Predator and Prey p. 2

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Ok so Predator and Prey p. 2 enjoy. This might be the last part.. I'm not sure. Enderlox X reader

Hope ya get noticed,


If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me? And if I seem dangerous, would you be scared?

I get the feeling just because, if anything I touch isn't dark enough, if this problem lies in me.

(2nd pov)

Taking a deep breath you released the arrow. That's also when you started climbing down the tree. A loud thunderous roar of pain was the message that the arrow hit its mark. The creatures massive tail slapped the ground angrily as it glared around. You slowly pulled an arrow from your quiver and drew it back as you made your way in a slow circle around the creature. You could hear it's heavy, angered breathes. From what you could tell this beast had strength, and lots of it. Taking quick aim you released the second arrow and took off. Another angry roar made and the sound of the massive flapping of wings. Cautiously you gazed around, not stopping in one place for too long. You took a quick glance at the sky.


You took a couple steps back holding your now stinging forehead. Cursing yourself for not seeing the branch you were about to move on when there was a soft whoosh behind you. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you heard loud breathing. Swallowing hard you slowly turned around. There you were met a bright crimson eyes. Or eye to be more specific. The light brown hair had been swiped to the side covering an eye. A low rumble was all that was given as it glared at you. Your hand slightly hovered over the hilt of you sword as you held this fearsome staring contest not breaking away from the crimson eye seeming to glow out amongst the settling darkness. All was silent, this was odd of a forest, as if all the creatures knew what was about to happen and went into hiding. Just.. Just watching from their hiding spots too afraid to do anything.

The creature gave a massive exhale, as if trying to threaten you off. Gripping the hilt of your sword now you never broke eye contact. The creature growled in a low tone and with a quick motion you were off your feet. Your sword had fallen back down to the ground as have many of your arrows. It's claws digging into your sides you silently whimpered. The steady beating of wings was all you could hear. Suddenly you were falling and fast. A loud splash the a coolness surrounded you. Holding your breath you saw lots of the bright crimson liquid that is blood slowly swirl up to the surface.  Quickly pushing youse upwards towards the surface you gasped a breath you swam your way to the surface.

Quickly getting up to the land there was a loud thump. Turning your head you saw the creature there staring into the water. It seemed to be staring at the still crimson colored water. Perfect. Quickly pulling a knife from the small sheath on your outer thigh. Making quick aim you threw it. It sliced the creatures wing. It angrily roared and shot its head around to glare at at was your cue to RUN!

You took off into the forest. You could hear the faltered flapping of wings from above. The trees should give you enough cover. Soon the sound of soft splashing filled your ears (XP almost typed eyes). Looking down quickly you saw you must have entered a swamp. The semi solid terrain had turned muddy and slick. Almost falling a couple times running through this muck your eyes started darting around looking for a hiding spot. Soon you found some large boulders stacked up sliding over and under one. (Your laying on your stomach and the direction is sideways like the side of your bed.)

Your breathing was slightly hitched as you stared out into the woods. You felt like you were just waiting to die. Swallowing hard you heard a loud splashy landing and heavy footsteps in the mud. Every squish of the large dragon like foot pushing into the mud spiked your adrenaline. You almost screamed when a dragon foot was in front of the opening of your hiding spot. (#Ty'sleftfoot. XP) taking a quiet deep breath you grabbed your ax off your back and quickly calculated your options. So you just randomly chose one and did it.

Driving the sharp blade into the creatures flesh you pinned its leg up against the rock. The blade sloppily cut though the creatures tough scales scrapping up against the bone. A shrill roar echoed around, but you didn't release. Pushing the blade farther you heard a small crack of bone. The leg was suddenly jerked harshly away from you. Taking the opportunity you scrambled out of your hiding spot and started to run. Not looking back you heard the creatures angered and pained growls and groans. Vision blurred by exhaustion you suddenly tripped and started to fall harshly down a steep slope. Whimpering and hissing as every rock poked and prodded sharply at you the fall was painful.

You landed painfully at the bottom. Your landing on your back you right shoulder hit a boulder. You heard a loud 'pop' and felt searing pain. Whimpering loudly tears prickled the edges of your eyes. You hastily picked yourself up with a loud hiss you started to limp away as fast as you could. You soon arrived at the same clearing from before the cow lay in the center flys buzzing loudly around it. Holding your dislocated arm with your good arm you whimpered as gazed pleadingly around. Hoping that the forest would just wrap around you and hide you from the beast you have tempered with.

On the other side of the clearing opposite of you the bushes rustled. Your vision was becoming blurred and grey. You turned your head towards the noise. Black dots edged your vision threatening to take you. You heard sloppily flapping of the massive wings. This was not the smooth steady beat from before, no, it was slow, tired, pained. You heard shouting on the other side of the clearing. Your knees started to grow weaker, there was no hope for you now.

"R.. R-run..." You whispered you vision darkening as it became a difficult task to even stand.

The sound of flapping got closer and the shouting got more panicked. You breathing slowed to a dangerously pained unsteady rhythm. Your eyelids grew heavy. The sounds of the creature you fought so hard to take down was so near you felt you could touch it. Falling you your knees you let out a shaky breath. The shouting was coming closer to you and footsteps told you that whom ever was on the other side of the clearing was coming close as a futile attempt to save you. Though, you can't be saved, you know your going to die, and you have already accepted it. You weren't one of those people who think about all they haven't down when they die, you were one to want death to come, that's why you took this career. You wanted to die. You have lost so much and gained almost nothing. Family, love, hope, light, laughter, those were things that you lacked, that were taken from you.

You know in the moments before death where people become super sensitive and could feel and sense everything around them? That's what was happening now. As time slowed you could feel the blood pouring from your wounds, sense the slow steady footsteps coming towards you, hear the heavy breathing of the creature you failed at bringing down. A soft cool, but sharp, wind hit your sweaty and bloody neck. Your vision was almost completely black, limbs to heavy to move, hearing quickly fading. You could feel the slow beating of your heart in your throat. You lungs taking in the probably last breaths you'll ever take.

Then you heard it. It cut sharply through the nothingness you were hearing. It was shrill, and loud, very loud. A roar. The same roar you've been hearing all night. Though your blackening vision you saw the pale grey form of the creature whom was the last you ever fought. A smile tugged at your lips. Looks like you didn't do a too terrible job trying to bring the mighty beast down. It's left leg had a second bend to it and was bleeding very badly. The arrows were embedded deep into its flesh also bleeding. It also seemed tired, oh so tired.

Touch... It... The sudden thought confused you, but the scales... The scales, they look so smooth and cool.... Touch... Touch the scales.... You slowly regained control of your good arm and shakily moving it towards the mighty beasts tail. Gently your fingers grazed the striking black scales. They were so smooth and sleek. Slowly you rested your full palm on the tail your smile never fading. You could feel the steady pumping of blood through the mighty veins. Slowly you let yourself loosen up, let nature take you. Eyes rolling into the back of your head eyelids fell shut. Limbs becoming numb and lifeless you fell towards the soft grass. Your body heavy, but soul light, you never hit the ground.

Bam! Done! That took way longer to get out then it should of. Yeah. Hope you liked it. If you want more COMMENT!!!!

Hope ya get noticed,


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