Foot fetish

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Yeah... Seto X Reader. Sooo... Another idea off the top off my head. Please! I NEED your request for these! My friend help me with this idea by in study hall picking up my foot and saying "foot fetish mode activated"

Hope ya get noticed,


(2nd pov)

You sat on the couch gently twitting your thumbs as you waited for Sky to return with this friend. He wanted you to meet him really badly for what ever reason. You stared at your bare feet you stretched out your toes then placed them in their normal place. You couldn't find your shoes this mourning. Nor anyone else's for that matter. You were slightly embarrassed about them. To you they were broken and ugly. They've been through a lot with a few long, jagged, purple scars lacing on them. Sighing you stretched your whole body out. It was stiff from sitting for so long. Man when was Sky gonna bring his- your thought was interrupted by the door opening.

You heard two sets of footsteps and started to gently rub your feet on the rug. You heard two swift knocks on the doorframe causing you to look over. Sky was leaning on the doorframe his knuckles resting on the oak wood. He wore that typical "Budder Smooth" smile and the black glass sunglasses that rested on the bridge of his nose. There was someone else standing there nested to him you just really couldn't see him. You gave a wimpy smile and snuck your feet under the rug.

"(Y/n). This is Seto. Seto, (y/n)." Sky said gesturing to each of you with his hands

You gave a small wave and a slight smile. The man stepped into the light. He dawned (vocabulary!) a grey robe with flashing streaks of purple. He wore a purple hood that covered up some of his head. He look you straight in the eye with those chocolaty pools of wow. He had a few askew brown locks. You felt a light pink dust your cheeks.

"Uuhh... Hi!" You scrambled for words

"Hello." He said dipping his head

You saw Sky's smile change into a smirk.

"Well, I have things to do I'll let you guys have at it." He chuckled pushing Seto farther into the room

"But Sky, you had told me that-" Sky cut him off

"Something just cam up!" The budder loving idiot said before bolting away

"... Well... Sit I guess." You said gesturing towards the chair

He did so not even seeming to be moving his feet. Maybe floating? Sky did tell you he was a sorcerer. Shrugging you started to tell him a little about yourself. For hours both of you exchanged stories. You both laughed at the stories of how you had met Sky. You were enjoying yourself and from what you could tell he was too. You thought you saw Sky in the doorway a few times, but chose to ignore it. You heard a slight grumble from beside the doorway.

(Pov switch really quick. Sky pov)

I grumbled as I hid beside the doorway.

"How are they gonna become love birds, then boyfriend and girlfriend, then get married, then have lots of little Seto and (y/n) babies if all they are going to do is talk. Gah!" I gruffed quietly slumping against he wall then an idea hit me "That's right I hid all the shoes for a reason. Seto has a foot fetish and (y/n) has feet that tell a couple interesting stories." I look in.

Damn it (y/n)! Don't hide your feet under the rug! How are you supposed to fall in loved with your soul mate and make little Seto (y/n) babies! My Otp! Then an idea hit me. Duh! Eliminate the rug and (ship name with yours and setos name) sails! Yes, but I've gotta be sneaky.

(Back to 2nd pov)

You giggle as Seto finishes a story about how Sky had been turned into a toad after drinking a potion that he hadn't finished yet. Suddenly Sky walked in and grabbed the corner of the rug.

"I need dis." He said and started to drag it away.

"SKY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" You screeched as he drug the rug away along with the coffee table on top of that.

You watched him as he drug the rug and coffee table to the hall. The coffee table got caught on the doorframe and he mumbled a few curse words and drug the coffee table around. Shaking your head you giggled. You looked back at Seto who was looking at the floor. By not at his own feet, but yours. You blushed and started to move them so they were unseen.

"S-sorry you have to see my ugly feet I-i couldn't find my shoes this morning." You said moving your feet so you were sitting on them, but he stopped you.

He began to gently rub the arch of your left foot. You noticed he had dived from his chair to stop you. You felt your cheeks heat up quickly to a deep scarlet. You had to admit though his hands worked gently on your feet. You let out a loud yelp as he pressed his thumb into your foot. He looked up at you making eye contact.

"You have beautiful feet m'lady." He said continuing to rub left foot

"W-what n-no I think m-my feet a-are pretty ugly w-with all their s-scars and c-crap." You choked out

"No. No, they are quite beautiful. Each scar tells a different story.... May I see the right?" He explained releasing the left and placing a hand out from the right which was tucked away under your butt.

With your blush darkening you got off that foot and gently placed it in his hand. He took it and proceeded to gently start to rub it. Your blush darkening each second. You heard a fangirling sound from the doorway and a phone camera shutter, but took no notice. What amazed you was how ginger Seto's hands grazed over your skin. As he finished the right foot Seto sat beside you. He quickly pecked your lips in embarrassment. A blush dusting his cheeks. You grabbed the front of his robe and pulled him into a deep kiss. You heard more fangirling sounds and a phone camera shuttering again.

"(Ship name) IS OTP!!!" You heard Sky scream like a girl

"NO ONE CARES SKKKYYY!!!!" You heard Ty yell from upstairs

You smiled but didn't break the kiss. This is the start of the beautiful relationship...... With beautiful feet.


"The end my lovely little feet" this is what my friend told me at the end of the day. Well, request who you want next so yeah.

Hope ya get noticed,

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