Chapter 10: The Grifzone

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At the next day after the little incident in the Military Base, everyone is doing their normal routine, Jack, Miko and Raf are sitting in their area with Grif on the sidelines, Miko was occupied with her drawing, which is a drawing of Arcee and Caboose together, Jack is talking to Grif, and Lopez is seen watching Raf, who is busy with his laptop.

The Reds and Blues are also doing their daily routine, Simmons is talking with Bulkhead and Bumblebee, Donut is inside his Berth Room probably writing his dairy.

Doc/O'Malley are in the SAFE along with Wash and Carolina, doing their daily training. Sarge is seen talking to Optimus, pretty much about his War Stories while Optimus just listened.

Then Ratchet has detected something in the computer and called everyone at the main hall.

"Strange energy has been signal detected." Ratchet reported.

Ratchet then showed it on the screen.

"I had hoped that my studies on the subject would be purely academic. But though faint, this is clearly a sign of Dark Energon, and it moving fast." Ratchet explains.

"...Is that bad thing?" Simmons asked nervously.

"Obviously..." Grif scoffed.

"Megatron..." Optimus states with frown.

"Where did he find more?" Arcee asked as she and Bulkhead made their way towards them.

"And what's he going to do with it? Recruit a new army of the undead?" Bulkhead added.

"Wait what!?" The Reds and Blues exclaims.

"Zombiecon?" Miko asked in excitement as she heard the conversation.

"Robot Zombies are a thing here!?" Wash exclaims, to which Bumblebee nodded.

~Location: Canyon~

The place where the Autobots detected the signal came from the same canyon where they battle against the Decepticon Skyquake, and Starscream is one to reach the Fallen Decepticon's gravesite. Starscream flew down and transformed when he reached to a bunch of rocks.

"Ah, the gravesite of the mighty Skyquake. So quick to reject my authority while you lived. But as the first of my reanimated warriors, you shall bow to my command." Starscream announced as he broke the shard in two and threw one part into the grave.

It fell into one of the cracks and began to glow. Then he stabbed himself with the other half of the shard.

"Yes! Power of dark energon, be mine!" Starscream smirked as he was glowing purple flames. "Symbiosis! I can feel it!"

~Location: Autobot base~

"While it may be possible, we cannot rule out the possibility. Especially since he seems to be returning to a familiar location." Optimus stated, before continuing.

"While Megatron has not been seen or heard from in the past two weeks, it would seem that he is making up for lost time." Optimus said, before looking at his team and the Reds and Blues.

"Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Sarge, Simmons, Donut, Agent Washington, Carolina and Ratchet you're coming with me." Optimus said.

"Time for some action!" Sarge said as he transforms his servo in a shotgun and cocks it, while Wash and Carolina nodded.

"First missions against evil giant robots? Doesn't sound like a good thing..." Simmons said, before transforming his servo into a Rocket Launcher.

"Why me Optimus?" the Ratchet asked, looking at the last Prime.

"If it indeed is Dark Energon, then I will require you're expertise." Optimus answered.

Optimus then looks at the at the rest, "...Arcee, Caboose, Doc, Lopez and Tucker..."

"Bridge control, got it." Arcee acknowledged.

"Afirmativo." Lopez acknowledged.

"Wait what!? I don't know how to use these vortex things!" Tucker exclaims.

"Well, clearly you were not paying attention when Optimus was explaining to you how to use a Groundbridge!" Arcee retorted.

"Hey, not my fault I'm not a mechanic, I'm a doctor - a doctor of love. PhD. Certified Loooveology, General Harasstitioner. Sexicologist! Bow Chika Bow Wo-" Arcee Kicks him in the crotch, "-AAAAOOOOOOWW!!"

Jack, Bulkhead, Bumblebee winced when they saw that, while Grif just shields his crotch.

"First of all, love is not an officially recognised medical specialty. And also, PhDs? Heh, not really doctors!" Doc said.

"Dude, you're a dork..." Tucker mutters out.

"Pervert." Arcee grumbles, just before she would start putting in the coordinates.

Caboose started pressing all the buttons randomly, "Look at all the buttons! Buttons! BEEP! BOP! BEEP! BOOP! BOOP!"

"Caboose!!" Arcee exclaims angrily.

"Yes!?" Caboose said.

"What are you doing-" Before she would finish her sentence, Caboose clicked another Button and the screen shows the right coordinates.

"Oh... nevermind..." Arcee said, before looking at Tucker, who is at moment holding where the pain hurts, "...even though Caboose isn't that smart, at least he knows to use a groundbridge..."

"Shut up..." Tucker groans.

Arcee ignores him and walks to Caboose's side.

"Go get them Bulkhead!" Miko called out, not turning her eyes away from her drawing.

Grif, Jack and Raf looked Miko with superstition as she continued drawing.

"That's not like Miko not to wanna go." Jack said.

"She's definitely up to something." Raf added.

"Wait, you're serious she would do something?" Grif asked surprise, they both nodded.

Arcee activated the ground bridge as the Autobots transformed into their alt forms and went through the vortex. Miko suddenly smirked as she threw her stuff on the couch and ran towards the ground bridge.

"Making a break!" Jack said as he and Raf ran after her, before Grif followed.

Miko jumped down multiple stairs before she made her way into her way to the tunnel, without Arcee, Lopez, Tucker, who is at the moment getting his crotch heals by Doc, and Caboose noticing.

Well... except Caboose.

"Bye Miko!" Caboose said, without looking at her, which got Miko to freeze in the spot before running off, while Arcee looks at Caboose in confusion by that response, before shrugging it off.

Before she went all the way through, Jack grabbed her by the arm.

"It's not safe!" Jack told her.

"I'm not missing my first Zombiecon showdown!" Miko shot back.

"And risk yourself for that kind of bullshit!?" Grif exclaims.

"Yes!" Miko said, before she yanked her arm out of Jack's grasp and run right through the GroundBridge, and her phone falling out of her pocket without her notice.

"Miko!" Jack cried out in frustration, just before he would run in Grif then grabs Jack and Raf and places them on his shoulders and said.

"You know... I can see why she can be a pain in the ass..." The Orange-Vehicon said, in a very annoyed tone.

"You have no idea..." Jack groan.

Grif sighed and stated, "As much as I don't wanna spoil my reputation as a do-nothing slacker, I will not take full responsibility of any injury or death of a child."

"You and us..." Raf agreed, before they entered the groundbridge.

The vortex opened inside the canyon and the Autobots drove out and returned back to their robot forms. Miko followed them, climbing up a rock hill to get a good view of everything.

"That's not Megatron!" Bulkhead realized.

"Rise, Skyquake! Rise!" Starscream ordered, making the grave of the of the Fallen Decepticon crumble.

"Okay, I'm not sure if I'm ready for undead robot zombies!" Wash said.

"You and me..." Carolina agrees, as she transforms her servo into a plasma rifle.

In the hillside, Miko is quivering in excitement.

"Let's see some fight of the living dead already!" Miko yelled in excitement from the hill.

Grif, Jack and Raf follows behind her and hid aswell.

"Miko! What were you thinking?!" Jack asked as he and Raf hops down from Grif's shoulder pad, kneeling down next to her.

"She wasn't." Raf pointed out as he kneeled next to Jack.

"And here I thought, Caboose isn't the one for thinking..." Grif added, before kneeling.

"Hey, I missed out on the last fight. This could be my only chance to take some snap!" Miko argued back.

"Is that really what you care about than your life!?" Grif said.

"Yes! Well... maybe..." She said as she went to grab her phone. Only to realise it wasn't with her.

"My phone! I must have left it at the base." Miko groans, while Jack and Raf just face palms.

Then a sudden shout catches their attention.

"Starscream!" Optimus calls out as he transforms his servo into a Path Blaster, while the ref gets in a battle stance.

"Autobots!" Starscream cursed, and notices the new addition of Team Prime, "...and Vehicons?"

"Stand down Deceptitard or we will force you to stand down!" Sarge ordered, with his servo transformed into a shotgun.

"You stand down!" Starscream retorted as he pulled out and fired his wrist missile, making the Autobots and the Reds and Blue to take cover behind the rocks.

"You cannot harm me while dark energon flows through my veins. I am invincible!" Starscream gloated while his eyes turned purple.

Simmons got out of his cover, and aims his rocket launcher at Starscream.

"Fire in the hole!" Simmons shouts.

He fires his rocket launcher at Starscream, and blew his arm off. The Air-commander cried out in pain as the bottom of his arm flew to the ground.

Simmons smirked under his mask, "Ha! Dumbass!"

Starscream gasped in horror as he looked at his remaining arm, he immediately grabbed his lower arm and hid behind a rock.

"Great shot Simmons!" Sarge praised.

"Thank you, sir!" Simmons said.

"You clipped his wing! He's grounded!" Bulkhead stated.

The Autobots and the Reds and Blues soon got out of their cover, and advance towards the wounded Decepticon.

"Come on, come on! Rise already!" Starscream yelled impatiently, but when he saw his enemies getting closer he realized it was time to leave.

He then activate his to the Nemesis, "This is Coammander Starscream, requesting emergency ground bridge to my coordinates." Starscream orders.

The Autobots were almost close to him until...

"I can't believe you made me lose my phone!" A familiar voice yelled angrily.

Everyone turned around to see Grif, Jack, Miko and Raf on the pile of rocks.

"How is this my fault?" Jack retorted.

"Ha! Well jokes on you! I have my phone with me!" Grif smirked with his Cybertronian-size IPhone out, showing the recording of the confrontation between the Autobots and Starscream. While kids can only look in surprise.

"Where did you get that?" Raf asked in surprise.

"Simmons made it..." Grif answered.

"...can you send me a copy?" Miko asked.

"I don't have your phone number." He replied.

"Is the really the time to talk to about sending each other messages?" Jack asked deadpanned.

While Grif and the kids continues bickering at each other, the Autobots and the other Reds and Ex-Freelancers just watch.

"Oh no." Bulkhead said.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Wash groans, before the Autobots receive a transmission from Arcee.

"/Base to Optimus, Grif and the kids are missing./" Arcee reported.

"/GASP! THEY TURNED INVISIBLE!/" Caboose gasped.

"/No they didn't turn invisible Caboose.../" Arcee said deadpan.

"/Oh... then they must be playing Hide and Seek! Or Hide and don't seek! I like that game!" He guessed, which got some of them to sigh or facepalm.

"/They're not going playing Hide and Seek, Caboose!/" Arcee exclaims.

"/Neat.../" Caboose stated.

"/Idiota/" Lopez said.

Optimus then interrupts, "We have a visual. Send the ground bridge immediately." Optimus informed.

At that moment, two ground bridge portals appeared, one near to the kids and Grif, while the other one next to Starscream.

"Two!?" Ratchet looked at both of them with wide eyes before shouting at them. "You four, into our GroundBridge. Now!"

"You heard the angry doc-bot! Let's get out of here!" Grif stated before he grabs Jack, Miko and Raf before running towards the groundbridge.

Optimus saw Starscream jump into his ground bridge at the same time when Grif and the kids got inside the other. Suddenly, the ground bridges began to whirr uncontrollably.

"Ratchet, what is happening?" Optimus asked.

"The dueling ground bridge portals must be feeding back on each other." Ratchet answered.

"Grif..." Simmons gasped.

"Miko..." Bulkhead gasped, "...We've got to get them out of there!" He said alarmed.

Bulkhead, Simmons and Sarge ran towards the ground bridge, but when they got there, it exploded sending them flying, while Simmons landed on Wash.

"OOOWWW! Why!?" Wash groans.

"Sorry Wash!" Simmons apologized.

Next, another explosion of the two portals sent everyone off of their feet and surrounding the area in smoke and dust.

Groaning, Jack felt himself lying on the ground. He looked both ways to see Miko and Raf also lying on the ground next to him, and Grif lying on the ground infront of them. Pushing his hands off the ground and slowly he got onto his feet.

"Everybody still in one piece?" Jack asked, as he got onto his pede(feet).

"Yeah I think so." Raf said as he too got up and adjusted his glasses.

"Me too." Miko said as she also got off the ground.

"Still alive!" Grif said, as he got onto his feet.

They heard groaning from behind them and turned to see Bulkhead stand on his feet. Grif and the Kids looked around the area and found that it was extremely foggy and the pace seemed to almost lose all colour, except Grif, Jack, Miko and Raf.

"Uh... was it this foggy when we got here?" Grif asked confused.

"I don't think so..." Raf replied.

Turning back, Grif and the kids saw the other Autobots also getting back onto their feet.

"What happened?" Bulkhead asked.

"I'm not too sure. But my guess is, is that when two GroundBridges are sent to the same coordinates they crossed streams. Causing a feedback that could have triggered a system overload." Ratchet explained.

"Could? COULD?! That's understatement there Ratchet!" Grif exclaims.

The Autobots seemed to not have heard him, as Bulkhead asked if Grif and the kids had made it back to base.

Confused, Miko walked forward and shouted at him.

"Bulkhead, we're right here!" Miko calls out.

"Arcee, Caboose, Tucker and Lopez, did the children make it safely back to base?" Optimus asked.

Arcee must have said something to cause Ratchet to say his next two words. "No sign."

"What? 'No sign'?! Seriously Bulkhead-." Miko said, only to be cut off as Bulkhead seemed to have stepped right through her, causing Miko to freak out and stumble back into Jack's arms.

"Holy shit!" Grif said in disbelief.

"He went right through you." Jack stated in disbelief.

"We're not alive!" Raf cried out in terror as he grabbed onto Jack's shirt. "I don't want to be a ghost."

"Great! Is this how Church feel to be dead? Because I don't like it one bit!" Grif said.

"Hang on. How can we still touch each other?" Miko asked as she got out of Jack's arms.

"Um, I think the correct term is, how come they can't see us if they we can see them and each other!" Grif states.

"I agree on Grif with this one..." Raf agreed.

The Autobots move forward as Grif and the Kids followed behind them, listening in on their discussion.

"Ratchet, could the children have been transported to the Nemesis instead?" Optimus asked.

"Not likely. If Starscream did not arrive at our base...." Ratchet begins.

"...then the most likely possibility would be that they were bridged to an unintended destination." Simmons theorised, causing the kids to stop in their tracks.

"Another place, but at the same time the same place?" Raf asked himself.

"Okay, that was the nerdiest thing Simmons has ever said...ever... of all time..." Miko commented.

"We're probably in another dimension. It would explain why we're the only ones that can touch each other and not interact with the Autobots, a shadow zone if will." Jack explained as he saw the Autobots look at where Skyquake was buried.

"Like the upside down world from 'Stranger Things'!" Grif commented.

"Wait, you watch that show!?" Miko exalims, looking at Grif.

"Yeah! I saved it in my Netflix..." Grif said, before looking at Sarge.

Grif then thought of something and walks up to Red-Vehicon's face, "Hey Sarge! Guest what? You suck! Fuck you Sarge!"

"Grif! What are you doing!?" Jack said, while Miko just laughed.

"What? I was just testing if we are really in a different dimension." Grif explained, oh so innocently.

"But do you really have to do that!?" Jack exclaims.

"Hey this are only the few times where I can insult Sarge without being threatened." Grif said.

"Good One!" Miko gives a thumbs up.

"Uh...guys, I think we should listen on what they have to say..." Raf said, pointing at the Autobots and the Reds and Blues.

"It would seem that Starscream got what he had come for." Ratchet stated.

"How did we miss Skyquake rising from the ground?" Bulkhead asked.

"I find it highly impossible to miss something that like that, unless the resurrection has failed or something." Carolina said, examining where Skyquake was buried.

"Another matter for another time. Right now our main priority is finding Grif and the children." Optimus stated.

"Or we can just find the kids, and then leave Grif!" Sarge suggested.

"We're not doing that! And what's with you leaving Grif behind?!" Ratchet exclaimed.

"...I have my reasons..." Sarge states.

Optimus ignores them and com.links Arcee, Caboose, Tucker and Lopez.

"Arcee, Caboose, and Tucker we request a GroundBridge."

Grif, Jack, Miko and Raf watched as the Autobots moved towards the GroundBridge. Grif looks at the kids and asked.

"...So how do we get out of here!?" Grif exclaims

Suddenly the ground started to shake and the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard.

"Uh...did you hear that?" Grif asked nervously.

"Y-Yeah..." Raf said.

Looking up, they saw a clawed hand grab on to the rock, then the reanimated body of Skyquake emerged from the corner as he shambled his way towards the Autobots. Eyes widening, Girf and the others started to run after Skyquake, shouting for the Autobots to look behind them.

"Zombie!" Miko cried out.

"Guys! Look out!" Jack shouted.

"Bulkhead!" Miko cried out to her guardian.

"It's right behind you!" Raf also shouted.


Then Skyquake took a swipe at Bulkhead, his attack simply passed right through him. Confused, the resurrected Decepticon tried again, only for the results to be the same. Stopping, Grif and the others were glad that it could not attack the Autobots.

"Awesome! It can't touch them either." Miko cheered, only for Skyquake to turn his head and look straight at them.

"Oh...shit..." Miko cursed out.

"You jinxed us didn't you!?" The Orange Vehicon exclaim.

"Sorry!" Miko quickly said..

The undead Skyquake roared and began walking toward them.

"If that thing can't touch the Bots." Jack began.

"Just like we can't." Miko continued.

"Then we're trapped in the shadowzone with a Decepticon zombie?" Raf finished.

"If we aren't ghosts now, we will be soon." Miko squeaked.

"Ha! Time for him to face...." Grif began as his servo transformed into a brute shot, "...The Grifshot!"

The kids looks at him with raised eye-brows at the name.

"The Grifshot? You literally just named your weapon after your name?" Jack said deadpan.

"Hey, it fits!" Grif retorted.

"No it doesn't..." Raf said.

"It sounds cool!" Miko said, finding the name 'Grifshot' cool.

"See! Atleast Miko respect it! Now let's turn this undead son of a bitch into slag!" Grif said confidently and aims his Grifshot at the undead Skyquake, who in turn roared at them.

"Sayonara biatch!" Grif then fires the Grifshot as the grenade projectile then hits the terrorcon head on, but the armor had resisted the shot.

"Uh, Grif it doesn't seem to work!" Miko pointed out.

"Um..." the Orange-Vehicon Fires a few more time, but with each shot the terrorcon's armor resisted, as the Undead-Skyquake roared at them.

"It's armor is too strong! We should leave!" Jack said.

"Yeah! I got it!" Grif agrees, he then transforms in his alt mode, which is the Orange warthog, "COME ON!"

Jack, Miko and Raf hurriedly hops on Grif. Jack hops on the driver seat and Raf took the passenger seat while Miko took the turret, as he drove away, with Skyquake on their tail.

"Maybe we could set a trap, try to crush it." Miko proposed.

"With what? Nothing around here's solid except us and the ground, and the Grifshot!" Raf reminded her.

"We can't drive forever, or maybe Grif can fight that thing!" Miko proposed again.

"I'm not gonna fight that thing! It's two times bigger than me!" Grif exclaims, quickly denying that suggestion.

"Maybe we can hide." Miko proposed again.

"Hide where!? All I see are rocks, no trees and no caves! We're in a fucking canyon!" Grif cursed out as he drives faster.

~Back in the Autobot Base~

"Ratchet, if the children were misdirected to an unintended location, is there any way to get a fix on their coordinates?" Optimus asked slightly anxious.

"Maybe the Groundbridge must have malfunctioned or something." Donut guessed.

"That's a could possibility, but we're not sure Donut..." Ratchet said.

"If they were lost, Miko would have called me by now." Bulkhead told them.

"Why not call them?" Bumblebee suggested.

"Call them! Yes!" Bulkhead said as he activated his com-link.

Suddenly, a metal music filled the room as everyone looked around to see where it was. Bulkhead walked over to the ground bridge and saw Miko's phone on the floor.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." Simmons groans.

"So, that's why Miko didn't have her phone." Bulkhead groaned as he picks it up.

"Let me try, Jack." Arcee immediately suggested.

"I'll do the same with Grif!" Simmons added.

~Back with Grif and others~

In that moment, the Grif stops driving and parked.

"Where is the exit of this place!?" Grif complains.

"Hey...In the bright side, the best thing about zombies: they're slow moving." Miko remarked.

"Yeah, tell that to Left 4 Dead, they're not slow moving..." Grif scoffed.

"I mean by Walking Dead slow moving!" Miko clarifies.

Then everyone heard music coming from Jack's pocket and Grif's

"Is that your..." Raf began.

"Phone!" Everyone realized.

Jack grabbed it and answered. "Hello? Arcee?"

Grif also accepts his call, "Simmons?! You there!"

~Location: Autobot Base~

"Jack?! Can you hear me?!" Arcee asked with worry before she lost connection. "Nothing."

"Same here." Simmons added.

"Gasp! Maybe they are in another dimension!" Caboose gasped, to which the Autobots, except Arcee, Reds and Blues, facepalms or sighs.

"Caboose, that's preposterous!" Ratchet denied, "...No wait, it's stupid!"

"Well, he's not wrong... it could be a possibility." Arcee said supporting Caboose's statement, surprising the Autobots.

"What?" Bulkhead and Bumblebee said in surprise.

"Oaky, One: ridiculous, two: Caboose, you're an idiot!" Ratchet said.

"Neat..." Caboose said.

"Like how Caboose and the rest are from another dimension is ridiculous?" Arcee said.

Ratchet was silent when Arcee said that, before speaking.

" made a valid point..."

~Back with Grif and others~

"Hello? Arcee!" Jack yelled into the phone before groaning and hanging up. "Nothing."

"What about you Grif?" Raf asked.

"Same thing as Jack, just static..." Grif replied.

"Gee, imagine that. The fourth dimension has lousy cell phone reception." Miko remarked sarcastically.

"I can try and call Simmons with phone instead of my, but I have to change back to my Robot mode to grab my phone." Grif suggested.

"But it might end with the same results." Jack said.

"..." Grif was silent.


"...good point..."

Then Jack realizes something.

"Wait, guys. Guys, the phone rang. We're getting a signal." Jack pointed out.

"Yeah? So? There's phone signal and it sucks, we're going to die here! How wonderful!" Grif said sarcastically.

"Maybe the Autobots can't see or hear us because we're moving at hyper speed or something." Raf suggested.

"Okay, you're seriously sounding like Simmons." Grif commented.

"Do you think they can read us?" Jack asked.

"Texting!" Raf exclaimed.

"Text me! If my phone's back at the base, maybe they'll see it!" Miko exclaimed. Jack began to text Miko's phone, but right then Skyquake appeared.

"Oh shit!" Grif cursed.

"Can you text, while Grif drives?" Raf asked urgently.

Grif then drove though it's legs, managing to avoid the Terrorcon, but the Fallen Decepticon is still on it's tail.

"This has to be our worst luck ever! Of all time!" Miko shouted.

~Location: Autobot Base~

"We're dealing with fluctuating energy profiles inside a wide distortion field. But it may be possible to back-trace their coordinates." Ratchet explained, before Wash sneezes.

"Achoo!" Wash sneeze for odd reason, 'Why do I keep sneezing?'

"Bless you..." Optimus said.

Miko's phone began flashing and vibrating behind them, which no one seemed to notice.


The Grif and the kids are still driving away, before they come for a stop when Grif and Miko realize that they came in a circle.

"Déja vu!" Miko observed.

"What?" Jack asked.

"This doesn't look familiar to you?" Grif asked.

"Not really." He answered, not understanding what Grif and Miko means.

"Dude, we just ran one big circle!" Miko yelled.

"Yeah no shit!" Grif exclaims.

"What are we going to do now?!" Raf asked nervously.

Then a thought came in Grif's mind. "Guys, I have an idea!"

"We could use any idea right now." Jack said.

"Okay, this idea may or may not sound suicidal." Grif informed them, making the kids nervous.

"Meaning?" Raf asked nervously.

"Well, it involves Miko!" Grif said.

"Wait me!?" Miko squeaked, feeling a bit anxious about his plan.

" how do you feel about going a little... crazy?" Grif would have smirked, if he wasn't in his vehicle form.

Meanwhile, Skyquake still is following them, but then he hears a sound of music, which caught his attention.

(Play the Video)

"AWESOOOOOME!" Miko cheered.

Skyquake looks over and sees Grif and Miko come barrelling over the hill, before driving around Skyquake.

"Shoot the son of a bitch!" Grif commanded.

"You got it!" Miko then starts firing the turret on the back of the Grif's alt mode, hitting Skyquake.

"Yeah, suck it zombie! Yeahah, get some, suck it bitch! Ohoh, you want some, how about this!?" Miko taunted as she continues firing the turret at the cybertronian-zombie.

Skyquake roars attempts to hit them, but Grif easily dodge the attack and continues to rain bullets on the Undead Skyquake.

"Ha! You suck at fighting!" Miko taunted, as she continues to fire at the Decepticon.

Meanwhile, Jack and Raf in the sidelines can only watch in shocked amazement, while Grif and Miko kept the zombie distracted, on the while continuing to shout insults and shoot bullets at the Decepticon, which is irritating the terrorcon and also damaging the him.

"Okay... that is crazy..." Jack said, gawked by the situation they are seeing.

"...yup..." Raf agreed.

"EAT LEAD BITCH!" Miko's shout can be heard, and rapid gunfire is heard.

"YEAH! NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Grif's cheering is heard.

~Location: Autobot Base~

Inside base, Bulkhead noticed Miko's phone flashing and vibrating.

"Miko's phone. It wasn't blinking before." Bulkhead said before opening the phone with his finger. "It's a message. In alternate dimension with zombie. Help!"

"Wait what." Ratchet said surprise, by the message.

"Huh... looks like Caboose is right..." Arcee said, equally surprise.

"YAY!" Caboose cheered.

"Ratchet, can we triangulate the geographical position of the cellphone's signal?" Optimus asked.

"In a parallel dimensional plane?!" Wash asked in disbelief.

"Hard, but not impossible." Ratchet said.

"Well, let's find out." Doc added.

~back with Miko and Grif~

Back with Grif and the Kids, Miko and Grif are still seen attacking the Fallen Decepticon, while avoiding from getting themselves killed or hurt.

"I never had this much fun in my life!" Miko shouted in glee, as she fires the turret at the Decepticon

"Same!" Grif said as he continues to drive around the Decepticon, dodging and evading.

Meanwhile Jack and Raf continues to watch.

"Um... how long has this been going on?"

Jack checks his watch and said, "About 7 minutes..."

Miko's yelling can be heard, in mixture of anger and glee as she continues to fire endless bullets on the undead Decepticon, while Grif is cheering her on as he dodges the Decepticon's attempts to hit them. 

"That's right! That's right, I got your ass! Get off your ass and run, you cock bites! Right now! Yeah, not so pretty when you are slow and stupid! Yeah, that's right!We're gonna get you! Come on! Don't be a wimp! Come on, con! Come on, get out there! I've got a whole barrel of love to shoot you with! Come on! Get out now! Yeah, come on out! I know you like this! Come out where I can get you! Come on! Don't be a wimp! Come on, con! DIE A SECOND TIME BITCH!!" Miko taunted as she fires the turret while Grif dodge and evade the terrorcon.

"Huh...Deja vu..." Grif said, feeling bits of nostalgia when Miko said that.

Meanwhile with Jack and Raf.

"You know... this is has been weirdest day... ever... of all time..." Jack said, unknown to them, Wash sneezes again back in the base.

"Yup..." Raf said.

~Location: The Autobot base~

"By calculating the relative time delays and ion aspheric distortions, the signal emanated from the exact location as the original ground bridge coordinates." Ratchet informs, with the screen showing their previous location when they encountered Starscream.

"But we already looked for them there!" Bulkhead objected.

"Perhaps. But not in the correct dimensional phase as their message stated. But if I can recreate the feedback loop which triggered the event, I might be able to generate a rescue portal, allowing passage from their dimension..." Ratchet explained.

"Back to base?" Caboose interrupted, to which Ratchet exclaims.

"No! We're talking about inter-dimensional travel here, Caboose! Attempting to redirect the vortex trajectory would be far too risky!" Ratchet retorted.

"Neat..." Caboose said.

"Everyone knows that." Arcee piped in.

"If the coordinates aren't precisely the same, who knows where Grif and the kids could wind up!" Ratchet snapped.

~Back with Grif and others~

Jack and Raf continues to watch the fight between Decepticon and their two friends.

"How long do you think they will keep this up?" Raf asked.

"Maybe until when the Autobots got our text..." Jack replied, as Miko's shout can be heard.


"Raaaah!" Zombie Skyquake shouted, sounding very offended as more bullets impact his armor.

(Translation: Blasphemy!)

Then Jack and Raf, except Grif and Miko who are too occupied fighting Skyquake, hears a groundbridge appear behind them and they look to see Starscream coming out of the vortex.

"Skyquake! Your master summons you!" Starscream said announces in front of the kids.

"How did Starscream get in our dimension?" Raf asked in fear, hiding behind Jack.

"He didn't. He can't see us." Jack deduced, he looks back to Miko and Grif still fighting the undead Decepticon, "...and it looks like Miko and Grif are enjoying themselves too much..."

Skyquake swipes his claws again, but it only impacts the ground.

"You miss you brainless son of a bitch!!!" Grif taunts.

"Fifty chance that Bulkhead and the Autobots will kill Grif for teaching Miko to swear?" Jack said.

"Yup..." Raf said.

Then a Groundbridge appears infront of them.

"A ground bridge portal?" Raf asked.

"That has to be our way out of here." Jack said, "the Autobots must saw our text!"

Starscream looks at the Groundbridge portal in confusion, "What? Mine or theirs?" Starscream asked as he observed the portal.

"If we go through, we run smack into Starscream!" Raf pointed out. "If we don't..."

"We're zombie chow." Jack finished as he looks back to see Grif and Miko, still doing pretty okay against Skyquake while the that Warthog music is still playing, "...But seems it Miko and Grif got that covered..."

Miko then aims at knee joints and fires the turret which in turn, damages Skyquake's knee causing him to fall in the ground, while Grif stops infront of him.

"Ha! Not so tough now are you!" Miko taunted.

"RAAAHH RAAH!" The Zombie Skyquake roared at them.

(Translation: FUCK YOU!)

Seeing that Skyquake is now hindered,  Jack and Raf jumped through the portal and ran past the seeker.

"Humans?" Starscream gasped in surprise. "Where did you vermin..."

Before he would finish his sentence, he hears music, "Wait, where's that music coming from-AAAAAAH"

Starscream screams when Grif rams into Starscream, in his alt mode and Miko still manning the turret, before the portal closed, making him fall to the ground.

Grif then stops infront of Jack and Raf, as the two kids hops on the Orange Warthog. Then another ground bridge opened, and Optimus, Bulkhead, Arcee and Caboose comes running out.

"Jack, Miko, Rafael, Grif." Optimus greeted.

"Autobots again?!" Starscream screeched as he stands up, and looks at Blue Vehicon in confusion, "....and a Blue Vehicon?"

"Hello!" Caboose waved, as Grif and the Kids drove through the Groundbridge.

Starscream shook his helm and uses his, "Requesting emergency ground bridge, now!" He said through his com-link.

~Location: Autobot base~

"Look. If you're gonna blame anybody, blame me." Miko said to everyone.

"I'm sorry. Could you repeat that? A couple dozen times?" Jack smirked, causing Miko to glare at him.

"Miko, what you endured has been lesson enough. We are just glad you are all safe." Optimus said smiled.

"I guess it was a good thing you dropped this." Donut said as he held up Miko's cell phone.

"Too bad you didn't get any pictures though." Bulkhead said.

"Nah, that's okay, because I have the best experience yet!" Miko cheer which surprises the Autobots, "...This is the first time I ever fought a Robot Zombie!" Miko said.

"Wait, you fought a what now?" Bulkhead said.

"Oh right, well when we were in the Shadowzone, what Jack calls it, a zombie was chasing us around then Grif suggest the craziest idea ever!" Miko remarked excitedly, this immediately got the Autobots to look at Grif with narrowed optics.

"Uh... What?" Grif asked nervously.

"Oh if I only my phone, it would be awesome to watch it again!" Miko complains.

"Well Miko, you're lucky I recorded it..." Jack said, pulling out his phone, to which Grif paled.

"WAIT REALLY!? AWEOSME! Show them!" Miko encourages, while Grif shakes his head, as in No!

Jack ignores Grif's pleas and plugs his phone into the computer and shows the Autobots the Video, as the Autobots watch.

It shows Miko and Grif fighting the Terrorcon, to which the Autobots are pleasantly surprise to see Miko and Grif fight. But, soon they heard what Miko said in the video while fighting Skyquake, to which Grif paled.

"/Yeah, suck it zombie! Yeahah, get some, suck it bitch! Ohoh, you want some, how about this!?/" Miko taunted as she continues firing the turret at the cybertronian-zombie.

The Autobots then turned their attention to the Orange-Vehicon with anger, seeing that Grif taught Miko to curse.

" was accident!" Grif said nervously.

Then they hear another Miko cursing.

"/That's right! That's right, I got your ass! Get off your ass and run, you cock bites! Right now! Yeah, not so pretty when you are slow and stupid! Yeah, that's right!We're gonna get you! Come on! Don't be a wimp! Come on, con! Come on, get out there! I've got a whole barrel of love to shoot you with! Come on! Get out now! Yeah, come on out! I know you like this! Come out where I can get you! Come on! Don't be a wimp! Come on, con! DIE A SECOND TIME BITCH!!/" Miko taunted as she fires the turret while Grif dodge and evade the terrorcon.

Then that is when, Grif paled greatly.

"...Grif..." Optimus said sternly.

"Uh..." Grif then sprints into the hallway.

"GET BACK HERE!" Bulkhead shouted, before he and Ratchet chases him.

"AHHH RUN! OH THE IRONY!" Grif screams.

After the Grif ran into Hallways with Bulkhead and Ratchet chasing, Miko looks at Optimus, who is looking at Miko with disappointment.

"Uh... was cursing really that bad?" Miko asked nervously.


Miko slumps and said, "Son of a bitch..."

Then Grif's scream is heard from the Hallways.

To be continued

Well this Chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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