Chapter 1: Protecting the Russian President

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The first thing starts off with FSO Agent's taking over their walkie talkies and looking around for if there is something wrong with the Airplane.

"All of the Teams are reporting. So are there any problems with the Airplane people?" the FSO Agent Captain, said though his Walkie Talkie.

"This is Team 1, the President's office is perfectly secured and there is nothing out of place." FSO Agent #1, said in President Vorshevsky's Office of the Airplane.

"This is Team 2, the lower deck is clear. and we are on guard for anything that is very suspicious." the FSO Agent #2, said as he is with other FSO Agent's with Guns in their hands.

Just then the screen went black and it shows letters in green on the black screen that said.

October 3rd - 18:30:31
Agent Robo Fed,
11-96-300PU - "Command Point"

"This is Team 3, the forward cabin is secured and heavily guarded." the FSO Agent #3, said with an other FSO Agent by his side.

"We will all land this Airplane in about 2 hours." the FSO Agent Captain, said as he put the Walkie Talkie away in his pockets.

Then it shows Agent Robo Fed, and Sgt. Zack Swanson, standing and waiting for President Vorshevsky, The Russian President. to come in.

(Agent Robo Fed, looks):

(this art is by Corkey-Corkster)

(Sergeant Zack Swanson, looks):

Just then President Vorshevsky, came out of the door with a Notebook in his hands that has names of people inside of it.

"Hello there President Vorshevsky, it is so good to see you here." Robo Fed, said with his arms crossed and has a smile on his Robotic face.

"It is so nice to see you as well Robo Fed and Zack Swanson. and I am very surprised that the CIA, has told you two to come help me." President Vorshevsky, said as he looked up from his Notebook.

"it was our order to assist you on you're meeting." Sergeant Zack Swanson, said.

Just then the main door opens up and out came President Vorshevsky's daughter; Alena.

"Vasili, is waiting for you to come in, father." Alena said as she was waiting for her father.

President Vorshevsky: "he's expecting an answer from me."

Then he and his daughter begin to walk to his main office as Robo Fed, and Sergeant Zack Swanson, follow suit.

Alena: "I don't like him."

President Vorshevsky: "no one does. that's why he's good at his job."

Alena: "what will you tell him?"

President Vorshevsky: "the very truth."

Alena: "he won't want to hear it."

President Vorshevsky: "he has no choice. I'm the president."

he then kiss his daughter forehead.

President Vorshevsky: "I'll see you at dinner."

Alena, nodded at her Dad as a Random FSO Agent, opens another door for her and she went in.

Vasili Zhukov: "Mr President."

President Vorshevsky: "Vasili."

Bogdan Sokolov: "Hello, Mr President."

Pavel Morozov: "President."

Agent Robo Fed, and Sergeant Zack Swanson, went into the room and stand there as President Vorshevsky, talks with the other people.

(Meanwhile somewhere else)

It shows the outside snowy land as footprints were shown as a figure with a gas mask and red eyes in the mask.

it was the umbrella super soldier named Hunk, (Resident Evil) as he was tasked to assault President Vorshevsky's airplane.

Hunk, got out a detector and it show a red dot coming close meaning that it is the President's Airplane. Hunk, smirked under his mask as he used an walkie talkie.

"Drone Operator, are you and the other Fourth Reich soldiers, in position?"

Fourth Reich Officer:"yeah. we're in position. ready to begin mission."

Hunk:"good! complete the objection: capture President Vorshevsky!"

Fourth Reich Officer:"Roger that!"

Hunk, turns off the walkie talkie and waited for the airplane to come.

//in President Vorshevsky office//

President Vorshevsky:"gentlemen, we have only two choices: peace or war. life or death. for the sake of our children, we must seek peace with the West."

as they were talking Robo Fed, heard something and looked at where that noise came from as Sgt. Zack Swanson, looked at him confused.

Sgt. Zack Swanson:"Fed, is anything wrong? your acting kind of strange?"

Robo Fed:"yeah. I'm fine. for a second I thought I heard something?"

Sgt. Zack Swanson:"maybe it's just your imagination for all the mission's you had."

Robo Fed:"yeah. maybe your right about that."

Vasili Zhukov:"Mr President, now is not the time to appease our enemies.

then Sgt. Zack Swanson, begin to hear the noise that Robo Fed, has heard.

Sgt. Zack Swanson:"wait. I'm starting to hear it to."

Robo Fed:"what?!"

President Vorshevsky:"we destroy our enemies when we make friends with them."

suddenly one of the Agent's heard the noise that Robo Fed, Sgt. Zack Swanson, heard and got up from his seat terrified.

the Agent:"sounds like someone's trying to hijack the airplane!"

Vasili Zhukov:"hey! hey! it's just the storm. sit back down."

the Agent:"r-right. I'm sorry sir."

President Vorshevsky:"that's ok. we all make mistakes."

the Agent, then sit's back down to his seat. and then President Vorshevsky, continues to talk.

President Vorshevsky:"alright. as I was saying. if we cannot end our differences, at least we-"

then suddenly everyone startled to hear the sound of gunfire in the other room and they are shocked to hear this.

Commander:"that's gunfire!"

FSO Agent Team 3 (voiceover):"hijackers are taking the plane! the cockpit's been breached!"

Commander:"Mr President, get down! Team 3, status report!"

then everyone and everything begin to move to the side of the airplane. and then everyone got back on their feet.

Commander:"Damn it, Team 3! report!"

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin, put his ear on the door and he begin to hear a beeping sound on the other side. he knows what that means and he got away from the door.

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin:"everyone down! protect the president! code red! I repeat! co-"


the door exploded and Fourth Reich soldiers began to come through.

Fourth Reich soldier:"ATTACK!"

then Robo Fed, got our his two G18's and Sgt. Zack Swanson, got out his MP5 and the two shoot the Fourth Reich soldiers. and the Fourth Reich soldiers were killed.

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin check the bodies and is shocked to see what it is.

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin:"what?! the Fourth Reich?! but that is impossible!"

Sgt. Zack Swanson:"we got more problems to deal with!"

Robo Fed:"your right about that! let's get moving!"

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin:"Right! we're taking the president to the saferoom! Andrei Harkov, Robo Fed, and Sgt. Zack Swanson, you three are with me!"

the three nodded and began to go to the saferoom.

(P.S. play this music for more action😎)

as they were running they were moved to the side as the plane went down a little.

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin:"don't worry about that! just keep on moving people!"

the four went into the door with the other Agent's.

FSO Agent Team 2 (voiceover):"meeting heavy resistance in the cockpit!"

suddenly everyone dropped down to the ground again.

Sgt. Zack Swanson:"what the fuck is going on?!"

Andrei Harkov:"I don't know! what's going on in the cockpit?!"

but then everyone and everything begin to float up in the air!

pilot #1 (voiceover):"we've stalled out!"

pilot #2 (voiceover):"we're losing altitude!"

then more Fourth Reich soldiers came to fight.

but Robo Fed, killed them with his G18 Akimbo and the AK-47 he got in midair. and after that everyone dropped down to the ground again.

Commander (voiceover):"Team 2, retake the cockpit."

Sgt. Zack Swanson:"that's good to know. we have to stop these guys!"

FSO Agent Team 3 (voiceover):"they have the daughter hostage in the cargo bay!"

Commander (voiceover):Team 3, backup is on the way!"

the four went down the stairs and Sgt. Zack Swanson, picked up a PP90M1 from the ground.

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin, and Andrei Harkov, went to the left. and Robo Fed, and Sgt. Zack Swanson, went to the right.

Commander (voiceover):"All Teams, there are additional hijackers on the lower deck."

Robo Fed, shoot all the Fourth Reich soldiers that were in the room.

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin:"Mr President, stay behind cover and keep your head down!"

Andrei Harkov:"room clear!"

the four (plus President Vorshevsky) entered the next room to see more Fourth Reich soldiers in there. but Sgt. Zack Swanson shot all of them with his PP90M1 he got.

FSO Agent Team 2 (voiceover):" the door to the cockpit has been jammed shut."

FSO Agent Team 1:"Mr President, we have to keep moving!"

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin:"keep pushing forward, everyone!"

FSO Agent Team 2 (voiceover):"we're being driven back from the cockpit."

as they were going to the lower deck. they heard Alena in there.

Alena:"help me!"

Andrei Harkov:"don't worry! we're coming to save you!"

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin, and Andrei Harkov, shoot all the Fourth Reich soldiers that were in the lower deck.

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin:"all clear! daughter secure!"

President Vorshevsky, then run over to his daughter Alena, and hugged her.


President Vorshevsky:"Alena!"

but then everyone startled to feel the turbulence again.

Alena:"father what's going on?!"

President Vorshevsky:"I don't know Alena! I just don't know!"

Cmdr. Leonid Pudovkin:"move the president to the saferoom. Robo Fed, Sgt. Zack Swanson, move up!"

pilot #1 (voiceover):"attempting emergency landing!"

Robo Fed, and Sgt. Zack Swanson moved to the next room were even more Fourth Reich soldiers came to fight. but before they could do anything. the back of the airplane started to rip off!

Sgt. Zack Swanson:"HOLY SHIT!"

Robo Fed:"WHAT THE?!"

then a missile begin to fly at them!

Robo Fed:"oh my God!"


the airplane was hit and it fell to the ground. and Robo Fed, went unconscious for a little bit.

(stop the music now!)

//somewhere else//

Hunk, looked at the crashed airplane and turned to his squad.

Hunk:"alright let's move it people!"

the squad nodded and they shot harpoon's at the part of the airport and Ziplined to the ground.

Hunk:"alright. Albert wesker, and his new friend will be here soon. so we wait until he comes here! understand!"

his squad:"sir yes sir!"

then Hunk and his squad began to wait at the landing pad for Albert wesker and his new friend.

//5 minutes earlier//

Jenny Petrov, Larry Ellison, and Mikey "Mike" Hanson, were driving an jeep in the middle of the snow.

Larry Ellison:"and that's when I say to the other cop! 'that's not a police truck? that's a ice cream truck!' ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Mikey "Mike" Hanson:"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Jenny Petrov, just smiled at them. until she saw something in the distance and it was on fire.

Jenny Petrov:"hey. do any of you guys see that?"

Larry Ellison:"what do you mean Jenny?"

Jenny Petrov:"it's looks like is-"

suddenly the airplane crashed into the ground and some parts of the airplane went flying around! and one part of the airplane went flying to their jeep!

Jenny Petrov:"everyone hold on!"


Jenny Petrov, got out of the jeep and looked around. she then looked at the broken jeep and sees Larry Ellison, and Mikey "Mike" Hanson are ok.

Jenny Petrov:"are you two ok?"

Larry Ellison:"yep. we're fine."

Larry Ellison, looked at Mikey "Mike" Hanson, who is getting up from the broken jeep.

Larry Ellison:"Mike, are you alright?"

Mikey "Mike" Hanson:"yeah. just a little broken rib. but I can still walk."

Jenny Petrov:"good. let's see what is going on over there."

the two nodded and got up. now Jenny Petrov, Larry Ellison, and Mikey "Mike" Hanson, are going to the crash site to see what's happening over there!


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