolls.

"Wow........" Chica basically said what was on everyone's mind.

"Jesus, Pup! Didn't think you'd get us this much! Thanks so much, dude!" Eak ran up to the silver-haired teenager in excitement.

"You're totally welcome~" Puppet locked eyes with Eak for a moment before noticing Toddy's staring.

"Can I help you, Miss?" Puppet asked, quirking an amused eyebrow at the redhead.

"It's just destroying me to see someone as fabulously dressed as you has to go all around city with a cart full of.......that." Toddy did a typical diva pose as she looked at the cart with slight disgust.

Puppet let out a light-hearted laugh.

"Oh, honey, I brought these just for you." He said, surprising Toddy in particular.

"What for?"

"I'm sure you could use them to wipe away that attitude you got." The Animatronics, besides knowing Puppet was kidding, all let out hyped up 'OOOOOOOH's.

Eak expected Toddy to say something sassy in return, or even get mad. Instead, she smirked.

"I like this one." She simply announced, giving Chica a look Eak couldn't quite describe.

Puppet smiled at her words before casually turning his back on them.

"I've still got work to do. Let me know how it all went when we see each other again~" Puppet did a peace-out sign before escaping into the night.

"Looks like we got something to do now!" Golden grinned and picked up a few toilet paper rolls.

"Alright then, let's get moving, people!" Eak barked, feeling more confident then he probably should be feeling.

The sound of skateboards hitting the ground sounded better in Eak's ears than usual. Complete chaos ensued, and well, he did feel pretty proud to be the one responsible for that.

Fox and Bonnie worked together to cover a small house entirely in toilet paper, Freddy and Golden covered some trees in them and Chica had taken a liking to crushing mailboxes with her roller skates.

Toddy and Meg?

Well, Toddy had taken a liking to coloring windows completely red with a spraying can she lend from Onnie, and Meg was having a lot of fun smashing car windows with a branch.

Eak finally remembered he had a baseball bat with him and took the wooden stick out of his backpack, a thrilled expression plastered onto his face. He made sure to check everyone was doing something, and as soon as he spotted Towntrap helping out the others with toilet paper, he got to work as well.

The first window he smashed was that of the house that was almost fully covered in toilet paper by now. His swing was quite clumsy, and the window barely cracked open.

The second swing was with more power, and he found himself smashing two windows at once.

When the third swing came around, the feeling really kicked in.

And in a matter of five minutes, he was running around the street smashing things with a baseball bat like the maniac he just so happened to be that night.


Usagi jumped a bit at Eak's sudden yell before snickering at it. Deuz was keeping a close eye on the currently empty streets that ran along the back of the houses on Sandside-street. 

Usagi considered saying something, but Deuz beat her to it.

"I still don't like him."

She rolled her eyes at that.

"Trust issues, much?" Usagi watched her boyfriend with crossed arms.

He removed the binoculars from his narrowed eyes.

"I know I'm an asshole for still acting like a dick towards him, even when he bothers to do all this stuff for a gang that literally beat him up a few weeks ago but.......I dunno, I still don't feel 100% around him." Deuz shrugged lightly, seemingly a bit confused at his own words.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Y'know, Golden texted me a short while ago, about how he didn't really feel on his ease around Eak, and guess what? Pretty much a day or two afterwards he was gushing about him like he found a new best friend! It takes time to trust someone, especially a kid like Eak." Usagi's words were......comforting.

Deuz might've even cracked a smile at them.

"Well, you sure don't seem to have any problems trusting him." Deuz commented with a raised eyebrow.

Usagi shrugged.

"I like that recklessness. He certainly isn't boring!" Deuz actually laughed at that.

That was such an Usagi-thing to say.

"Hmm, I wouldn't consider myself very boring either........." Deuz wiggled his eyebrows at the dark blue-haired girl, as if he didn't look like an absolute clown in her eyes doing that.

She was able to suppress a laugh with visible effort.

"Oh yeah? Then show me how not-boring you are." Usagi hands came to rest on Deuz's dark shoulders, and Deuz swore he felt literal electricity between them.

"It would be my pleasure~" Nice, that one was smooth.

As soon as they locked lips, another loud smash could be heard. Man, Meg was really enjoying herself with those mailboxes.

"Joy, I think I'm a bad boyfriend........" Bon suddenly spoke up, continuing to throw small rocks onto the street below them.

The two of them were sitting together on the rooftop, legs hanging over the edge of the building with the dark sky above them. It was the perfect night to Joy. Well, if ignoring your best friend's insecurities counted, at least.

"What makes you think that?" Joy looked at Bon with confusion.

"It's just.......Meg's usually mad at me. Which is fair, cuz I'm often mad at her as well. But I just.....feel like I'm the one causing all the tension in our relationship, y'know?" Bon passed Joy a rock without looking up from the street below him.

Joy caught the rock and launched it into the air, barely missing a parked car across the road.

"I don't think you're the problem, Bon. And neither is Meg. We've all been really stressed out with the way things have been lately........ Too much concerts, too little free time. Stuff like that creates stress." Joy started off slowly, giving Bon time to nod as a way of showing he was still listening.

"And well, you two usually go on dates with the very little time you get to yourself. And I feel like you two are just doing it 'cause that's what couples do in their free time. Of course that's what they do, but you two are constantly wasting your energy on each other instead of doing something separately for once!" Bon didn't say anything yet, still looking down at the street with slight disappointment on his face.

"Uh, take it like those lifebuoys on the back of Loon and Usagi's jackets. Both of you are holding onto the lifebuoy, which is in this case your relationship, for dear life. I feel like you're both afraid of losing each other, and you want to hold onto that lifebuoy together. Even though there's plenty of other lifebuoys around that fit you two better." Joy really hoped she'd be making sense with those words.

Bon curtly nodded after a few moments of silence.

"I guess you're right........about me and Meg, I mean." Bon's dissapointed gaze turned a little more thoughtful as he finally turned to look back at Joy with a soft smile.

"Thanks, Joy. You always know what to say!" Bon bashfully grinned at her, and Joy returned it with the same energy.

"Of course I do, silly! Now shut up and hand me one of those rocks, mama's gotta hit that tree over there." Bon snickered as he handed the blonde another rock.

Meanwhile, Towntrap was having the time of his life. Never did he ever think chaos would be this much fun! And just as he finished wrapping up another mailbox, he suddenly heard it.

An animalistic wailing came from behind one of the houses.

That sounded like a dog.......

Cautiously, Town walked behind the small building to investigate the cause of the wailing. What he saw, made him gasp.

A Golden Retriever puppy was tied by it's neck to a pole in the yard behind the house. It didn't even wear a collar to protect it's throat from getting harmed! Rage clouded Towntrap's mind as he slowly walked towards the howling puppy.

The sick bastard who dared to harm this puppy, would surely lose a few more teeth if Towntrap ever came in contact with them.

Speaking of which, maybe he could actually beat some animal abusers today, if the owners of the house were currently home........ Probably not, since they would've most definitely woken up with all the ruckus going on.

But first he had to bring the puppy to safety. As Towntrap neared the poor animal, the puppy shakily backed away from the ginger teen.

"Hey, it's okay...... I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm gonna get you out of here!" Town tried to sound cheerful, but he was getting both emotional and enraged as he saw the puppy back away in fear.

The dog was pretty chubby, but what Towntrap mostly took notice of was the clear cut in the puppy's right paw.

Oh yes, someone was definitely getting a beating tonight.

Town started untying the rope, but figured it was just as easy to slid it off of the pole. The puppy let out something that sounded like a sigh, but Town knew it was a breath of relief.

"Come on, little guy. Let's get you out of here......" Towntrap quietly muttered, squatting down besides the puppy.

Surprisingly, the small dog didn't struggle at all when Town carefully picked it up.

Poor must've been through a lot.

"Hey, Towntrap? Where are you?" Towntrap could hear Eak's voice from close by.

"I'm coming!" Town tried not to be too loud, in case the owners of the dog were actually home at the moment.

Town walked back onto the dark street, where the gangs were still running around and 'decorating' the addresses Maggie and Deuz gave them. The look Eak gave his friend as he saw him approaching, could only be described as puzzled.

"Why the fuck do you have a dog with you?" Eak looked down at the animal in confusion.

"I found it tied to a pole in someone's backyard. Could you hold it for me, please?" Towntrap didn't wait for a reply as he put the puppy in Eak's arms.

"Whoa, wait! I can't hold a puppy! What're you gonna do??" Eak held onto the animal as if he were holding a bomb.

To make sure the puppy didn't just slide out of his arms, he unfortunately had to drop the bat. It hit the ground with a loud noise, alerting Chica who just happened to be paying attention. She skated over to the Mexican, visibly interested at the fact that he was holding an animal.

"Aww, cute!! Where'd you get this little guy from?" Chica petted the dog with delight.

"I don't-know! Town gave it to me! Hey, could you pick up my bat, please?" Eak stared down at his poor bat with saddened eyes.

"Sure!" Chica picked the stick up and carefully kept it by her side, hoping it would get the desperate look off of Eak's face.

"Thanks, babe."


Chica's face lit up and Eak merely watched her in confusion.

Oh, right. He just called her babe. That one accidentally slipped, but Eak was sure Chica wouldn't mind. They were friends, right? Besides, he'd given Usagi flirty looks before and she'd also just shrugged those off.

"Carnal! What the fuck are you doing?!" Eak's slightly angered voice snapped Chica out of her trance.

Her heart was quickly beating in her chest as she looked over at the ginger who was extremely loudly banging on the door of one of the houses.

"I found that puppy tied to a pole behind this house. If these fuckers are at home, I'm gonna knock some sense into them." Towntrap firmly replied, continuing to knock until his knuckles were scraped.

"Dude, they're not at home! Stop knocking already, Jesus!" Eak managed to stumble the words out, still amazed by Town's use of language.

"Oh shit, he's really mad." Chica commented with amazement similair to Eak's.

"Yes, I can see that. TOWN! GET OVER HERE, GODDAMN IT!"

And Eak didn't want to yell or anything, but he was holding a fucking puppy while his friend was breaking his knuckles onto someone's door.

This wasn't part of the plan.

"TOWNTRAP!" Eak repeated more angry this time.

"Shut up!" Towntrap snapped at him.

Eak grumbled something and allowed Chica to drop his bat when he carefully pushed the puppy into her hands. He picked up the baseball bat and marched over to Town.

Goddamn it, he was so done with his attitude.

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