Team leader tốt

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As a team leader in a small project or even a big project, I has a major impact upon the success or otherwise of the team. Being this role, my effects to team members are related to the responsibility in leadership. In my opinion, they are some effects such as: communication, coordination in team, performance of team.

First of all, the communication in team is one of important effects of a leader to team member. These effects include all communications in the meeting, dealing with team member and also listening to the information from team member. For example, daily meeting or monthly meeting are one of important tasks and require the ability of communication of team leader to update the information and deal the issue, solve the trouble with team member. Thus, the responsibility for making sure that meetings are well-managed is one of the most important aspects of being a team leader. This role of team leader also makes the team members have feelings satisfaction and comfortable when team member talks to each others in this group, so there is a great deal of understanding and gets a final solution to team members. The responsibility of team leader includes the ability to communicate effectively, get direction, resolve conflicts, and engage in collaborative problem solving. Moreover, team leader makes a good teamwork by communication skill. It is easy for sharing suggestion, information and even learning new knowledge between team members. However, having bad ability to listen critically and speak rationally in person to person in the meeting can cause a lot of serious problems to teamwork.For these reasons above, I can firmly point out that team leader have a big effect to the communication in team

Secondly, the coordination is listed out of effects from team leader to team members. Coordination is required between team members in the team. Although tools and technology do help to improve productivity within a team, the largest gains (loi ich) for coordination from team leader are all related to the human aspects of relationships between team members and organization. For instance, a team leader doesn’t make a good coordination in team, this that means the lack of contact among team members from knowing the daily schedules or availability of other team members. Team member won’t know who is absent due to illness and who is on vacation, or even who is off-site for training. The result will be failed because of having more difficulties to coordinate between team members, so they will take the time to try to contact other team members at another location. Therefore, being a team leader, I strongly believe that coordination is one of main effects from team leader to team members

Finally, team leader is one of special factors to have effects to performance of a team. This is because of working together in a team always has many problems such as conflicting goals, and unclear expectations within team, these reasons effect to performance of a team. The responsibility of team leader is to help team member clarify and commit to their mission (nhiem vu, su menh), goals, and approach in the project. Therefore, team leader also supports team member how to work betters with others and has a well-designed direction and specially taking team member to the next level. Moreover, team leader takes responsibility for decision between team members, train and coach new members and help to build up the team as well as support requests from other teams. As a result of good team performance, team leader effects to the team in the leadership role are helps team member by understanding each person’s goals, working with them to change their behaviors to archive the expected results, that’s why team leader have effects to team performance.

To sum up, being a team leader, I  will have to focus on building effective relations both with individual team members and between the members of each team. These effects are related to communication, coordination in team, performance of team. It can safely be said that no team can exist without the leader. After all, having a solid team is responsibilities of team leader and having success or even failure of a team depends upon effects of the leader to the team members.

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