TPLBI Short: Just a nightmare (Canon)

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Disclaimer: Blue Love moment and Violence

~Location: ???, Forest (Time: 9:00PM)~

It was in the middle of the night, Caboose and Arcee were sent by Optimus to investigate a nearby energon signal and in hopes their was an Energon mine is nearby.

While it's dark in the middle of the night, luckily the full moon is lightens their way alongside the fireflies in the night.

"Arcee! Look a firefly!" Caboose said happily, pointing at the fireflies.

"Yes, I can see that." Arcee said.

"I'm going to catch it!" Caboose declared, and just before he would run off Arcee grabs him on the arm.

"Caboose, remember what Optimus said? Keep your focus on the mission." She reminded.

"Okay!" Caboose said, "... Then we go in a picnic!"

Arcee sighs, before giving out a small smile, "sure... a picnic."


As they walked, and continues to investigate the area. Then they came across cave, it has two entrances. Then an idea came to Arcee. She looks at Caboose and said.

"Alright, we'll split up, you go left and I'll go right. If you find some energon, comm me okay? Do you understand that?" Arcee said.

"Yes! I will call you if I find pretty crystals!" Caboose said.


And with that said, Arcee went to the right and Caboose went left.

~Small timeskip~

After what seems to be a few minutes, Arcee has found amount of Energon on her side of the cave. She then comms Caboose.

"Arcee to Caboose, I found the energon. Caboose do you copy?" She said.

She's expects Caboose's cheerful response. However, she's only met with static. This begins to worry her.

"Caboose? Do you copy? Come in!"

And once again, she's only met with static. As her optics widen in fear.

"Caboose? Caboose!? CABOOSE!?!" Arcee exclaims, before she quickly ran out of the cave.

Arcee hopes that Caboose was messing with her, she hopes that Caboose is alright. And just as she arrives at the cave Caboose entered, she wasted no time and entered the cave in search of Caboose.

As she continues to go deep within the cave, she spots a light-blue glowing liquid, that made her stop in her tracks and with closer inspection, she stared wide-eyed in fear.

It was Energon, it stains on the side of the walls and from the looks of it, the energon was recent.

"No..." She whispers in horror, as fear consumed her.

This puts her in high alert and she quickly ran in search of the Blue Vehicon.

And just as she was about to turn corner, something collide into her faceplate. Knocking her back to the side of the wall of the cave. Barley conscious and her vision blurred, before she can see much she soon falls unconscious.

~Timeskip, Location: Nemesis~

Arcee and groans and regain her consciousness, "Ugh... Caboose?"

She attempts to move, only to find herself restrained. She struggles to break free from the restrains, but was unsuccessful.

Just then, the door slides open, revealing to be three Vehicons. Two regular Vehicons, and one Ercadicon that stands out from the rest. This Eradicon's paintjob is Steel with orange-trims.

"Ah I see the prisoner is awake! About time!" The Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon said.

He walks up to the restrained femme and said.

"If you're wondering where we are, we'll obviously you're in the Nemesis! We caught you when one of our scouts saw you. And to be honest, I thought taking on you Autobots would be a challenge, but I guess I was wrong..." The Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon said, with some mockery on his tone.

Arcee just remained silent and glared at the Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon, as he paced around.

"Now since you're here, I'll be plain and simple with my question and you answer, alright?" Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon stated, but Arcee remains silent.

"Now... where is the Autobot base?" The Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon interrogated.

Arcee remained silent when he asked that, she's not giving up the location of the Autobot base.

"Alright how about I ask you again..." and without warning, The Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon punched Arcee on the gut HARD, causing her to cough out some bits of Energon, and the Vehicons that accompanied the Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon,to flinch at the punched or the action that Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon did.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE AUTOBOT BASE!?" The Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon roared.

Arcee coughed, but remained silent and resilient. The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon sighed.

"You know, for an Autobot your resilience is quite impressive and also very annoying, normally the ones I interrogated would break and tell me the intel." The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon stated as he circled Arcee.

Arcee remained silent as he paced around before he spoke.

"...In fact, I'm guessing no matter what I do to you, you'll never crack... Is that correct?" The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon smiled sadistically behind his mask. 

Arcee looked at the Eradicon with anger.

"That's what I thought, maybe this will make you talk.." The Steel and Orange-trimmed states darkly, and he places his digits on the side of the his helm, "Bring in the Idiot...."

The doors slides opened revealing another pair of Vehicons dragging in a heavily beaten and damaged Autobot-Vehicon with a trail of energon behind them, that was all to familiar with Arcee and they drop him into the floor, she gasp in horror on the sight.

"C-Caboose?" Arcee whispered, scared on to happened to the Blue Triple Changer Vehicon.

It is Caboose, the same Human-turned Vehicon that she had grown feelings for since their time together, and she was afraid of what will happen to him.

He is heavily beaten and damaged. His energon blood stains on his chassis, his visor shattered and his mask half destroyed, exposing half of his faceplate. His right damaged servo and his left arm is bloodied and dangling with a few cables still attached. His right leg is severed while his left leg is still intact, but damaged.

Caboose weakly raises his helm and looks up and mutters, "A-A-Arcee..."

"W-What did you do to him?!" Arcee shouted in panic.

The Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon chuckled sadistically.

"Ah so the prisoner finally speak... and what I did to the idiot? What else did you think I did? I beat the leaving shit of the this fucking pathetic loser!" The Steel and Orange-trimmed shouted before kicking the side of the heavily beaten Caboose, causing him to grunt in pain.   

He paced around the heavily injured Caboose as he taunted.

"Not so tough and joyful now are you, Huh? See how it feels to be defeated!" The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon taunted.

He looks back at Arcee.

"Now I will ask again, where's the Autobot base!?" The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon demanded.

Arcee quickly turned her attention to The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon and lied, "I-I don't know the coordinates!!"

"Wrong answer! That's the same answer this idiot said!" The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon growled.

He then he stomps on Caboose's damaged servo, causing him to scream in pain.

This instantly got Arcee to plead.

"No! Stop! I'll tell you! Please stop hurting him!!" Arcee pleaded.

This catches The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon's immediate attention and looks at her and steps off Caboose's damaged servo.

"Then where is it? Or the blue idiot gets it!" The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon threaten, transforming his servo into an energy sword, similar to that of Tucker or Caboose, except it's red.

Arcee was hesitant and lied, "I-It's in North of California! That's where the Autobot base is!" She lies in hope they would buy it, and she's desperate that it would save Caboose from sharing a similar faith like her old partner, Tailgate.

The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon just stared at her, unfortunately for Arcee didn't believe a single word she said, since this Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon was a master of deception. He soon chuckles before letting out a full blown laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! You've got to be fucking kidding me! Nice try Autobot, I know when you're lying, well too bad so sad..." The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon stated, before walking up to the damaged Blue Vehicon.

"NO! I swear upon the Allspark it's the truth!!" She exclaims trying to break free from her restrains.

The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon ignores her pleas and he stands behind the damaged Caboose. He smiles darkly behind his mask as he looks down at the Damaged Blue Vehicon.

He chuckles sadistically and whispers, "I've been waiting to do for this my entire life..." He looks at Arcee, who looks in horror and desperation.

"NO!! PLEASE! I'LL TELL YOU THE COORDINATES!! DON'T HURT HIM!!! PLEASE!!!" Arcee begged, as tears begin to pour out her from optics.

The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon faces her and mockingly said.

"Sorry, but I don't a give shit!!"

Arcee continues to watched in horror and tears continues to fall out of her optics.

The Steel and Orange-trimmed Eradicon slowly positioned his Energy sword behind the Blue Vehicon.

"NO! PLEASE!!" Arcee begged as she tries to break out of her restrains, but was unsuccessful.

Caboose weakly raise his helm facing Arcee, who is watching in distraught and horror.

"A-Arcee... i-it's okay..." Caboose weakly said, giving her a small weak smile.

The Steel and Orange-trimmed Vehicon looks at Arcee and darkly states.

"Say goodbye, to your stupid Blue Moron!" He looks down at Caboose and raises his energy down into the Blue Vehicons.

More Energon tears fell through as she watched as the red energy sword pierced right through Caboose's frame, into his spark chamber, causing him to gasp and killing him as the energon blood is sprayed on the walls.

"NOOOOO!!!" Arcee screams in distraught horor, as more tears roll down her faceplate.

She continues to watch in distraught as the Energy Sword was then pulled out fron his frame. She watches as his body falls limp, laying on his own pool of Energon.

Arcee stared into Caboose's optics as it flickers before it darkens, never to activate again.

Caboose is dead.

"CABOOSE!!!" Arcee screamed in distraught as more tears roll down her faceplate.


~Location: Autobot Base Omega, Arcee's Quarters~

"NO!!" Arcee shot up in an instant from her berth (bed). She was breathing heavily.

She looks around, and realized she is inside her quarters. She lets out a breath of relief.

It was all a nightmare

Then her optics widen.

"Caboose..." Arcee whispers, she quickly hops off her berth and ran out of her Berthroom and hurriedly heads to Caboose's quarters to see if the Blue Vehicon is alright.

By the time she reaches his berthroom, she slides opens the door and to her relief, she spots Caboose lying on his berth snoring, recharging peacefully. No pain or injury, he's fine.

Arcee lets out a sigh relief that Caboose is alive, and it was all a nightmare. However, instead of heading back to her quarters, Arcee instead quietly slides the door close and quietly enters his berthroom and lays down beside him.

She laid next to him pulled him close to her, she then wraps her arm around Caboose's arm tightly.

She gives him a kiss on his cheek, to which unknowingly Caboose smiles behind his Vehicon mask, before Arcee slowly falls in recharge, Caboose's arm unexpectedly wraps his arm around Arcee.

Arcee hopes this is no bad dream to happen. And hopes that her nightmare never becomes real.


To be continued

I made this Short earlier this morning, so I decided to make this little short so yeah, I hope you all enjoy the 'Blue Love' moment or sad little moment, and stay tuned for the next chapter.

Btw, lemme know what you guys think?

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