Chapter 9: Reds, Blues and Freelnacers

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It has been a day since the Reds and Blues accepted to join the Autobots, much to Grif's annoyance, and things have been going relatively well. The Reds and Blues seem to get along and are in good terms with the Autobots alongside the children.

Ratchet and Optimus were able to educate them about Cybertron and it's history including the war, thanks to Optimus allowing them to search for the datapad to understand the situation they are in.

Sarge is very much keen in to helping the Autobots, since the Decepticons dare to threaten earth and they are the bad guys, and for adding insult to them he called the Decepticons as 'Deceptitards!'.

Wash and Coralina are in the same boat as Sarge, including Simmons, Tucker Doc and Donut.

O'Malley may be in the same as the others in stopping the Decepticons, but he is more happy to let the Decepticons, quote: "TASTE OBLIVION!"

However the Autobots are wary with O'Malley, because the fact that a Vehicon who has a sadistic personality doesn't sound like a good thing to them and for the children, aside from that and from Tucker flirting with Arcee which ended him with a kick to the crotch, things are relatively well.

Caboose is happy that things are going well...for now.

~Location: Autobot Base~

It was morning at Jasper Nevada, Grif and Simmons are on top of the Autobot Base doing their daily routine that they do all the time...

Which is stand around and do nothing, while the rest of the team are inside the base. Seems old habits never dies.

The two Human-Turned Vehicons stood there in silence looking at the surroundings around them until, Simmons spoke up.

"Hey..." Simmons began.

"Yeah?" Grif said.

"Have you ever wondered why we're here?" Simmons asked the Orange Vehicon.

"I dunno, Beside the fact that this has been the weirdest fucking week I have in my life? Like being turned to Giant robots-"

"Cybertronians..." Simmons corrected.

"Whatever, and finding Caboose and learnt that he is now apart of a war that he never signed up for, and the fact we just saw him TRANSFORM into a vehicle, both that can work in land and air! And the also the fact we were dragged in to this Giant Robot war thing that has been lasting over like millions of years! I swear this is like Chorus all over again... except the million years part... also What was that rare thing where a Cybertronian has three modes?" Grif asked.

"I think that's what they call a triple changer... rare type of Cybertronain that can have both alt modes like flight and ground," Simmons explains, "...and beside you also agreed on signing up for this war."

Grif snorted, "...Yeah, I only did it because everyone was on board on helping the Autobots." Grif retorts.

"Oh shut up, I know the other reasoned you joined because you know it's the right thing to do." Simmons said.

Grif groans, " I swear doing the right thing will be the death of me!" He said annoyed.

"Hey, we did the same thing in Chorus and with the Blues and Reds Remember." Simmons reminded his lazy friend.

"...I guess your right... sometimes what I want is to relax..." Grif sighed.

"Me too man... me too..." Simmons said.

There was silence between the two until Grif spoke up.

"Speaking of the topic we just discussed, what do you think our alt modes are?" Grif asked.

"Hm... I haven't taught about that yet..." Simmons said putting two fingers under his chin, "...but I do hope our Alt modes will be awesome!"

"Yeah, since we already know Caboose has an alt mode that ability that can transform in both air and land vehicles, do you think we're triple changers too?!" Grif said.

"Well I highly doubt we're triple changers, from what I can tell, Caboose has a turret on his back alongside wings... and we don't have wings... aside from Tucker."

"So what do you think our alt modes will look like?"

"Hm..." Simmons hummed before taking at the turret attached on his back "...based on the turret on my back and the tank treads I believe I have a tank alt!"

"Cool! What about me?!" Grif asked eagerly wanting to know what his alt mode is.

Simmons then inspects around his friend before saying, "I think your alt mode is a car, based on the wheels... and that's it..." Simmons concluded.

"...I'm a car..." Grif said, very unimpressed. "That's it?! My alt mode is a fucking car!? Seriously!?"


"So let me get this straight! You get a tank alt mode, Tucker has something he can fly with and Caboose out of everyone has a vehicle flying mode and vehicle ground mode, and ALL I GET IS A CAR!?"

"Hey, it might not bad! It might be great!"

"Yeah, like you having a tank alt mode is anything great..." Grif said sarcastically.

"Oh quit your complaining, we still don't know what type of vehicle we have yet! And in the bright side, Optimus will bring us to a military base where we'll we try to find a good alt mode." Simmons pointed out.

"Fine..." Grif grumbled, But a thought of realization came in mind, "Wait... a minute, don't we already have our alt modes?"

Simmons then faced him with curiosity, "What do you mean?"

"What I'm trying to say is that we might have our alt modes already, from we heard Caboose didn't scan a vehicle yet, and his alt mode are UNSC vehicles, which this earth doesn't have yet."

" that means we might have them already..."


"Hm... you made a good point..."

As the red teammates finished their conversation, the sound of footsteps caught their attention. They look behind them and they see Bulkhead.

"Hey, Grif and Simmons, Optimus wants everyone in the main opts area..."

"Alright, we'll be right there." Simmons said.

Bulkhead nodded and went back inside as Grif and Simmons followed behind.

~Small Timeskip~

At the based missile silo of Autobot Base Omega 1. Optimus is in the middle of the main area with Arcee, Caboose, Bumblebee, Ratchet and Bulkhead, alongside the children. While Reds and Blues are facing Optimus, waiting for his response.

"As you are all aware, when you all join Team Prime we will be going to one of the military bases by Agent Fowler to give you an alt mode and where you can train on how you will use them-."

"Um... Optimus Prime sir-" Grif interrupted before being punched by Sarge, which surprises the Autobots, "Owh! What was that for!"

"Gah! Never interrupt your commanding officer Grif! That's disrespectful!" Sarge scolds.

"Sarge, there's no need for violence, Grif just asked a question, it's okay..." Optimus said.

"Grrr.... fine..." Sarge grumbled.

Optimus then nodded for Grif to continue.

"Okay, um Optimus Sir, don't we already have our alt modes? Because Caboose seems to have his alt mode and he didn't even scanned a vehicle yet, so..." Grif trails off.

"That means you already have your alt modes..." Optimus realizes.

"Yup, that's... that's what we mean..." Grif said.

"Hm... a reasonable explanation..." Optimus nodded.

Ratchet then clears his tailpipe, catching their attention. "Well, for starters before we would go to the military base, I want to remind everyone that a certain Aqua Eradicon just downloaded some... disgusting content in the computer." Ratchet said, which makes Tucker look at Ratchet wide eyed.

"What!? How is my downloaded content disgusting!?" Tucker said, offended by Ratchet's statement.

"It's inappropriate! So I removed it." Ratchet said.

"Wait! Don't tell me that you deleted my Home Movie folder!" Tucker exclaims.

"Yes! I did delete that... that disgusting content!" Ratchet said with disgust.

"It's not disgusting!" Tucker denied.

"Yes it is!" Ratchet retorted.

Before they would continue bickering, Optimus then coughs catching their attention.

"Okay, now as I mentioned we will be going to the military soon, and don't worry, we will be in area far from civilization to test your alt modes."

"Huh Okay, if Caboose can transforms and use his alt modes without problem, we can do it, how hard can it be."

"No lo gafe." Lopez warned.

Translation: Don't Jinx it

~Small Timeskip~
Location: Military Base (Far from civilization.)

"Tú lo gafas." Lopez remarked, in a deadpanned tone.

Translation: You jinx it.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! HOW DO I STEP ON THE BRAKES!?" Grif shouts in panic as Carolina, Lopez, the Autobots and the Military personnel watch the chaos happening before them.

In the Military base, is where the Reds and Blues will be practicing in using their alt modes, and an orange Warthog is seen speeding across the military base as a familiar scream of Grif is heard.

Apparently the Autobots, and Agent Fowler didn't think at it would get Chaotic, but unfortunately, they were proven wrong when the Reds and Blues transformed in their alt mode. You can technically see the outcome here.

"Grif! Stop! You might might crash into something! Use the damn brakes!" Simmons warns him through to the comms, while trying to catch up to him... in his Scorpion tank alt mode.

"I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE FUCKING BRAKES!" Grif shouts at the Maroon Vehicon.

Then Simmons fires his turret by accident, nearly hitting a Red a Warthog.

"Careful where you're shooting that Cannon Dirtbag!" Sarge snapped at his subordinate.

"I'M SORRY SIR! I don't know how to use this thing!" Simmons apologized to Sarge.

"I will have you court martial for that." Sarge threatened as Caboose is seen driving by them, causally.

"How the hell is Caboose able to drive so well?!" Grif exclaims.

"He did plow through a bunch of Vehicons." Simmons pointed out.

"...good point..."

"Dee dee dee, I am a tank. Dit dee dee dit dee, I am a tank." Caboose sang as he trampled over the some military cars in his way. He also 'accidentally' shot at several Military buildings and nearly hitting Grif.

"CABOOSE!" Fowler and Grif shouted.

"TUCKER DID IT!" Caboose said.

"Hehehe, good shot Caboose..." Sarge praised, that Caboose nearly hit Grif.

"Please don't encourage him! My luck already sucks!" Grif pleads as tries to to find away to use the brakes.

"And please stop destroying any military property!" Fowler shouted, as he pinches the ridge of his nose in frustration.

Then an aqua-colored F-218D/E Sabre soared over them in a fast uncontrollable rate.

"HEY GUYS, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CONTROL OR FLY THIS THING!" Tucker shouts through the comms, in panic as he tries to keep his altitude.

"Don't look at us! We're not the ones flying!" Simmons retorted, then the turret fires again randomly, "SON OF A BITCH!"

Then a Lightish-Red Covenant ground vehicle known as the Ghost is seen driving by them casually, while the chaos ensues.

"I don't know what's wrong with you guys, but I find this relatively easy." Donut said casually like it's no problem at all.

Then a Purple Warthog is seen driving side by side Donut.

"Same here..." Doc said, then O'Malley takes over, "HAHAHA! The Weapons this Warthog has are amazing! I cannot wait us to use these against those Decepticons to taste OBLIVION!"

"O'malley! We don't do that!"

"Shut up, fool!"

As the two continues bickering, a Steel Colored and Yellow trimmed Warthog is seen speeding past them in fast rate, which is Agent Washington, who is having trouble controlling his driving aswell.

"Out of all the vehicles, it has to be the vehicle that hates me the most!" Wash said, until he then tumbles and lands on his back, "SEE!"

While the chaos is happening before them, Miko and Bulkhead are seen laughing their asses off at the Reds and Blues' misfortunes with amusement, while Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee, Raf and Jack just watch the chaos that is happening.

"...This is... not what I have at mind... all..." Optimus said deadpanned, as he watch the fiasco the Reds and Blues are doing.

"Optimus, this might be the worst decision you made... ever... of all time..." Fowler said, looking at chaos that is still happening.

Wash sneezes from Fowler's statement for some odd reason.

"Uh... should we help them..." Bumblebee asked, pointing at the screaming Reds and Blues.

"Yes, we should..."

Optimus, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee soon ran into the chaos in order to keep the Reds and Blues from hurting themselves, while Ratchet let's out a sigh of annoyance.

"I'll have the Med-bay ready..." Ratchet said.

~Small Timeskip~
Location: Autobot Base Omega One.

After the whole fiasco that happened an hour ago and nearly destroying the Military base, the Reds and Blues are seen back inside the Autobot Base at the Med-bay, with the Autobots watching.

Ratchet is present, healing the wounds of the Reds and Blues, the only ones that were injured are Grif, who was accidentally shot by Caboose, Simmons, who accidentally crashed into Sarge. Tucker got injured when he crashed on Wash by accident.

The only ones that are not injured are Caboose, Coralina, Lopez, Doc and Donut.

"Ow! Be careful with that!" Tucker exclaims as Ratchet is seen healing his wounds.

"If you just stay still, then I could finish this procedure faster!" Ratchet scolded. On the medical berth, Wash is seen laying down waiting for Ratchet to fix his wounds.

"It seems that your use of your alt modes needs more training and practice, since you nearly destroyed the military that we were training in." Optimus explained.

"Hey! Blame the two people who has tank vehicles!" Grif remarked, referring to the Maroon Vehicon and Blue Vehicon.

"Not my fault that I don't know how to use my turret!" Simmons retorted.

"Bee did it!" Caboose said, pointing at Bumblebee.

"My Alt mode is a car, Caboose!" Bumblebee retorted.

"Neat..." Caboose said.

While Ratchet is busy healing Tucker, he notices that Doc is not helping, which confuses him since Doc is suppose to help heal his teammates as well.

"Doc, What are you doing there, aren't you suppose to help me heal your injured teammates?" Ratchet asked, which caused the ones who are injured to go pale.

"NO!" The Reds and Blues, except Doc, immediately shouts, which caused the Autobots to jump a bit.

"Ratchet, please don't let Doc help!" Tucker pleads.

"What why not?" Ratchet asked.

"Because I'm not a doctor." Doc said, Ratchet then looks at him skeptically.

"Well your name is Doc, so it makes sense that you're a doctor." Ratchet retorted.

"I'm not really comfortable with that. I'm not a doctor, I'm a medic..."

"What? That doesn't make any sense, Medic and Doctors they do the same thing, which means they HEAL people." Ratchet explains.

"Actually there's a difference..." Doc said.

"What do you mean?" Bumblebee beeped.

"Well, a doctor cures people. A medic just makes them more comfortable... while they die." Doc explains, morbidly.

The Autobots and the children, who immediately stopped what they were doing when they heard what Doc said, have their jaws dropped and wide-eyed at the job description. While the Autobots kept a mental note not to let Doc heal them when they're injured.

"T-that's not how it works!" Ratchet stuttered.

"Well it does in my part!"

"I don't know if that's what you said is true, or O'malley is the one that said it."

On the sidelines, Carolina then turns her attention to Caboose, who is at the moment speaking with Arcee.

"Hey Caboose," Carolina said, which caught Caboose's attention, but also Arcee's attention, "...I noticed on how you handled well on using your alt mode, needless to say I'm impressed..." Carolina said.

"Thank you, I thought became Shelia..." Caboose said.

"I also notice how you took down those Vehicons easily back in the artic... Impressive..." Carolina said in an impressed tone.

"Thank you!" Caboose said in a grateful tone.

"You know perhaps I could train you to become better at fighting so you won't be overwhelmed..." Carolina offers, which surprises anyone who knows Carolina.

"Okay! Thank you! That would be nice..." Caboose said, gratefully.

Arcee on the other hand, when she sees this interaction between Carolina and Caboose, including the offer that was given. For some reason, this made Arcee twitch her optic as she suddenly felt inside of her a tint of... jealousy?

Arcee then jumped in between the Cyan Freelancer and Blue Vehicon, and stood beside Caboose.

"...Actually..." Arcee said wrapping her arm around Caboose's, "...I would like to be the one to train Caboose..." Arcee declared which caught Coralina off-guard.

"Really? Are you sure?" Coralina said surprised, by this declaration.

"Y-yes..." Arcee said before a light blush appeared on her face, by the fact she's going to train her crush, "...come on Caboose..."

"Okay!" Caboose said, as he follows Arcee out of the Med-bay.

Caboose and Arcee then left the Med-bay to the S.A.F.E which is a training room for the Autobots, leaving the surprised Reds, Blues and Autobots.

After they left they are met with awkward silence, before Tucker broke the silence.

"So...Is there a possibility that Arcee is in love with Caboose or something?" Tucker said, which catches everyone's attention.

"What?" Everyone in the med-bay asked.

"Seriously? Did you guys not noticed look of jealousy when Carolina offered Caboose to train him? Also the fact she blushed when she wrapped her arms around Caboose? And that declaration as well?" Tucker added, as the Autobot just stood there surprise by Tucker's conclusion.

"Hm... now you think about it, you do have a point there Tucker." Optimus said.

"Awwww.... that's so cute!" Miko cooed, at the idea of Caboose and Arcee being a thing.

"How do you know that's the case?" Bulkhead asked the Aqua Eradicon.

"Dude, look who you are talking too?" Tucker questioned, with his arms spread.

"'re a Perverted Eradicon?" Miko guessed, which cause the others to laugh at that statement.

"No! I'm the Doctor of love!" Tucker corrected.

"Yeah, which all ends in a kick on the crotch!" Jack remarked bluntly which got everyone to chuckle at that remark.

"Oh! He got you there!" Grif smirked.

"Hey!" Tucker said.

"Tucker, this might be the only time I ever say this, but I've had all the cross-species babies that I can take for a while. The last thing I need is a junior Caboose runnin' around with tank alt mode. Your cross-breed offspring is enough already." Wash said bluntly.

"Wait what!?" The Autobots said in surprise by the last sentence.

"Woah! Woah! Let's not bring my family into this!" Tucker exclaims in embarrassment.

"Wait... cross-breed baby? Does that mean you mated with-" Optimus was then cut-off.

"Please don't bring that subject up!" Tucker pleads, while Wash chuckles at aqua Vehicon's misfortune.

~Meanwhile with the Decepticons~
Location: Energon Mines.

In the Energon Mines, Decepticon Miners are seen mining out Energon crystals as Breakdown and Knock Out are observing the entire operation.

"Be careful! You might scratch my paint job!" Knock Out scolded when a Vehicon Minor nearly bumped into him.

"Sorry Sir!"

On other side of the Energon Mines, a Vehicon Miner is seen Drilling into one of the of the walls of the mine, trying to mine out Energon crystals. However he hears a crack and stops his actions, he looks at the wall he is mining and to his shock the wall starts to crack and collapses as he raise his forearm to shield himself from the debris.

When the dust cleared, the miner looks inside and was in shock on what he just saw.

"By the Allspark, What happened?" The Miner said as he look at the scene infront of him.

The Vehicon Miner then place two servos on the right side of his audio receptors in order to comm Breakdown and Knock Out about his discovery.

Meanwhile with Breakdown and Knock Out, they are seen having a conversation.

"Breakdown, I might ask you for assistance for-" Knock Out was then interrupted.

"So I could buff the backside of your back? Again?" Breakdown asked.

"Obviously! You know detailing is easier when you are around, and beside you do a better job with it than the Vehicons." Knock Out said.

"Very well... are we gonna watch those Human movies in those drive-in theaters?" Breakdown asked.

"Indeed, I think one of them is a movie called, 'Avengers: End Game'." Knock Out said.

"YES! IT'S FINALLY SHOWING! 'Avenger: Infinity War' made me teared up a bit." Breakdown remarked.

"Should I quote: 'I don't feel so good'." Knock Out snickers, remembering when Breakdown teared up a bit at that scene.

Before they would continue their conversation, they got a contact from the Vehicon Miner. They answered their comm. links.

"Vehicon Miner, ICN-982 to Commander Breakdown and Commander Knock Out, Do you read?"

"Yes, we can hear loud and clear, what is your situation?" Breakdown replied.

"Um Sir, I don't know how to describe this, but you might have to see this for yourself, it's unsettling." The transmission ends.

Breakdown and Knock Out gave each other wary glances as they ordered a squad of Vehicon, consisting of 7 Vehicons miners, 5 Vehicons and 3 Eradicons to follow them to ICN-982's location.

By the time they arrived his location, they see ICN-982 looking at something what is infront of him, and he didn't acknowledge their arrival. Breakdown, Knock Out and the Squad of Vehicons steadily stood beside the Vehicon Miner, and they are in shock what they saw as they stood on the entrance.

It's a creek and they see nothing, but many fallen Vehicon Soldier, all supporting Red paint jobs while the other half has Blue Paint Jobs, everywhere.

"What in the name of Solus Prime happened here?!" Knock Out exclaims in shock.

"There must have been an enormous battle, either killed by Autobots or someone else." One of the Eradicons observed.

"Um, Commander Breakdown were there any Red and Blue Vehicon soldiers?" One of the Vehicons observed.

"Hm... I don't recall Vehicons having Red and Blue paint job, mostly it would be purple, and-" Breakdown stopped mid-sentence when he heard something.

"And what?" Knock Out asked.

"Shh.. quiet, do you hear that?" Breakdown said, as the Knock Out and Vehicons listen to what seems to be...

Trumpet music, and it's getting louder and louder.

"What in the name of Primus is noise?" Knock Out said, as he looks around where the trumpet noise is coming from.

"Sounds like trumpet, but why is there a trumpet playing-" Breakdown wasn't able to finish when all of a sudden...
Every fallen Red and Blue Vehicon at once jumps up yelling and cheering, startling the cons.

"WHAT IN THE PITS OF KAONS?!" Knock Out and Breakdown exclaims in shock as the Vehicons accompanying them drew their weapons out.

  The Red and Blue Vehicons all run off, going around the confused and surprised Decepticons to get back to their bases as they chanted.

"Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut!" The Blue Vehicons chanted as they entered their base, with the last one saying.

"And jump!" He jumped inside the blue base.

"Huay ho huay ho ho hey ho ha ya ho ya yo yuh!" Red Team chanted as they entered their base.

The soldiers all run in to their bases, leaving Decepticons to process what just transpired.

"What in the name of Primus just happened!?" Knock Out said, still shock by what just transpired, as he turned to ICN-982, "...I thought you said they were offline!?"

"I did! I didn't know they were unconscious or in stasis."  ICN-982 admitted truthfully, with his arms raised.

Before Knock Out would continue, Trumpet music CHARGE plays which catches everyone's attention.

"Huh?" The Decepticon said.

The Blues emerge from their base firing on all cylinders, yelling CHARGE! And similar optimistic battle-cries. The reds do the same. A blatant firefight ensues, while Decepticons just watched what is happening infront of them.

"Yeah I love reloading, I love to reload! Oh wait I can't reload!" Blue Vehicon realizes, before a Red Vehicon walks up behind him and smashing him in the back of the helm.

"Oh, back of the head!" Red Vehicon said.

"D'oh, tell my girlfriend that I love her." Blue Vehicon said before he dies.

"She's my girlfriend now bitch!" The Red Vehicon declares.

On the sidelines, the Decepticons continues to watch the ensuing firefight wide-eyed and shocked expression by what is happening.

"What in the Pits of Kaon is happening..." Knockout said as he watches.

"I'm amuse by this." Breakdown admitted, as the Red and Blue Vehicons can be heard giving out random shouts and jeers.

Then a red soldier emerges from the blue base with their flag.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting everyone, stop fighting!" The Red Vehicon shouts as everyone stops shooting and looks at him, "Everyone, everyone, look unto me! I possess the blue flag!"

The Red Vehicon announces as he raises it for the Red and Blue Vehicons to see, which they look in awe.

"It's more beautiful than I ever imagined!" Another Red Vehicon awed.

"What's so important about a flag?" Breakdown said from the sidelines, confused what's important of a flag.

"I have seen the top of the mountain! And you will worship me as though I were a God!" The Red Vehicon wielding the flag said.

The poor red Vehicon is mobbed by four blues at once, WWE-style, and taken down, to which Breakdown laughed in response by what just happened.

"I regret nothing! I lived as few men dare to dream!" The one of the Blue Vehicons said.

The remaining soldiers look at each other, then back at him, then back at each other, and continue firing. A Red Vehicon guy gets a Blue guy from behind with the butt of his gun

"Hell yeah!" The Red Vehicon said, before gets shot in the back of the head, "Oh no!"

"Head shot!" The Blue Vehicon then gets shot in the feet by a rocket, "Oh, you rocket-whore!"

"Hey I got some, you want some? I got some for you! Come on you!" Another Blue Vehicon said.

"The only good blue is a dead blue!" Another Red Vehicon said.

"Christ this water's cold!" A Red Vehicon in the stream complained.

Cut to a red and a blue on either side of a rock alternating standing up firing and crouching so the other guy can fire. The Blue Vehicon is killed by a grenade from behind.

"Weak! You took my kill!" The Red Vehicon said at his teammate.

"I didn't see you name on it!" The their Red Vehicon then gets shot by a camper from behind a rock, "Oh you fucking camping bitch!"

"It's a legitimate strategy!" Blue Camper then gets shot at rounding a rock, "Whoa!"

And there two Red and Blue Vehicons left in the battlefield.

"Damn! Hey blue, we're the only two left! Let's work together!" The Last Red Vehicon proposed.

"What do you mean?" The Last Blue Vehicon asked.

"I'm coming out!" The Red Vehicon said as he comes out his cover.

"Okay, I'm coming out too!" The Blue Vehicon said as he comes out of his cover.

They soon meet in the stream.

"What did you mean we could work as a team?" The Blue Vehicon asked.

Then the Red Vehicon smashes the blue guy in the faceplate with his gun.

"I bash you in the head with my rifle and you die. Good teamwork you fucking n00b. Good game, good game everybody! GG man, GG." Then the Red Vehicon takes a hit from nowhere in the back of the head and falls over.

Meanwhile the Decepticon on the sidelines just stood there processing what just transpired.

"What...The...Frag?" Knock Out worded it out.

"I'm with you on this..." Breakdown said as he eyed the 'Dead' Red and Blue Vehicon soldiers.

They continue to eye the 'dead' Red and Blue Vehicons with caution.

"Sir, do you think they're dead?" A Vehicon Miner asked.

Knock Out gave him a deadpanned expression thinking he's stupid, "Really? You're going to ask that? We just witness Red and Blue Vehicons shooting each other and bashing each other in the helm, ofcourse they are dead!"

"I'm with the Vehicons on this, are really dead? As in dead, dead?" Breakdown said.

"Look, I'll just go over there and prove my point!" Knock Out then starts walking towards the bases of the Red and Blue Vehicons.

"Um Buddy, I don't think that's a good idea." Breakdown warned, which the Vehicons accompanying them nods in agreement.

"Oh please, they are dead, and besides I'll just grab their flags and nothing will happen." Knock Out said dismissively.

After grabbing the Red and Blue Flags, Knock Out then stands in the middle of the creek, and wait for a few minutes. After a few minutes nothing happened.

"See! Nothing happe-" Knock Out was then cut off when.

Them every supposedly 'dead' Red and Blue Vehicon at once jumps up yelling and cheering, startling the cons, with the trumpet playing in the background.

"WHAT THE SCRAP!" Knock Out shouted in shock.

"We warned you!" The Breakdown said.

After The Red and Blue Vehicons finish their cheering, they then turned their attention at Knock Out, who is at the moment standing there nervously, "Uh... hi?"

"GASP! HE HAS OUR FLAGS!" The Blue Vehicon gasped pointing at Knock Out accusingly.

"The crusade has begun! Our hour of glory is now at hand! Let all who would stand against us be washed in our divine light!" The Red Vehicon declares which the others cheering in agreement.

"Wait! Wait! Let's be civil about this- AAAAAAAAHHHH" Knock Out screams when he was soon ganged up by a bunch of Red and Blue Vehicons.

"Get him! Get the heretic!" The Red Vehicon said beating up Knock Out.


On the sidelines, Breakdown and other Vehicons are seen laughing their asses off as they continue to watch the scene displayed in front of them.

~Location: Nemesis ~

"Lord Megatron, we got transmission from Commander Breakdown and Commander Knock Out, they got a situation in the energon mines." The Vehicon typing on the bridge's Monitor informed.

"Patch them in..." Megatron ordered, to which the Vehicon nodded in response.

When they patch the transmission in they are met with... laughter?

"/L-l-Lord M-Megatron! Haha, w-we g-got a situation! HAHA OH MY PRIMUS! HAHA! I can't describe it! You have to see this!" Then the transmission ends.

And it was met with silence, the only sound is are the beeping of the monitors. After a few seconds of silence Megatron the spoke up.

"...What in the Pits was that?" Megatron questioned, by what transpired.

Starscream then cleared his tailpipe catching Megatron's attention.

"My liege, may we suggest we investigate the situation at hand?" Starscream suggested.

"Yes we should," Megatron said in approval, and looks at Soundwave, "...Soundwave, lock on their coordinates and activate the groundbridge."

Soundwave complies to the order and activates the groundbridge, a green Portal swirls infront of them. Megatron and Starscream along with two Vehicons enters the groundbridge.

When they reach the other side, they are met with a Laughing Breakdown and the Vehicons that accompanied them, who has their backs turned as they laughed hard, that they barely noticed Megatron.

Megatron and Starscream raised an optic ridge, then Megatron approaches them with Starscream and two Vehicons and asked.

"What in the Pits are you laughing at-" Megatron stopped in mid-sentence as he gawked at the scene infront of him, Starscream is trying his hardest not to laugh alongside the two Eradicons.

What they see...
Are Red and Blue Vehicons tea-bagging Knock Out, who is technically laying on ground whist screaming in horror!

"AAAAHHH! No nup- that's disgusting, what're you doing!?" Knock Out screams in horror, as he is being teabagged.

"Let me try! Let me try!" The Blue Vehicon said, waiting for his turn to tea-bag him.

"Heh, heh, heh!" Red Vehicon chuckled as he continues to tea-bag the Decepticon Medic!

"NO! NOT THE FINISH!" Knock Out shouted in horror.

"Yeah! Take that dude!"

"I'M BEING VIOLATED!! HELP!!!" Knock Out begs.

Starscream and two Eradicons can no longer contain their laughter as fell on the ground they laughing at Knock Out's misfortune.

"HAHAHAHAHA! WHAT AM I SEEING!?" Starscream said through laughed.

Megatron on the other hand, seems to have something similar of a Vietnam flashback, like he is back inside the mind of the Blue Idiot Vehicon.

'Are they Multiplying..." Megatron internally shudders from that thought. Having Megatron approaches them and shouts.

"WHAT IN THE PITS IS GOING ON HERE!?" Megatron boomed, as all laughter ceased and the Red and Blue Vehicons stops their teabaging, much to Knock Out's relief, turning their attention to the Decepticon Warlord.

The Red and Blue Vehicons gasps and the Red Vehicon exclaims and points at Megatron, "GODS BE DAMN! ITS GREAT AND MIGHY HOLY ONE!!!"

"What?" Megatron asked, confused on what's happening.

"Bow down to the Flag Barrier!" The Red Zealot Vehicon declares as he and many other Red and Blue Vehicons bow down before him.

Megatron looks at the Red and Blue Vehicons in pure confusion by what just happened. Before Megatron would speak, the Red Zealot said.

"Oh great mighty one! What do you command for your servants to do?" A Blue Zealot Vehicon said.

Megatron can't help, but gawked at their stupidity. Starscream then walks beside Megatron and said.

"Well, it seems we have new additional Vehicons for our cause, Lord Megatron, who are almost like idiots."

Megatron then faces his SIC, "I don't know how I feel about having these idiots to be apart of our cause, they seem incompetent."

Then a voice is heard, "They may be idiots, but they sure do know how to use a gun or two." The disembodied voice said, which got everyone to look around where the voice came from.

"Who are you?! Reveal yourself!" Megatron demanded, as the Decepticons and the Red and Blue Vehicons have their weapons ready.

"...With pleasure..." the voice said. Then the an unknown figure is seen landing on ground as dust covers their vision. The Decepticon have their weapons drawn in case of a fight.

When the dust cleared, they are met with another Eradicon. But this Eradicon is different compared to the ones the Decepticon have, and the ones that just teabagged Knock Out, who is still traumatize from what has happened.

This Eradicon is like anyone other Eradicon , but his frame is more agile, he has steel paint job with orange trims on his Armor, and has wings on his back, meaning he is Flyer.

"Sup'..." The Steel and Orange trimmed Eradicon greeted.

"Who are you?" Megatron asked, moving forward infront of Starscream.

"Introduction can come later, and all I can say is... How much doesn't take for me to join your cause?" The Eradicon said.

"What?" Megatron asked, while the other Decepticons are curious.

"You heard me, great Lord of the Decepticons, I want to be apart of your cause." The Steel and Orange Trimmed Eradicon repeated his proposal.

"And why would you join our cause? And you sound like you don't know what's going on, do you?" The Warlord asked, in suspicion by the Eradicon's lack of understanding of the war.

"Beside the fact I became a giant robot, but I do know for a fact that you are in a war. After my arrival here a few months back, I've been hearing a lot about this Autobot and Decepticon War thing through the Government broadcast, and to confirm my suspicions I hacked in the Government files and needless to say I'm impress. The Autobots are low in number and at a disadvantage, and you the Decepticon cause has all the advantage you have, but does additional advantage sound good to you?" The mysterious Eradicon said.

"What will a mere Vehicon will benefit our cause?" Starscream interjected.

"I'm not like those Drones, you have. I'm very capable in combat than you think, I'm a quick thinker, I'm considerable skill with a Combat Knife," Steel and Orange trimmed Vehicon then pulls out a Cybetronian-sized combat knife.

"...I'm also capable of catching an active grenade. Furthermore, I'm also proficient in hand-to-hand combat and I have equipments such as a Hardlight Shield?" The Steel and Orange-Trimmed Eradicon.

He pace a bit as the Decepticons watch in caution.

"And besides, I'm not like you're so called second-in-commander, who is nothing more than coward! Ha, he could be better as cannon Fodder!" The Steel and Orange-Trimmed Eradicon mocked.

Starscream growled at that and yelled, "Take back what you said! Or you will face the wrath of Starscream!"

"Ooooh... I'm so scared!" The Eradicon mocked, as Starscream fumed, "And what's a heel wearing freak is going to do? Claw me to death?"

Starscream twitched in anger, and let out a shout of anger, "FEEL THE WRATH OF STARSCREAM!"

Starscream sprinted towards the Eradicon with his claws ready to strike the Eradicon, who took in a Battle stance, that mocked him. The Steel and Orange-Trimmed Eradicon then sidestepped making Starscream miss his attack and kicks him in the back, knocking Starscream to the ground.

"Ah! Son of a glitch!" Starscream cursed before he stood up and face the Eradicon.

The Eradicon then gave Starscream a mocking bow, "Round One: Fight!" He announces, in a Mortal Kombat tone.

"Shut it!" Starscream then aimed his wrist missile at the Steel and Orange-Trimmed Eradicon, and fires.

To Starscream's and Decepticon's shock and Megatron's surprise, the Eradicon caught the missile before it could and redirects it back to Starscream, who in turned jump out of the way from the projectile as the missile exploded where he once stood.

Before Starscream would retaliate, Megatron then shouted, "THAT'S ENOUGH!"

Both Starscream and the Steel and Orange-Trimmed Eradicon stops their fight and looks back at the warlord.

"I believe that's enough... you caught my interest..." Megatron grinned, impressed by the Eradicon's performance.

"WHAT?!" Starscream shrieked, by surprise.

The Steel and Orange-Trimmed Eradicon gets out of his Battle Stance and said,

"So? That's means I'm in?" The Steel and Orange-Trimmed Eradicon asked.

"Affirmative, but if you do so betray us, you will regret it." Megatron said.

"Good! Now I guess we should introduce ourselves. You go first." The Eradicon encourages.

"Very well, my designation is Lord Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons!" Megatron introduces.

"My designation is Starscream, the Second-In-Command of the Decepticon. And the one traumatized is our Medic Knock Out." Starscream gestures to the traumatized Decepticon Medic.

"...My finish, my beautiful finish..." Knock Out whispered as Breakdown is comforting his best friend.

"Should we introduce ourselves too?" The Red Zealot Vehicon asked.

"No!" Megatron shouted.


"Now, that we introduced ourselves, it's you're turn." Megatron said, turning the attention on the mysterious Eradicon.

"Huh, very well... my name is..."


To be continued

A/N: Oh scrap! Looks like we got Felix entering the game! Well this Chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter. And I apologize for any delays.

Also tell me what you think?

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