Chapter 1: Lost and Encounter

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"Where am I?" Caboose ask himself, as he looks around. From what he can see he is in a desert like environment with Canyons. Well to say the least he is confuse.

"Am I home?" He said curiously before walking off a bit as he looks at his surroundings. "This is not home, there's no Blue Base...and there's no Red Base!" He looks at the Canyon "And oh! I think that's the Cliff where I shot Church with a Tank! So I might be home?" He said as he points at the Cliff.

Caboose still lost and confuse, he doesn't know where to go or do, until he realized something is missing.

"Wait a minute...WHERE'S FRECKLES!?" He shouted as he frantically looks around and calls out for his 'pet'. "FRECKLES! FRECKLES! WHERE ARE YOU!?"

As he continues to call out for Freckles, he hears something that caught his attention. He turns around and sees green portal appears.


As Caboose stares at the Portal with amazement until two Vehicles drives out, one is a Semi-Truck and the other is a green car. As the unknown vehicles drive out, Caboose watches in amazement when the two vehicles transform into Robots and soon two giant robots aim their weapons at Caboose.

"Hold it, right there 'Con!" The Green Robot yells out with his weapons were trained on him, while the Red and Blue Robot looks at Caboose cautiously.

~Flashback: few minutes before Caboose's Arrival~

It's been a few days after the Autobots has thwarted Megatron's plans and destroying his the space bridge. Now the Autobots are relaxing, training or hanging out with their human companions. Everything seems quiet, until a green wrecker broke something...important.


"Oh...uh...heh...sorry, Ratchet"

Yup...something like that. Ratchet was about to throw a wrench at Bulkhead, but he notice computer has detected something, so he went to check it before informing the others about it.

"Optimus! I'm detecting a Cybertronian life signal." Ratchet quickly informs as the others listened, "It's in the middle of nowhere..."

Everyone (except the Jack, Miko and Raf, because they are in school) gather around Ratchet.

"Is an Autobot or Decepticon?" Optimus questioned.

"I'm not sure, Optimus..." Ratchet admitted.

"Very well, then..." he points at Bulkhead "Bulkhead you're with me, we have to investigate the signal if it's either Autobot or Decepticon, it could possibly be a neutral." Optimus said.

"Got it." Bulkhead acknowledged.

"Ratchet, lock on those coordinates and activate the Groundbridge." Optimus commanded.

Ratchet nods as he activates the Groundbridge. Optimus watches as the portal swirl open, both Optimus and Bulkhead drive through and reaches the other side.

~Present Time~

"Hold it, right there 'Con!" Bulkhead shouted as he has his Blasters aimed at Caboose while Optimus is looking at him with caution and wonder. He notices something different with this Vehicon compared to the other Vehicons they fought before.

The main difference being that this Vehicon has a blue visor than the original red visors, Vehicon usually have. The paint job is blue and the Vehicon seems to be Triple-Changer, because of the wings and the turret behind him, which shows that his alt mode is a mixture of a tank and Flyer.

Unfortunately for them, they are not facing a regular Vehicon.

   There was tense silence between the two Autobots and the Blue Vehicon. The Bots were waiting for the Blue Vehicon to make his move, like shoot them or bring out his weapons or surrender. But the silenced was broken by the Vehicon's response and the action he did caught them off guard.

"That...was...AWESOME!!!" The Blue Vehicon yelled out with excitement as he raises his hands in emphasis.

"Um... What?" Bulkhead said dumbfounded by his response while Optimus' eyes slightly widen in surprise by the Vehicon's behavior, and what surprises them is the fact that Vehicon's tone is strikingly similar to a little child or sparkling.

Caboose still looks at them with amazement before continuing "That was awesome! How did you do that!? Who made you!? And..." Caboose continues to  ask them random question while the two Autobots were still surprise by his behavior and how he still kept his composure even when weapons are pointed at him.

"...maybe Wash would be happy, and..."

Bulkhead was first to shake off from his shock before being serious again. "Okay! Enough talk and Stand down!" He ordered.

"Okay!" Instead of actually standing down, Caboose sits down on the ground. "...Like this?" Asked innocently and once again the two Autobots are surprise by either his childish behavior or his stupidity. "I'll take that as a yes." Optimus is quite surprise by this, but something is telling him that Caboose is no threat.

"Bulkhead, stand down he doesn't seem to be a threat" Bulkhead reluctantly complied as Optimus approaches Caboose, despite instincts telling him that Caboose means no harm, he still remain cautious as he walks towards him, incase something bad happens.

"Greetings..." He greets him.

"Hello! It's nice to meet you!" Caboose said happily innocently, while still sitting down.

"...indeed...what's your designation?" Optimus asked calmly.

"My desk-in-nation? I don't have a desk or a nation." Caboose replied innocently.

Optimus blinks a few times, while Bulkhead is snickering in background by Caboose response. "Sorry, I mean what's your name?" He asked again being more specific.

"Oh! My name is Caboose!" He introduced himself

'The Frag? What kind of name is Caboose?' Bulkhead thought.

"Greetings Caboose, my name is Optimus Prime" He

"Hello Octopus Prime! My name is Caboose!" He replied, but incorrectly.

Bulkhead heard this and is trying not to laugh while, Optimus blinked at Caboose's incorrect response

"It's Optimus Prime" he corrected him.

"Oh! Yes, hi Octopus Prime! My name is Caboose" Caboose said again.

Optimus sighs at his response while Bulkhead was having a hard time trying not laugh. Optimus has a question meaning to ask.

"Why are you here?" Optimus asked.

"Oh uh...I remember a light, then I'm here! Am I in heaven?!" Caboose exclaimed. Optimus question his response, but he is also wondering why he would be in heaven if he's in a canyon.

"No, you're... not in heaven." Optimus corrected him as Bulkhead walks up beside Optimus, but Caboose notices him.

"Hello!" Caboose waves at him while Bulkhead awkwardly waves at him

"Uh...hey..." Bulkhead said and comms. Optimus "/Optimus, I notice something in this Vehicon, it looks different from the ones we fought/"

"/I also notice that, he seems to be a triple-changer/" Optimus replied.

" guys all staring at me...I love it when they do that.." Caboose said above whisper while the two bots gives him questioning looks.

"/I believe he might not be in any side./" Optimus concluded.

"/I doubt that, he is a Vehicon which means he's a Decepticon. He might a be failed experiment made by Shockwave or something./" Bulkhead counters.

"/Maybe we should ask him, he doesn't have Decepticon symbol, only a symbol that seems to be a snake-like icon. He must be a neutral./" Optimus suggested.

"/Alright, it's your choice sir/" Bulkhead said.

"Caboose, we have a question for you." Optimus said.

"Okay! What question?" Caboose asked.

"Which side are you on?" Optimus asked to see if Caboose is neutral or Decepticon.

"Which side? My left side or right side?" Caboose asked, while the two Bots look dumbfounded by his stupidity. But they were able to compose themselves.

"Are you a Decepticon?" Optimus asked more specifically for Caboose to understand.

"Disk-sep-ti-can? I'm not a Disk or a Can, I'm a Blue!" Caboose replies.

Bulkhead snickers at his answer, Optimus seems to believe Caboose in not a Decepticon, because of his answer.

"Caboose, I believe I want you to come with us, since you have no where to go."

"Optimus are you sure about that?" Bullhead asked.

"I believe Caboose will do no harm to us, and the Children." Optimus said.

"Does that mean I going to make more friends!?" Caboose said eagerly as he stands up.

"Yes..." Optimus said

"Yay more friends!" Caboose exclaimed.

Optimus chuckles at his behavior as he calls for a Groundbridge. "Optimus to base, we request a Groundbridge and..." he glances at Caboose. "...We have have a new member joining us." He said as the Groundbridge opens up.

"This is a start of a brand new friendship!" Caboose exclaimed while Optimus have Caboose small smile as they head to Groundbridge.


To be continued

Well this Chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter.

Fun Fact: Caboose's Arrival took place after Darkness Rising.

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