The Leafeon Tribe

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"Leafblade! I'm throwing one down to you! See if you can catch it this time!" Razor called down.

Leafblade and Razor were collecting Mangoes to feed the Tribe.

"On it!" Leafblade called at Razor threw one down.

It squished on the ground next to her.

Razor looked down, and when he saw what had happened, he sighed.

"Sorry!" Leafblade called up to him.

"So the Espeons got a new Prophecy?" Leafblade asked the next day.

"That's right." Susan dipped her head. "One of our patrols found the Espeons Violet and Luna coming to tell Tulip."

"Do you know what it's about?" Leafblade asked.

Susan shook her head. "No, but I'm sure Ivan does. He was with Tulip when they told us."

Leafblade thought for a moment. "A new Prophecy? Very interesting...." 

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