The Jolteon Tribe

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Lance watched as three Jolteons Lance didn't know led two Espeons into the Jolteon Tribe camp.

Twitch sat on the Leader's Rock, studying the newcomer Espeons curiously. "What does the Espeon Tribe want with my Jolteon Tribe?" He rumbled.

Lance then recognized these two Espeons are Violet and Luna, looking at them more closely.

"Aspen has had a prophecy, sir." Violet said with respect. "It is about not just Jolteons and Espeons, but all the Tribes, including the Umbreons."

With this news, Lance heard a ripple of chatter amongst the Jolteons in camp.

"Another prophecy?"

"Could the Jolteon Tribe be in danger?"

"What is it this time?"

"The Espeons are always causing trouble."

"The Umbreons are involved?"
"Umbreon Tribe?"

Twitch silenced all the noise with a flick of an ear. "What is this prophecy?" He asked.

"We think it's about all the Tribes coming together to stop a darkness." Violet explained.

Twitch seemed to think for a moment. "Alright. I'll talk to some of my Jolteons about this. You may leave now. Thank you for this news."

Violet and Luna dipped their heads. "Of course, sir." Violet said. "Anytime." 

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