Chapter 3: Scrapheap

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  It's been a weeks since Caboose joined the Autobots, and Arcee shows him around the base so he could understand his surroundings better, also showing him where his berth room is. Even though Caboose is completely oblivious. When Arcee finish showing Caboose around she asked 'Do you understand that?' Caboose simply replied 'Neat'.

Also he is informed that Optimus and Bumblebee defeated Skyquake a few days ago.

And today, it's Caboose first mission.

     In the main ops center, Ratchet inputted a set of coordinates in the groundbridge controls before he pulled down the lever. The rings of the tunnel lite up as a bright, swirling greenish-blue portal opened at the end. Optimus, Caboose and Arcee, and three  of them stepped forward to the groundbridge.

"Arcee, Caboose and I will search for any clue that may explain the origin of our arctic find." Optimus explained.

"Only until your sensors sound," continued Ratchet as he typed commands on a device. When he finished, he turned to Optimus, Caboose and Arcee. "Remember, once your core temperature drops into the blue zone..." He paused as he pressed a button, causing the Autobot symbols on Optimus's arms,  Caboose's chest and on Arcee's winglets to bleep and blink blue. "...system failures are likely, and imminent."

"This will be exciting! I cannot wait to go to my first snow day here!" Caboose said happily while Ratchet and Arcee looks deadpans at his response while Optimus chuckles at his response.

"Caboose, You're not-" before Arcee could finish, Caboose buts in.

"I'll go get our snow clothes!" He sprints off to his berth room.

There was awkward silence until Ratchet broke it "...he's not serious with snow clothes is he...?"

"...I...I don't know..." Arcee admitted.

All of a sudden, the sounds of engines could be heard down the main tunnel, growing louder by the second. Finally, Bulkhead and Bumblebee in vehicular mode drone into the command center.

When Bulk and 'Bee came to a halt, Miko exited from Bulkhead's SUV mode while Raf stepped out of Bumblebee's muscle car form. As soon as Miko and Raf stepped out, Bulk and 'Bee shifted back to their bipedal form.

"Did you miss us, doc-bot?" Miko joked with a smirk.

Ratchet groaned in response. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"On a Saturday?" Miko said " we have the whole weekend to spend with you."

"I wasn't expecting a car pool. What gives, Arcee?" Jack asked his partner.

"Tag team, Jack," Arcee responded as she stepped forward, putting her servos on her hips. "It's my turn for exploration duty."

"Eh, too bad." Jack shrugged. "It's a beautiful day outside for drive. Wouldn't want you to feel guilty for leaving me indoors," Jack said.

"Arctic exploration duty," clarified Arcee.

"Indoors where it's warm" Jack said, pointing to the human area.

"Arctic? I've always I've always wanted to see snow." Raf said.

"I would invite you to join, Rafael, but the conditions is to extreme, even for us Autobots." Optimus said.

"I...understand." He smiled in understanding.

"But, I will being you back a snowball" Optimus said.

"That would be awesome!" Raf exclaimed and he notices something missing "...Hey, where's Caboose?" Raf asked.

Arcee sighed "he said, something about getting his 'snow clothes' for his first day of snow day."

"'re saying..."

"Yes...this is his first mission..." Arcee sighs.

"OKAY! I'M BACK" On cue Caboose appears back, what the Autobots saw surprises them while the Humans looks a bit shocked, they see Caboose...with Cybertronian size snow clothing and a Cybertronian sized Back-Pack (full of other snow clothing for Arcee and Optimus).(#RedvsBlueLogic)

(Warm Clothing like theses)


  The silence was broken by Ratchet "W-where the frag did you get those!?" Ratchet exclaimed while in background Bulkhead, Miko and Bumblebee were laughing at the display while Jack and Raf simply chuckled.

"...I...I...really...don't know..." Caboose admitted.

"Just get ready..." Ratchet said as he groans


Just as Optimus, Caboose and Arcee stepped through the groundbridge portal.

"Transport complete," Ratchet noted.

Unexpectedly, sparks and smoke flared out of the controls as the screen went dark, causing the groundbridge to shut off.

"By the All-Spark!" exclaimed Ratchet as he examined the damage.

Location: Arctic

  The cold, blistering wind continued to blow hard across the arctic region, carrying loads of icy mist and snow along with it. Currently, Optimus Prime was carefully climbing down very steep icy slope. As he continued his trek downwards, the Autobot symbol on his arm started blinking blue and emanating a series of beeps.

  He pressed a servo digit to the side of his helm to activate his com-link. "Arcee, what is your status?"

From the top of the ice mesa, Arcee was proceeding to climb down until the symbol on her winglet went off too.

"My signal is going off. Caboose, what about yours?" Arcee comm.links Caboose

"'t know..." Caboose replied

  Arcee sighs before she replies back to Optimus "I guess maybe Caboose's status is the same as ours. We should call in base before things get chilly."

"I like, Chilly, it's sometimes spicy to my mouth."

"Now is not the time, Caboose!" Arcee exclaims.

"Optimus to base, our core temperature readings have reached the blue zone. Prepare to activate the groundbridge."

  All he received through the com-link was static, which took him by surprise. Their situation then began to sink in, and Optimus soon realized that if they couldn't contact base, they would be in serious trouble.

~Small Timeskip~

       At the bottom of a frozen valley, in-between high mesas on both sides, Optimus and Arcee walk at a slow pace, leaning forward to fight the strong wind. The red and blue titan placed his digit to his helm again.

"Optimus to base, do you read?"

Again, all he received was static.

    He then heard an audible thud hit the ice. Optimus turned around to see that Arcee had collapsed to her knees. The wise leader came to her side and helped her up.

"Are you sure a nice drive would hurt? I hear Miami is beautiful this time of year." The blue femme quipped, but was still shaking at the core. Optimus shook his head in disagreement.

"The nearest temperate climate is too distant, Arcee. Attempting to reach it would expend too much energy...and hasten the freezing process." He then stared forward, but was lost in his thoughts. "Until Ratchet sends for us, and he will be our best option, we will be to seek shelter and insulate ourselves."

"Hey guys!" Caboose said catching the two Autobots attention. "I.built. a SNOWMAN!" Caboose exclaimed happily while the two Autobots looks at him deadpaned, but Arcee notices something.

  "Wait a minute, Caboose. How are you not freezing yet?" Arcee asked as Optimus also notices the fact Caboose isn't freezing like them.

" because of the warm clothing" Caboose replies happily pointing at his snow clothes.

"Hm...Caboose, do you think you have something to keep us warm?" Optimus asked hopefully.

"Oh yes! Here!" Caboose grabs his Cybertronian-sized back-pack and pulls out two Cybertronian-sized Clothes that conveniently is the right size for each of them and Caboose approaches them and gives them the Cybertronian-sized clothings.

(This is Optimus')

(This is Arcee's)


"You're full surprises Caboose." Arcee said with a smirk as she starts putting them along with Optimus.

"Thank you." Caboose said.


  High speed winds continue to gust across the arctic landscape, carrying snow and subzero chill factors with it. Luckily Optimus, Caboose and Arcee were both taking shelter behind a lift in the ice that protected them from most of the freezing winds, and thanks for Caboose for bringing the Cybertronian-sized snow clothes keeping them warm. Though it did provide relief from the arctic gusts, they were still cold, and their armor was starting to freeze over in places.

  Optimus glanced to his left to see Arcee with had her legs pulled up to her chassis while she's watching Caboose playing in the snow.

"Arcee?" Optimus said.

"Huh...uh...oh, sorry...just watching Caboose doing.... whatever he is doing." Arcee said, watching the Blue idiot playing.

"I'm making a snow angel!" Caboose shouts from the distance.

  Optimus chuckles at Caboose's sparkling behavior before his expression turned grim. "Even with our warm clothing that Caboose conveniently provided us, the longer we remain alert, the longer we remain alive." Optimus stated.

"Would do you suggest? Play in the snow like Caboose" Arcee asked sarcastically as she gestures to Caboose making a snowman. "Oh wait, how about a game? Let's play...who screwed up back at base."

"I LIKE GAMES!" Caboose said as he appears besides Arcee while she jumps a bit.

" did you get here?" Arcee muttered.

"Our predicament could be the cause of a simple malfunction." Optimus suggested.

  "Caused by Bulkhead," continued Arcee. "Let's com-link and maybe even no power. The big lug probably tripped over a cord, he's never been too graceful." The blue femme paused as she pulled her legs even closer to her body.

"I don't understand..."

"You don't understand anything Caboose." Arcee said deadpan.


There was awkward until Arcee broke it.

"Remember when we first arrived on Earth, and Bulkhead walked into those power lines?" She chuckled a bit in remembrance of that memory. "Who knew he could dance like that?"

  "Bulkhead may be too...large for this world, but his inner strength is without bounds. One should not be measured by size alone." Optimus said astutely.

The three were left in silence; Arcee sat there, taking in Optimus's wise spoken words, while Caboose is being completely oblivious. There was a moment of silence.


"Let's play charades!"

"SHUT UP CABOOSE!" Arcee exclaimed with annoyance.


Optimus and Arcee continued to sit down, watching Caboose doing his thing.

    "You know the worst part, after battling 'Cons all these years, smacked down, shot at, blown up...this is how are lights go out?" Arcee said watching Caboose playing.

   "Arcee," Optimus said gravely. "This may not be the finish that we had planned. But...if this is indeed the end, if we are to become one with the All-Spark,"

   Arcee reached out her left servo and placed it over Optimus's larger servo. He, in turn, turned his hand upside, able to hold hers tightly.

"It's been an honor serving with you, Optimus Prime." Arcee proclaimed. The femme, at that moment, believed that this was the end.

And they feel someone giving them a hug form behind.

"Huh?" Arcee and Optimus turned to their helms and they see Caboose giving them a hug.

"C-Caboose! W-what are you d-doing!?" Arcee exclaimed as she blushes at Caboose hugging them.

"Hugging you guys. You guys say that this is the end, but I disagree! There is always a way for us to continue on and live! Even though if we die here and go to heaven, we'll die together as a team! But I don't think we will die here." Caboose said with hope.

"How do you know that?" Arcee said, while Optimus is interested with what he is going to say.

"Sometimes..." Caboose removes his mask revealing his face, before continuing.

"...we should have faith." Caboose said with smile while Arcee and Optimus gave Caboose a small smile as well. And there a moment of silence.
Until that's moment was ruined.

Out of nowhere, a Groundbridge opens up.

"Oh look! It's the portal thing! Let's go!" Caboose said eagerly as they get on their feet, marching towards the Groundbridge (the two Autobots are not walking weakly because of the warm clothing).

When bulkhead appears the three were surprise to see them. But Optimus notes something on Bulkhead

"Hey look! It's Bullhead!"

"Bulkhead!?" Arcee exclaims.

"Down! Down!" he warns them as he fell in the snow.

    The horde of Scraplets headed toward Optimus, Caboose and Arcee. Both got into a fighting stance except Caboose as Optimus put Caboose behind him to protect him. As they get ready to fight them and just before they could reach them, the Scraplets froze and they bounce off the three harmlessly.

"I'd invite you in, but the place is a mess..." Bulkhead said jokingly and notices their clothing. "Um...what are you guys wearing?"

"You can thank Caboose for that one." Arcee gestures to Caboose, who is picking up the snowman he built.

"I built a snowman!" Caboose exclaims happily while Arcee and Optimus chuckles at his behavior while Bulkhead is very confuse.

Location: Autobot Base Omega

   Hours later, (after the scraplets had been sweep up and disposed of) Team Prime was in the medical ward, recovering from their injuries, whether it be frost bit or scraplet marks. Miko is typing on a laptop that is hooked up to Bulkhead, while Raf is checking on Bumblebee's status. Bulkhead leaned against the wall whilst Ratchet, Arcee and Optimus sat on concrete slabs along the human platforms, monitoring Humans and Caboose(with his mask back on) work.

"Report bio-circuity status." Ratchet said.

"Levels are rising" Jack reported keeping his eyes on the laptop.

"Rafael, keep a close watch on Bumblebee's electro-pulse monitor. Miko, check Bulkhead's interface patch."

"It's steady." Raf said.

"They um...they are looking very good...and happy!" Caboose reported.

"Perhaps you should get some rest yourself, old friend. You save quite a few lives today." Optimus pointed with proudness.

"It... wasn't all my doing." Ratchet smiled at the kids and Caboose. "We're just fortunate that this infestation happened on a Saturday.

"...and we are fortunate for Caboose bringing those warm clothing to keep us alive in the Arctic." Arcee informs as she watches Caboose helping.

"Though our humans friends may be small, they are still strong." Optimus asserted humbly.

There was moment of silence, until Miko screamed.

"Scraplet!?" Jack asked with Raf looking around for any scraplets.

"SPIDER! Is it on me?!" Miko cried out running away trying to get the spider off, while the rest just watch.

"Did she screamed like a little girl?" Bulkhead asked.
"Neat..." Caboose says


To be continued

Well this Chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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