Chapter 1

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Here's a short two shot about Team Rocket that's popped into my head one night and it's set when Ash is traveling in Kanto. It doesn't go the with the anime storyline but it's my idea about if Jessie and James quit Team Rocket.

Italicized text is Giovanni's words

James POV

4 days.

4 days of freezing cold, 4 days of living off of food scraps we salvage, 4 days without warmth, 4 days of absolute hell

I'm sending you on a mission. Fail and the consequences will be severe

It's just not worth it anymore.

All we do, all we ever do is try and fail. We're always on the verge of losing ourselves because of the time we send in such horrid conditions.

Steal that Pikachu, you've failed in the past but fail again and I swear you will experience unimaginable torture and your girlfriend over there. She'll be a nice prize for a successful Team Rocket member.

The snows getting faster by the minute

I give a shiver and spare a glance at Jessie. She's freezing.

Giovanni doesn't need us and frankly we don't need Team Rocket. He knows we're gonna fail, he just wants to punish us.

I need someone I can count on. I have members finding out new information from Pokemon experimentation, I have members stealing Dragonites, Gyarados's, Alakazam's and you can't even steal a Caterpie.

We're nothing to him. He's running a business and we're just crumbling under him.

Look at your Weezing, it doesn't even know hyper beam. Pathetically it's the only Pokemon you have and you didn't even catch it.

Jessie's so cold. She's turning blue and her eyes keep closing no matter how hard she tries to stay awake. Meowth is on my head and is in the exact same situation. I scoop Jess up and dash to a near cave. The ballon is god knows where but all I care about is keeping Jess and Mewoth safe

As for Meowth, I'm throwing that pest back on the streets, where he belongs

The stone ground is cold to the touch so I don't hesitate in wrapping Jessie and Meowth in a jacket I hastily took from the ballon before we lost it. I put them on the floor and wrapped the jacket around them tighter for some much needed warmth.

Remember, steal that Pokemon in less then 3 days or you will be punished

I hear a faint cry. It sounds like a Pokemon, an injured one that is. I spy a Charmander huddled up in a corner. I glance at it's barley lit tail and rush over to it. I immediately hold the injured Charmander to my chest as I have no supply's to heal its wounded side. It won't last the night. I know it needs help and fast.

I make a drastic decision to go out in the cold and find a house, pokemon center, anything really. I again pick up Jessie and Meowth in my arms while placing Charmander on top of them.

It feels like a horrible nightmare. I need to save them no matter what. I need to be strong but how can I?

I'm stumbling around in the freezing cold with my eyes unable to see two feet in front of me due to the rapid falling of the snow.

After 15 minutes of pure hell I never thought I would be so happy to see the words Cerulean City. I had no idea we were close to it. Then again I had no idea where we were. I dash to the Pokemon Center, I'm desperate to get out of the cold. I need to save them. I don't even care about myself, all I care about is Jessie and the two pokemon in my arms. Before I get in I tear Jessie's Team Rocket shirt off leaving her with just a black under shirt. I do the same with mine.

Nurce Joy gasps when she noticed us. She calls a stretcher for Meowth and Charmander and I go by the fire with Jessie. She feels like ice. I cry internally, praying and begging to Mew she's alright. If I lost her I don't know what I would do. I love her

Nurse Joy comes over and gives us blankets and hot cocoa and I give her Arbok and Weezing to make sure their alright. She also told me that Meowth and Charmander should be ok.

Thankfully Jess is warming up and she stopped shivering. Now I can relax more.

I know though I need to change my life, Jessie's life, Meowth's life, our lives.

You know what Giovanni I'm not listening to you. I don't care about you just as you do t care about me. I'm running away with Jessie and Meowth and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm done with your crap and I swear form now on I will never ever try to steal or harm another Pokemon again. Ever.

And from that promise I knew my life just changed. No, my life just took a turn and it was finally in the right direction


This came to me late at night and I decided to write it down. I like Rocketshipping, I wouldn't write a whole story about it but I'm happy with this and the epilogue.

Honestly let's be real, if anyone gets together in Pokemon, it would be Jessie and James as everyone else is 10 or younger. Brock is 15 I think but due to his flirting methods, he's not getting a girl. Sorry Brock :(

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