Part 10

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Luke, the human shield as Peter dubbed him in that moment, stepped in front of the web slinger as the undercover Hydra agent took a shot at him. The bullet bounced harmlessly off the teen's bulletproof skin. The line agent looked over the barrel of his gun fearfully. Peter gave him a cheeky smirk before webbing him to a wall.

His expression almost immediately melted. "That guy called for backup. They probably already have eyes on us."

"We need to get outta here," Luke grabbed Peter by the back of the shirt and started to drag him down the street.

"I–can–walk," Peter argued as he struggled.

Luke glanced back. "I'm not letting you stay behind again."

"Why would I?"


Luke nodded down the street they were walking away from. Three black SUVs skidded around the corner at break neck speed and slammed on the breaks. Peter was still being dragged along as he watched agents pile out with guns. Lots of big guns.

"Um, how," he scrambled beside Luke and they sprinted at full speed - which, for two super humans - was pretty darn fast.

But the other end of the street was blocked off as well. Fick. Peter grabbed Luke's arm and was about to web-sling them onto a nearby building, but his friend pulled his arm down.

"What now?" Peter complained.

"Look closer," Luke ordered. Agents were already in position on the rooftops. That spy must have been trailing them a long time to for them to get here.

Peter whined at the unfairness. "How come they already have snipers in place?"

"I think they're trying to make it hard for us to escape." Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Before we die, one question," Peter said as they turned back to back in the middle of the street, in between the squads. "Why are you so wise today? With the family stuff and spotting everything before me...?"

"I dunno?" Luke shrugged and clenched his fists as squadron leaders shouted for their troops to prepare to fire.

"Huh," Peter gulped. "Maybe we should call for backup too."

"What, our two man army not enough?" Luke chuckled.

There was distant yells from both sides. "Ready!"

Peter put a hand to his ear. "Hello? This is Spider! Does anyone copy?"

"Yep, I'm here. What's up?" Ava answered casually.


"Well, we're about to die," he summed up.

Ava screeched. "What?"

"Uh, long story..."



"Oh my God–Peter–Luke–Idiots!" Ava jumped up from the couch wildly.

Danny and Sam jumped back in surprise as she scrambled around for her knives.

"What?" Sam demanded. "What?"

"Get your coms!" She yelled at them, strapped her newly found weapons to her belt. "We gotta go save their asses!"

She didn't bother putting her mask on or using the stairs. She leapt right out the window leaving a confused Nova and Iron Fist to slip their shoes on and follow after her.

As soon as they got out to the side alley, they saw the problem. Dozens of trucks were carrying dozens of Hydra soldiers in each. It looked as if they had brought the entire cooperation out just to kill them. Frankly, Ava was flattered.

"They're all heading that way," Danny pointed out, pulling his hair back to keep it out of his face.

"Wow, good thing you're here," Sam said sarcastically. "We never would have figured it out."

Ava elbowed him and pointed up to the roof. Then she leaped onto the fire escape and climbed up the building easily.

Sam rubbed his side with a grumpy expression. Then he grabbed Danny under the arms and flew him up only to drop him next to the Tiger. They ran across the rooftops until they found the thick of the action.

"Holy mother frickin crap," Sam commented smartly seeing it.

Peter and Luke seemed to be holding their own against an entire army. They worked together, after years of training, practically knowing each other's every move before they made them. They threw each other around, jumped off each other and fought back to back. Luke was focusing on defense, taking the blunt of the bullets, while Peter swung enemies around in webs, knocking five or ten over in the process.

"Hey!" A voice shouted behind them. They turned to see a Hydra sniper staring at them suspiciously. "Who are–"

Tiger kicked him in the head, knocking him out.

Sam choked a laugh like a five year old.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked them angrily. "Let's get down there."

She jumped off the roof right on top of a truck full of agents.

Sam and Danny shared a look.

"Again?" The ninja raised an eyebrow in annoyance.

"Sometimes," Nova started as he grabbed Iron Fist once again. "I wonder what we're even here for."

Danny smiled at the last calm moment, the two hovering above the fray before Sam dropped him right in the most action packed part.

The Iron Fist focused his Chi energy into both of his fists and his eyes burst open with power. Smart agents scattered away from him in a panic, while stupider soldiers turned their weapons on him. Danny took down three of them with every punch, using his martial arts to take down even more.

Nova flew over head, blasting apart groups of conspiring soldiers and backing up his friends. He knocked snipers from their nests and melted mounted machine guns on the back of trucks.

White tiger took out multiple cars full of agents. A flame thrower was pulled out and pointed her way, but she expertly leaped over the stream of heat. The man regretted choosing her as a combatant.

Unfortunately, the sheer numbers were overwhelming. The team was pushed into a protective circle in the center of the street, using car doors, chunks of concrete, and Luke as shields from the bullets.

"Nice of you to–" Peter grunted as he tossed away two soldiers. "–finally join us."

"It was good of you to invite us," Sam shouted over the sound and dove for some soldiers.

Ava rolled her eyes and flipped over a very large man that had decided to charge her. "You boys have certainly made a mess of things."

"We're nearly done here..." Danny kicked the legs out from a few agents. "...anyways."

Luke chuckled behind them, watching his team's backs. "It's true, we're–winning."

He picked the large man up and threw him into the thinning crowd, crushing the others under neath his large body what was left of the Hydran army dispersed in a panic. They retreated down the streets behind their homemade blockades of trucks. The team was finally able to catch their breath.

Ava gasped for breath and lowered her knives. "Well, that was–"

"Awesome!" Sam interrupted, landing beside them. "That was so cool! We are so cool!"

"I totally agree," Peter grinned tiredly. "But we have to get out of here be-before..."

He trialed off. His mouth dropped open and he glared in exhaustion down the street. What in the name of Hela was that?

Luke groaned at the sight of three huge hulk buster level machines walked slowly onto the scene. A ficking tank followed close behind, long tires crunching on the wrecked asphalt. That was when Peter noticed how destroyed the area really was.

Fire pocketed the ground in strange places where truck tanks had blown up. Nova's blasts had left scotch marks in building and the ground. Oil mixed with dark reds on the ground and groaning soldiers struggled to ruse and drag themselves away. It looked like a bomb had gone off. A bomb of super powered teenagers.

Peter was horrified. They had done this. Luke had been talking about good guys and bad guys earlier. Peter had been so sure that they were on the good side. Now, his head was too much of a mess to figure it out.

"We can do this guys," he clenched his fists, willing them to not droop due to how much he needed a nap. "After this, we'll be free to do whatever the heck we want to. On last fight."

They nodded silently and formed a line of defense. No backing out, or Hydra'll just come after the team again. They needed to end this here and now.

"That was a pretty inspiring speech, kid," a familiar voice said behind them. "But you won't have to do it by yourself."

Peter's mouth fell open and he turned to find Iron Man's armor gleaming in the sunlight. War Machine, the Vision, Thor, the Wasp, and the Falcon landed beside him, a quinjet bringing up the rear.

A speak from the jet projected the voice of a certain archer. "Thanks a lot for that knockout, kid. I had a migraine for days."

"You stabbed me!" Sam yelled back angrily, "With an arrow!"

Hawkeye's voice chuckled. "Yeah, whatever. Let's go fight some Hydra guys."

Peter wasn't paying attention. He stared at Tony's face, the billionaire's mask up. His father stared back. A lot of emotions built up inside the teen, anger and hate, sadness, confusion, but the most prominent one was guilt.

He didn't have time to consider it, though, because a speaker on the opposite side of the street spit a voice that made Peter flinch back a step.


Peter and the team looked fearfully back at the heroes.

Stark snorted. "Yeah, right!"

Peter couldn't tell how beyond pissed the man was when he saw his son flinch away. He didn't know what Strucker did, but Tony was going to find him and make him pay for it.

"How did you find us?" Ava asked hesitantly, moderately calm around them after being in their house for a week.

"Well, you sorta blew up half of Queens," Sam Wilson pointed out innocently.

Peter clenched his teeth and looked away, knowing he was right.

"You kids stay back," Tony stepped in front of them. "We'll handle it."

His son opened his mouth to argue, but Rhodes cut him off. "Have you looked at yourselves? You need a break."

Peter groaned as he looked at the state of his team. Luke's shirt was ripped to pieces after all those bullets. It kind of looked like he got mauled by a werewolf, but at least he wasn't hurt. Sam was floating lopsidedly, one eye too swollen up to see and his right pant leg was ripped to show where a blade had swiped his calf. The side of Ava's head was bleeding down her white shirt, which was covered in dirt. She was also limping pretty well. It looked like one of Danny's hands were broken from punching too much, but he still smiled at Peter tiredly.

Peter didn't even want to look down at himself now that his adrenaline was wearing off. He could already feel the cuts and bruises everywhere. He spat blood on the ground, lip bleeding as well.

"Yeah maybe we should..." Peter sighed in exhaustion. "Maybe we should sit this one out."

"That is a wise decision, Boy of Spiders," Thor commented before launching himself to the sky and diving right for the machines.

Peter collapsed to the ground along with his friends. They sat together, watched over by a suspicious Wasp. He didn't know why, seeing as they were too tired to do anything.

Earth's Mightiest Heroes made easy work of what was left of Hydra's Hulk busters. The team didn't watch, but rather heard the heroes destroying them. They returned to find the young no-longer-assassins laying in the ground with light grins on their faces.

"Awesomeness obviously comes at a price," Sam sighed. "Energy."

Peter chuckled and sat up. "Maybe you should have eaten your food, Buckethead."

Luke laughed at them and Ava rolled her eyes, though she was smiling. Danny nudged then and pointed to the team of superheroes watching them in confusion.

Peter and his team stood, not knowing what to do. The heroes did help them. They didn't even know them and they helped out. Maybe it would be so bad to go with them.

"Peter," Tony stepped out of his suit and stood in front of his son.

Peter looked at him, a spark of fear in his eyes. He had nearly killed this man. Who was he kidding? They would never take them in like that. Peter's team was a threat.

Peter swallowed. "Mr. Stark."

Peter flinched when Tony stepped forward, but the billionaire didn't let it discourage him. Peter closed his eyes, bracing himself for a punch or a slap, like Strucker had done when he was disappointed.

Instead he felt warm arms wrap around his stiff figure.

Peter squinted in surprise. His father was...hugging him. How come? He had helped destroy the streets of Queens. Tried to kill him twice. He was a–He was a bad guy.

"I'm sorry," Peter mumbled and Tony held him tighter. Even he wasn't entirely sure what he was apologizing for.

"It wasn't your fault."

Tears formed in the boy's eyes and he buried his head in the man's shoulder, a sob breaking free. Tony ran a hand through his wavy hair lovingly as silent tears ran down the billionaire's cheeks as well. Even Sam was silent as Peter gripped his father tight, as if he were going to disappear if he didn't hold on. They stayed that way for a few minutes before Peter subsided to deep breaths and his tears dried.

Someone sniffed nearby. "Oh, what drama! Such emotions!"

Deadpool sat on a windowsill, an empty popcorn bucket at his side and a taco in his hand, brushing away fake tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he sniffed again and took a bite. "It's just–"

He sighed and ate another bite. Rhodes growled in annoyance and raised his repulser. Wade immediately leapt up, giggling, and gave a little wave.

"Text me when you make your own reality TV show!" Then he skipped down a dead end alleyway and disappeared.

"How does he do that?" Peter wondered out loud and pulled away from his dad.

Luke shrugged. "No one knows with him."

Peter and Sam shared a secret grin.

"Peter," Tony got his attention quickly. "Hydra is gone for now. You and your friends are welcome to..."

He trailed off. The billionaire gestured uselessly to the his own team. Offering a place for the to stay, now that they had none. They may even be able to help to find his friend's families.

Peter glanced back at his team. They all met his eyes steadily.

"Whatever you decide, webs," Sam told him.

Danny nodded. "We trust you."

Ava and Luke both quickly agreed.

"You guys aren't helping with my decision," Peter complained, smiling.

They all laughed at him, knowing he had already made up his mind. The teen turned back to the group of curious superheroes, waiting to hear it what he said.

"We'll come with you."

It wouldn't be so bad to have two families, after all.


Okay intro is officially finished. 

- Wanda

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