Country Girl

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Ok so I'm starting with a Sky X reader so yeah. Comment what you want next and I'll make it happen. No lemons.... Yet.
Hope ya get noticed,

"With those worn out jeans and that dusty cowgirl hat.

My world just seemed to stop when ever she would walk by. She would always have that toothy smile one her face. She worked a heavy load. She would work in the sun and in the rain. She didn't complain, she just did. She was the only daughter of a very successful rancher. Everyone expected her to be some prissy girl obsessed with makeup and boys, but no. She loved the dirt and the smell of manure(so do I it's weird).

With that sweetheart smile that could lighten a room, you chose me...

I was lucky enough to be a ranch hand at her farm where I would work in the barn fixing things. It was hard labor, but the pay was good and she would stop by even now and then. She would bring drinks and we would talk for what seemed like hours. Then one day she told me to meet her on the roof after my shift.

Under the night sky you showed who, who could truly sing a love song!

I met her up there after my shift ended. There she was siting on the edge of the roof and looking over the pasture. She was humming a song. The sun was setting and shining off of her (h/c) hair gently blowing from under her hat. I approached her. She looked behind her at me with that beautiful smile. She got up and met me halfway.

With that smile, with that voice, you hit me dead on. And I fell head over heels.

It all happened so quick it felt like a dream.

Together we sang, but this isn't some country love song!

She wrapped her arms around my neck while I wrapped mine around her waist.

This isn't a country love song! Believe me this isn't some cliche country love!

Those beautiful (e/c) pools gazed into my golden budder ones. A soft blush covered those freckled cheeks as a blush covered my own.

You told me on that tattered old roof that there is such a thing as to find true love!

She cupped my face in her hands. I blushed harder. Then the next thing was unexpected.

You showed me the world from a new perspective, you showed me how life could be..

She slammed her lips to mine with passion. My eyes widened, but fluttered shut and I kissed back tightening my grip around her.

Those worn out leather boots, that smile that never fades. Who could not fall in love

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours. We had to part for that retched thing called air. She pulled away with a smile still dancing on her lips.

I never thought you would chose a sucker like me, but you did... But you did...

At that moment I never thought about all the things I would do for her.

Your touch was soft and kisses softer.

Kiss her almost every time I saw her.

Together we danced and sang like no one was watching!

Took her in the back of my pick up in the moonlight.

The girl with the smile that lightens a room chose me...

I put the ring on her small tough hands.

She sang with the voice of an angel, and danced with the grace of a swan

She died giving birth. 

When the songs cut short and the beat slows down. I want you to know...

I sighed and got up from the couch. I walked around the house. I looked at the old memories and trinkets from the past when she was still alive. The I looked at the coat rack. Wait! Where was her hat! The dusty brown hat she always wore! It's gone! I started to frantically searching. Then I heard a giggled upstairs. I quickly ascend the stairs and ran down the hall. I came to a doorway. There she was thumbing about on a broom like it was a horse. The hat was on her small head and was slumping around.

"Baby girl?" I said

She shot her head up and gasped. She dropped the broom and took off the hat. She held it close to her chest  as she walked to me.

"I-i-i-I'm sorry daddy.." She whimpered looking up at me with sorrow filled (e/c) eyes "I-i-i just wanted to play A-a-and I-I-I just wanted to wear the hat mommy wore.." Tears fell down her face and she tipped her head down

"Ally. Baby girl." I said looking at her.

She had my resilient chestnut curls and looked a lot like my mother. The tell tail sign that she was (y/n)'s was those big (e/c) eyes. They were the same. I smiled and wiped some of the tears off her face. I took the hat on my hand the then placed it on her head. She gasped and looked up at me. I smiled.

"It looks better on you then on that coat rack don't ya think?" I chuckled

A large smile appeared on her face. The hat slumped down and covered her face. She giggled and pushed it up.

"It's a little big daddy!" She giggled

"Well, if your anything like your mom it'll fit perfectly." I smiled and pulled her into a hug

That I love you.."
Ok first on down. 935 words. Request!

Hope ya get noticed,

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