Chapter 30: Amigo

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(Sorry I'm late with this chapter! Been real busy yesterday :''(  Expect a good fighting scene next chapter, though!)

Felix wasn't an angry person. Honestly, he really wasn't. Sure, maybe he'd often get a little heated about things like the couples in Riverdale, or how some celebrities solved all of their problems by making a tweet on Twitter.

Or the fact that everyone told him he looked just like James Charles, which he did not.

Small things like that, you get it. The only real 'issue' (which wasn't even that big of a deal, pfft-) was when he got actually angry, he could get a little explosive sometimes. It wasn't a part of himself that he was very proud of, that's all he could really say about it.

Though this time around, he was damn sure his rage was justified. He'd walked back with Fede to the scene of the crime, almost cried when he saw the damage, actually.

That car meant everything to him........ Fede, Abby and Lilly had spared for so long to buy it for him! It had been one of the happiest moments of his life.

A very melodious 'Happy Birthday' had gotten sung to him when he'd been sitting in front of a messily made vanilla cake that had been dimly lit up by small candles. When his friends had been singing around him like that, wearing colorful party hats and goofy smiles, Felix had simply forgotten about how much he actually hated cake.

So after seeing his wrecked Honda Civil, Felix welcomed his rage like he would've welcomed an old friend. He'd just accepted the fact that he was gonna meet up with whoever scumbags did this tonight, besides knowing it was a stupid idea.

To him, being angry was better than to be sad.

Anger was an useful emotion, at least to him. You could turn that specific emotion into a weapon, a defense mechanism. Sadness? That didn't do much. Maybe with sadness you could potentially get a bit of sympathy from other than that, it really was more of a nuance to feel.

But Felix wasn't gonna let his anger blind him entirely. Going out there alone was dumb, he was aware of that. So, he decided to get some help. And which people were always up for getting justice and a good fight?

The gang!

And by the gang, Felix's first thoughts were actually about The Nightmares. Bonnie had leaked him their apartment's address and Felix figured they were the gang that lived the closest to him.

Well wasn't that great? Felix Fabulous would be getting help from a former drug-selling and wallet-robbing gang!

Only he ended up not getting help from them. Sure, it's not like he asked them for help, it's just, well, something had caused him to chicken out slightly-

Felix approached the dirty building with a pep in his step, feeling oddly energetic even though he'd literally just find out some fuckers thrashed his gorgeous car. He'd be sure to make them pay, though. For sure........

As the pinkette got even closer to the apartment, he visibly cringed at the sight of it. The orange-colored brick walls were downright ugly, and don't even get him started on the terrible white window frames that actually had cracks in them!

The only windowsill that wasn't completely broken off actually had a pretty cute little plant stocked on top of it-and holy fuck was that crack besides the plant??

Felix shuddered at the sight of it, as if trying to convince himself he'd never done crack before and was freaked out by even the tiniest trace of drugs he could spot. Both were lies, but he wasn't in the mood to admit to that.

He was about to ring the bell when he noticed it was completely broken and if he'd touched it, he would've probably cut his finger.

Was it possible to give a house a make-over? Felix was pretty sure it was called re-decorating. But whatever it was called, this was an ugly-ass and actually dangerous apartment and if Felix hadn't been worrying about not getting his ass kicked over his car right now, he would've made it his new mission in life to patch this place up.

Alright, either knock or don't knock. The Nightmares could really help you win this fight (or at least he was sure the message was an invitation to a fight) and they actually seem really nice, right? Then again, they did use to sell drugs and rob people, not to mention kids that used to do money concerts were usually kind of fucked up in the head.

Would he get killed by the people that lived in this crackhouse? Maybe. Was this a bad idea? Definitely. Was Felix about to turn around, forgive and forget and start bettering his life instead of digging himself a bigger hole?


Felix Fabulous knocked on the door.

Fifteen seconds, no sounds of shuffling or any reply at all. Forty seconds, same outcome.

He knocked a second time, feeling both patient and unable to wait at the same time. Which probably didn't make any sense.

One minute went by, still no reply.

Felix dramatically sighed and rolled his eyes. He walked over to the closest window, smiling in delight when he noticed the curtain wasn't entirely covering it.

The pinkette peered inside, hoping for any sign of life that would actually notice him. And well, life he did find.

Just at the wrong fucking moment............

A girl with dark blue curly pigtails was seated in The Nightmare's leader's lap(he thought his name was Deuz??). The two were furiously making out, the girl's hands going up under Deuz's shirt while Deuz ran his hands through the girl's hair.

Felix felt his entire face heat up as he watched the scene with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to run away or stay to watch.

He wasn't a pervert, but whenever something really shocked him he had the tendency to freeze up and stare.

Oh God, this was really wrong. He had to run away before they'd notice him.

Time to find another gang, this one seems busy!

"What the hell are you doing here?" A female voice made Felix jump at least five feet into the air.

He yelped, turning his head around so quickly it actually kinda hurt his neck.

The pink-haired girl from The Nightmares was standing a few feet away from him, wearing a supermarket uniform for some reason(?). She raised her split eyebrow and scanned Felix's face with calculating pink eyes.

Felix wasn't replying, and Maggie was getting impatient.

"I asked, what the hell are you doing here?" She repeated rather annoyed than angry or freaked out.

"I-I, uh......." Felix looked as if he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Felix looked back at Maggie one more time before wildly shaking his head.

"I'm sorry......!" He turned on his heels and ran like hell.

"Wh-?! Wait!"

Felix had ignored her and kept on running.

And that's how he found himself in front of Bonnie's house, hoping he'd receive some help from him. Eak was probably gonna come along too if he found out, which Felix didn't have anything against, it's just that he still wasn't entirely sure if Eak had forgiven him for the whole knife situation thing.

He rang the bell, and heaven answered his prayers, someone opened up the door. Only it wasn't a purple-haired teenager, rather a man with steel grey eyes and slicked back black hair.

Felix knew he was probably blushing. He was a confident person, but obviously he didn't know what to do around attractive adults.

Not that he was attracted to adults, 'cause that would be gross! It's just physical appearances, nothing else.

"Can I help you, kid?" The man asked, looking down(almost up) at Felix.

"I'm a friend of Bonnie's! I was wondering if he's home at the moment?" Felix politely answered.

The man stared at him for a while with a non-changing expression before shortly nodding.

"Yeah, he's home. Come on in."

Felix stepped into the house, immediately hearing the sound of birds chirping. He was also immediately met with the feeling of home, even if this house wasn't his. Felix spotted a lanky man with messy chestnut hair wearing glasses. He had a friendly smile on his face.

"Oh! Who're you?" The man asked in a thick British accent.

"I'm Felix, a friend of Bonnie's!" Felix cheerfully introduced himself.

"I'm Richard! Nice to meet you, mate!" Richard energetically shook Felix's hand.

"So are you Bonnie's dad or......?" Felix questioned with squinted eyes.

"Adoptive dad." Richard calmly corrected him.

"Oh, then you are.....his uncle or something??" Felix looked at the black-haired man with confusion.

The man let out a laugh, much to Felix's surprise, considering the guy didn't really seem like the type to laugh much.

"Nah, I'm also his adoptive dad." The man casually replied, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Felix let out an 'ooooh' sound. He suddenly let out a high-pitched giggle, a goofy grin slowly forming onto his face. The fact that these two men were openly admitting they adopted a kid made Felix feel more confident about himself. 

"Sean, can you get Bonnie downstairs real quick?" Richard politely asked his husband.

"Sure thing, Dick." Sean went upstairs, smirking at Richard as he walked past.

"Don't call me that!" Richard huffed, cheeks dusting a light color.

"Just try and stop me!" Sean yelled from above.

There was something understanding in Richard's eyes when he turned back to Felix. Like he knew.

"Yo, Felix! What's up, man?" Bonnie energetically jumped over the last couple of steps.

"Hey, hey, no jumping on the stairs." Richard stated with crossed arms.

"Yeah, yeah!" Bonnie impatiently replied.

"It's kind of private, Darling. Can we discuss this on the way to Eak's house, maybe? If you know where it is, at least." Felix answered in a whisper-tone.

"Sure thing! Problem is though, I've got Fox sick upstairs and I don't know if my dads can take care of him alone." Bonnie not-so-subtly whispered back.

"Guess which people took care of you whenever you were sick for 16 years long." Richard simply said, not looking up from feeding the birds.

"You're right about that, I guess....... I don't know when I'll be back, but if you guys need anything call me!" Bonnie offered lively as he tied his shoe laces.

"Alright, have fun, son!" Richard accepted Bonnie's hug with a smile.

"Make sure you get Bonnie home in one piece, Felix." Richard send him a playful wink.

"Sure thing, Sir!" Felix chirped, doing a police-man pose.

"See ya! Let's go, Felix!" Bonnie grabbed his skateboard and walked out the door.

"So what's bothering you?" Bonnie questioned once they got outside.

"Some assholes fucked up my car........" Felix quietly but bitterly replied.

"What?! Holy shit, I'm so sorry dude....... That's messed up." Bonnie offered, frowning with sympathy.

"It's quite alright, I'm gonna make their sorry asses pay, anyways." Felix muttered, determination and anger once again clouding his mind.

"So that's why you wanted the help of me and the others?" Bonnie hopped onto his skateboard and slowly pushed forwards.

"Well, I went by The Nightmares' apartment first, but they were, uhm......occupied." Bonnie saw how Felix's face lit up.

"Deuz and Usagi, right?" Bonnie raised a knowing eyebrow and grinned.

"Oh, that's her name?" Felix replied, avoiding the question.

"Y'know, they've never actually had sex before." Bonnie suddenly said, skating a bit further to make Felix walk faster.

"Really?" Felix questioned, oddly curious now.

He was all about juicy gossip.

"Yup! They're constantly pretending as if they've had sex over five times already, but the only thing that ever happened between the two of them was making out and Usagi giving Deuz a hand job." Bonnie snarkily answered.

"Huh. And how do you know about that, Sugar?" Felix looked at Bonnie with interest.

"Usagi told me one night when she was a bit drunk. It was funny as shit!" Bonnie laughed, before yelping as he almost lost his balance.

"So if I'm correct, you're the one who knows all the secrets in your group?" Felix already liked this kid.

"Basically! Golden would be the second closest. If you mean extended group though, it would have to be Puppet for sure."

Felix suddenly remembered the name belonged to the handsome silver-haired boy that had sold him and The Funtimes their jackets.

"What's the plan, anyways? I'm gonna call Eak to gather in front of Freddy's house since it's the closest to mine but then what?" Bonnie looked at Felix with a light expression.

"An anonymous number told me to meet up with him by my car at 11 PM, so I was planning on going there with you guys to probably fight him." Felix replied with a shrug.

"Sounds like a typical night out for us."

Felix laughed at that.

"Jeeeesus! It's so fucking hot!" Bonnie whined, jumping off of his skateboard and wiping his sweat-stained forehead.

He looked down at his phone and furiously started typing stuff. After a few minutes of silence Bonnie's phone rang.

"Hey, Eak!" Bonnie cheerfully greeted him.

"Hey, mate. So what's that with Felix?" Eak replied a bit confused.

"We need you to call up some of the gang members and meet up in front of Freddy's apartment, alright?"

"Wait, like right now?"

"Yes, right now!" Felix impatiently snatched the phone out of Bonnie's hands.

"Alright, alright! Send me the address and I'll get there as soon as I can."

30 anxious minutes later and Eak still hadn't arrived.

"Where the fuck is he?" Felix huffed, more dissapointed than angry.

"I don't know, probably got lost or something." Bonnie shrugged, putting some money in the nearby vending machine.

"Well we can't just take them on with three!" Felix sighed, hands going up in frustration.

"Don't you have your switchblade with you?" Freddy boredly asked, resting his cheek on his palm.

"Maybe we should call the others ourselves." Bonnie simply suggested, grabbing his cola from the machine.

"If we're late my car's just not gonna exist anymore! Eak is a hotie but honestly, I'll totally slap him if he suddenly shows up with the excuse that he got 'lost'." Felix stated, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Speaking of the devil~" Freddy nudged somewhere behind him.

Eak was approaching them on his bicycle, the one Golden said was called Aguilla. It was just him, no other members seemed close by.

"Where the hell have you been??" Felix angrily questioned with his hands on his hips.

"Calling everyone and going to a few houses because they didn't pick up?" Eak replied irritated.

"Why didn't you warn us?" Freddy asked with a tilted head.

"Well geez I forgot, okay? Anyways, Chica's got family stuff, I couldn't find Town, Fox didn't pick up either and neither did Golden......." Eak muttered, hopping off of his bike.

"Oh, well Fox is at my house being sick and crying probably." Bonnie innocently added.

Eak blankly stared at him, eyebrows furrowed.


"Why in the fuckin' world didn't you tell me that?? Like holy shit I literally biked all the way to his house just to hear this crap!" Eak groaned in frustration.

"I forgot." Bonnie carelessly replied, shrugging.

"Gimme that." Eak huffed, snatching the coke from Bonnie.

"So that's it? We're just with four?" Felix felt the hope sink right into his shoes.

"Oh no, I did manage to pick up-"

"Hey, Felix."

Felix felt himself freeze up as he heard Lilly's voice from behind him. He slowly turned around to be met with his friends' cranky expressions. Oh shit, they all looked kinda pissed.

"Mind telling me why you didn't tell us anything about your car and your plan to take revenge?" Lilly asked, arms crossed.

"I couldn't let you guys get hurt! And-Eak! Did you literally tell them about this??" Felix side-eyed the Mexican.

"I thought we needed as much help as we could get!" Eak defensively answered.

"Hey, are those suspenders you're wearing?" Freddy suddenly brought up, staring at Eak's outfit.



"Shut the fuck up, Freddy! All you've done so far is be a prick!"

"Well I was literally having dinner with my mom when Bonnie dragged me out of the apartment to apparently beat the shit outta some guys. It's Saturday night and I've got better things to do." Freddy pouted, actually making some good points.

"You should've just told me you wanted to fight some people! Don't gotta invite the whole gang for that, it's easy peasy." Eak's anger was quickly replaced by confusion as he saw Felix's saddened eyes.

"Look, Darling, I'm sorry I dragged you and the others into this....... I didn't wanna invite you guys over because I didn't want you getting hurt, that would just fuck me up even more." Felix started off, glancing towards The Funtimes.

"That car really meant a lot to me, and to have it be vandalized, with such slander nonetheless, I just......I really have to make them pay. But instead of solving it on my own like I should, I just blindly assumed you guys would get me out of this mess. And I'm sorry........"

Felix looked down at the ground, suddenly feeling very ashamed of himself.

A pale hand landed on his shoulder, and Felix's eyes searched for Fede's face. His sky blue eyes weren't tear-filled and emotional like last time, they were hard and determined.



"Hou je muil toch eens, man."

Felix kind of forgot what the exact translation of that was. But he remembered it being something amongst the lines of 'Shut the fuck up!'.

"Qué??" The Animatronics looked utterly lost as they listened to Fede's sentence.

"You need to stop taking all the blame onto yourself! You didn't ask for your car to be wrecked, you're not responsible for what happened! Those fuckheads are! And the fact that you don't wanna involve us 'cause you don't want us getting hurt is even more stupid! You better bloody bet we're gonna kick some ass too! You mess with one of us, you mess with us all."

The fire was basically audible in Fede's voice as he fiercely looked into Felix's eyes, soft hands still squeezing his shoulders.

"Fede, I........" Felix's eyes widened with surprise, he'd never heard Fede sound so confident before.

Not when he was talking to Felix, at least.

"He's right, dude! Those morons messed with my ally, my carnal! So obviously, we'll make them pay too." Eak excitedly added, chest puffed out and fists clenched, ready for the fight.

"You mean our carnal, Eak." Freddy sweetly grinned.

And once again, Felix was so happy he could've cried. He could count on these people...... Even the ones he hadn't even known for two days, he could trust them.

It made him feel fuzzy inside.

"Alright! LET'S GO!" Felix yelled, fist-pumping the air with newfound energy.

"YEAH!!" Abby screamed, revealing a baseball bat.

"Whoaaaaa......." Felix's jaw dropped slightly.

"Oh don't act surprised, you're the one carrying a pocket knife."

And Freddy had been the only one smart enough to bring a flashlight. Or maybe it had been Fred who came up with the idea? Whatever. Lately Eak had been having a hard time noticing the difference between the two. Freddy could make some genuinely savage comments if he wanted to.

"They should be here in two minutes." Lilly announced, patiently wobbling back and forth on her feet.

"How'd you figure that out without your phone?" Eak wanted to know.

"Quick math." Lilly simply replied.

"Nerd!" Eak snorted.

"Says the one wearing suspenders."

"Hey! Suspenders are cool, okay?"

"Do you think we should smash the security cameras?" Abby suddenly asked.

"What in God's name for, Beautiful?" Fred-for sure-asked confused.

Lilly send him a warning look to which the brunette put up his hands in defense.

"I mean, probably. They're useless anyways, apparently. I mean, they couldn't even let me know what bavoons fucked with my car!" Felix crankily commented.

"Or they just didn't wanna let you know." Bonnie shrugged.

"Well, why would they hide it from me?" Felix questioned.

"I dunno! Anyways, it's probably a good idea to smash 'em. Don't wanna appear on the news again." Bonnie said with a laugh.

"Oh, come on! We're not even wearing our gang jackets." Eak huffed.

"I am." Freddy bashfully stuck up his hand.

"Real classy, Freddy."

"Hey, it was Fred's idea!" Freddy cried out in defense.

"Who's Fred?" Lilly raised a puzzled eyebrow.


"Hey, I think it's them!" Fede suddenly interrupted them.

A car-which type Eak didn't recognize-slowly drove onto the mall's parking lot. All of them waited in silence as the car parked. Three figures got out of the car. They were completely unrecognizable due to the darkness of the night, but when one of them stepped into the pale light of the single street lantern on the parking lot, Felix gasped.

Jake Denzy.

That one fucker Felix broke the nose of a two years ago. His greasy dark brown hair was wavier than before, but other than that he looked exactly the same as he did when they were fourteen. Mocking green eyes and a slightly crooked nose from the punch Felix had delivered.

Jake looked down and smiled that terribly annoying smile of his, then looked back up at Felix.

"Been a while, hasn't it?" Jake asked, trying to sound friendly, as if pretending he hadn't bullied Felix for years and got what he deserved all those years ago.

"Jake? Seriously? Oh, fuck you, man! What the hell's your problem?!" Abby looked visibly upset with Jake's reveal.

"Ah, Abby. Still fat like before, huh?" Jake send her a bored look.

"Hey! You better shut your fucking mouth right now!" Lilly suddenly snapped, taking a step forwards.

"Are you two still dykes? Man, I thought that was just a phase!" Jack giggled as if this were just an innocent joke.

Fede reckoned his giggling would transition over to howling when he'd finally get to beating his face in. Or maybe he'd let Felix have that honor.

"Oh, Jack, you son of a bitch, I'll really enjoy kicking your sorry ass! Just like last time, remember?" Felix forced himself to grin, trying to appear mocking even though all he wanted to do was cut a bitch.

"How could I forgot? You broke my fucking nose that day, Felix. I'm permanently gonna have a crooked one because of you, scumbag." Jack spat, mockery being replaced with genuine anger this time.

"Oh, boo-hoo! Have you ever tried walking in my shoes back then? I got way worse than a simple broken nose on daily, Darling." Felix rolled his eyes, sighing at the whole situation at hand.

"Don't you fucking call me that! You had it coming, for being a faggot and all." Jack wickedly grinned, and if Bonnie hadn't gotten a hold of his arm quickly, Fede would've lashed out already.

"Well then, let's settle this, shall we? You invited me to the party, after all." Felix cracked his knuckles and got a hold of the switchblade in his shorts' pocket.

"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your other friends first?" Jack innocently tilted his head and nodded towards The Animatronics.

Eak walked forwards, Bonnie and Freddy both stalking along his sides. The two other goons Jack brought along stood by his side as well, so the six of them were each staring someone down.

"Eak Mendez. Leader of my gang over here. These are Freddy and Bonnie."

"That's a chick's name!" One of the other two boys, the one with buzz-cut black hair laughed.

The glare Bonnie sent him was enough to keep Buzz-cut's mouth shut.

"That's a small gang you got." Jack simply commented.

"The others were occupied. Doesn't matter, though. I only need two to deal with clowns like you." Eak shrugged, looking Jack dead in the eye.

The Mexican had been creepily calm so far, Freddy could pretty much tell something was about to happen soon.

"That so?" Jack looked rather unimpressed, staring down at Eak with his hands comfortably shoved into his pockets.

"Yeah. Y'know what we do with people that fuck with our friends?" Eak asked, voice slightly echoing in the silent parking lot.

"Got no idea, what does happen, exactly?"

"We break their bones, Amigo."

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