Arrows can make some convenient situations

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Jerome X Bacca! Reader this was requested by @pusheen23 so let's get into it.

Hope ya get noticed,



(2nd pov)

You walked through the forest. Sighing you shook your thick Bacca fur. You were probably the last Bacca in existence. You village of baccas was attacked when you were young. From what you knew you were the only survivor from that ordeal. Life. You were hungry and on the search for food, yes baccas are scavengers. You stopped and sniffed the air. Grass, oak, creatures the usual you rose to stand full height. It was sudden and painful. You were shot back against the oak behind you. The metallic stench of blood flood to your nose. Your right shoulder was in agonizing pain. You tired to move by realized you were stuck to the tree.

Looking over a your shoulder you noticed an arrow embedded in it. The arrow must have driven through your shoulder and into the tree, but the only arrow strong enough to terribly hurt a Bacca was a.... B-arrow. And those were only used by the people who wanna kill baccas. You started to panic you thrashed around trying to get free.

"Mitch you shot the arrow you get it!" You heard a voice yell

Panicking even more you started to thrash more failing at getting free. Footsteps and grumbles. By thrashing you were only hurting yourself more. With a whimper you continued to thrash about trying to get free. You felt adrenaline start to pulse through your veins. A man had arrived across from you. He was glaring at the ground. He looked up when he heard thrashing and whimpering. His brown eyes widened at the sight of you.

"J-Jerome! I think you should see this!" He's calling for back up

You climbed your eyes shut and continued to thrash.

(Jerome pov)

Mitch and I were shooting arrows at targets in the forest together. For what ever reason Mitch had a B-arrow and shot it missing the target. Now he's out getting the arrow. I can smell something different in the air today. I just couldn't put my Bacca finger on it.

"J-Jerome! I think you should see this!" I heard Mitch call.

I sighed and walked the path he took. Man, how hard is it to get an arrow. I arrived a Behind Mitch.

"What? What's so hard about getting an arrow?" I huffed placing my hand on my head

"T-that." He said pointing with a shaking hand in front of him

I looked. There she was struggling against the arrow driven through her (fur color) shoulder. She had her eyes claimed shut and a few tears prickled down her furred cheeks. She wore a white tank top and ripped jeans.

"I-I thought I was the only one..." I whispered walking passed Mitch

"Dude be careful." Mitch said

I ignored him and slowly approached probably the last female of my species. I saw that the arrow had been driven through her shoulder and into the tree behind her. I slowly lowered myself to my fore legs and grew nearer. She heard my footsteps and she started to thrash about more. I could smell the metallic stench of blood. I needed to calm her. A panicked Bacca did no one good. I quietly started to hum. It was a tune Mamma used to sing to me when I was scared, angry or really an extreme emotion I felt. I forgot the I words long ago, but I remember the tune.

She slowed her thrashing and opened her eyes. The (e/c) eyes met mine. Curiosity flashed across her gaze, but was quickly replaced with fear, maybe for me? I started the hum louder and she stopped thrashing all together. She held the stare her eyes darting up and down analyzing my baccaness. I slowly rose still humming, but louder. Her eyes never left mine as I approached. I gently wrapped my hand around the shaft of the arrow causing her to flinch and Yelp. I pulled back a little in worry. I pressed my hand above her shoulder and gave a strong tug. She withered away in pain and cried out.

I've just noticed (your Senpai? ;D) how much blood she's actually lost, having her shoulder soaked. With another tug came another cry and more blood. One more. I gave a large tug pulling the arrow straight out her shoulder. She fell forward from the force causing both for us to fall forward me being on back while she had her face in my chest. I felt inwardly heated and my fur fluffed up a little as hers did as well. I quickly helped her up knowing Mitch was watching.

"Y-you ok?" I asked

"No just took an arrow trough the shoulder. I'm great." She said sarcastically

"Well, that's good. Come on we have meds and stuff back home." I said taking her hand

"Thanks..." She whispered looking at the hand

"I-I thought I was the only one." I said looking her straight in the eye

"Same here." She said nodding

"Well... I'm Jerome. You?" I said leading her passed Mitch

"I'm (y/n)." She said happily then whined when she tried to move her right arm.

(Timeskip like a couple months)

(Y/n) as been here for a few months now and I kinda sorta maybe have a small... Large crush on her. She's the beautiful Bacca women of my dreams. Her shoulder has been getting better, but is still in terrible shape. I sighed as I walked out of my room. Suddenly I was ushered into a room. I heard Sky and Ian's girlish giggles as I was pushed into a room. The door was shut behind me and I heard the door lock click. I sighed and looked around.

(Y/n) was sitting on the bed. She have me a warm smile.

"So you were ushered in here too?" I asked leaning on the door

"Yeah." She said simply

"Neither of you are comin' out until you tell each other!" I heard Sky's voice on the other side of the door

I felt my own fur puff up a little I saw hers did. I heard fangirlish giggling on the other side of the door.

"Well, obviously they wouldn't lock us in here if we didn't have something to tell each other. So yeah. I do have something to tell you." She said as her fur puffed up more and she started to rub the back of her neck.

"What would that be?" I asked

"W-well, I kinda sorta really a lot like truly l-love you..." She said her fur puffing up even more

I sighed with relief. "Thank god.." I mumbled

"What?" She said tilting her head

"I well love you too.." I said scratch the back of my neck

"That's great!" She cheered her smile growing bigger

Yes! My perfect Bacca women is mine!

Eyup. Lovely love loveness.

Hope ya get noticed,


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