The Vaporeon Tribe

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"Coral, could you help us out for once?" Shimmer asked, flicking her tail impatiently. "There's fish tangled in the seaweed again and we need your help."

Coral yawned and stretched on the giant oyster shell she was sleeping in. "I don't know, Shimmer. I'm tired."

"Alright then, Coral. You did this to yourself." Riptide said out of the blue. He then swam over to Coral inside of her oyster and slammed it shut.

Coral struggled in the oyster as she tried to get out. "Shimmer! Riptide! Not funny! Let me out of here now!"

"Well I think it's pretty funny, what about you, Riptide?" Shimmer asked.

"As do I." Riptide answered. "You know, if you ask me, we could just leave her in here all day."

Shimmer nodded. "I like that idea."

Coral flopped around in her oyster prison. "No! Terrible idea! You know, how about instead we let Coral out so she can continue sleeping like she was before! That sounds like a great idea to me!"

Shimmer and Riptide exchanged glances.

"Nah," Shimmer started. "This is way too fun."

Riptide murmured agreement.

Riptide and Shimmer then exchanged glances.

"I'd let her out if she helped us with the fish." Shimmer said.

"Deal! Deal!" Coral shrieked from her watery imprisonment.

"Fine, I'll let her out." Riptide said.

"Look at this whopper!" Wave exclaimed as he pulled out a salmon from the weeds.

"Kill it so we can eat it!" Nami told him.

"Right!" Wave said as he bit down on the fish. "Seashell will love this!"

Wave then handed the dead Salmon to Riptide. "Give this to Seashell, Riptide." He told him.

Riptide nodded sharply and darted away and was lost in the seaweed.

"But I thought we were only freeing the fish, now eating them." Coral commented.

"We're killing the good ones." Shimmer explained.

"Easy way to hunt." Wave said.

Nami nodded.

Coral dug her paws into the seaweed. Soon, Coral felt something slippery and saw white scales shimmering under the seaweed. Coral recognized it at once.

"A Catfish! Hey guys, a Catfish!" Coral called.

"Hurry up and kill it!" Shimmer snapped. "Catfish are good!"

"Right!" Coral obeyed. But before she could bite down, the Catfish wiggled out of her grip and was gone.

"Crap!" Coral lashed her tail. "That was my one good catch!"

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