Sister location

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Ok so I'll get back to good ol metal arm. For now a Ssundee x reader. Ok this is loosely based off the game ok? There is some spoilers for the game so if you don't want to spoil it don't read this ok.

Hope ya get noticed,


(Ssundee pov)

The elevator creaked and jolted down as I gripped on to the handle bars.

'- and you'll need to enter your name.' The robotic voice said as a yellow bordered screen popped up in front of me.

The green keyboard was broke and continued to move. I shakily managed to type in my name and hit enter.

'Something seems to be in correct, but a see what you were trying to do.' The robotic tone said again 'Timberlake.'

I snorted a little at this. The elevator continued to jolt on sometimes the lights flashing on and off. I shakily swallowed Sky told me about this job. I was unsure I took it anyways.

(2nd pov)

All was dark, as usual. You heard something in the vent to the outside. A person arrived. You could see him through the window. You could hear his breathing. You could sense his heartbeat. He was fearful, rightfully so. You could hear that stupid robot voice too.

'Now lets check on. Bellora....' the male flashed the light on her stage '..hmm she seems to be not feeling well. Give her a controlled shock.'

'No.. don't..' you whispered to utterly no one.

The male was hesitant on pushing the second button but pushed it. A large static shock raced though her whole stage area and the dancer stiffened. You could see her. Feel her pain. The blind dancer moved to her place on stage and begun a simple dance. The light on her stage shined again.

'Good Bellora's feeling like herself again, now lets check on Funtime Foxy.' The light on her stage flashed and the unlucky fox was not there 'get her a controlled shock'

The unfortunate fox was shocked and stiffened up un moved. You could see her too. Feel her pain.

'Hmm.. give her another controlled shock.' The male hesitantly pressed the button again.

Again another wave of pain washed over the fox, but she moved over to her spot on the stage. The light flashed showing that she was there.

'Good. Now crawl through the vent in front of you to go to Baby's stage.'

You know where baby was she was not going to go to her spot on her stage. He flashed the light a couple times.

'Give her a controlled shock.' The robotic voice said

He did, Baby felt it, but did not move. He nervously pressed it again. Same response. One more time he hit it, but the button sparked and soon died.

'Oh. It seems we have a problem here. I am going to reboot the system. Shutting everything, including me off. Ok here we go!' And with that everything shut down.

(Ssundee pov)

Everything shut off. I was left alone in the dark.

"It's ok. Under the desk. T-there's a hiding spot. Use it before they find you!" A hush voice whispered

I quickly clambered under the desk. There was a holey sheet of metal that I slide into place. I stayed there for a while a creepy voice started talking to me a little bit and tried to get into the hiding spot.

"The guide will come back now. He will s-say that the power will need to be turned on manually. You will have to go through Bellora's stage. He will tell you to move quickly through there, but don't. Bellora can't see w-well so she will rely on the noise you make. When you hear her music she is getting closer. Stay safe."

(Time skip four days)

The voice has been helping me as well as another. The other, Baby, is who a know more about. The other, the first voice will pop in and help me when I need it the most. At the moment I'm in the parts and service room with Baby.

'-now take the chip and plug it into your mobile device and I will guide. Press the green button on your left to send me to the scooping room.'

I pressed the green button and walked down into foxy's playhouse.

'Walk forward.' I did 'Continue forward.' I walked forward and listened for foxy 'stop.'

'Turn left and go forward.'

A loud static sound was made

"Don't. Turn right and go forward. You can't trust-"

The static cut off the voice

'Get out of here! He's gonna help us.'

"Your only using him for his skin. To make yourself look human!" The static made a noise again "quickly right forward and don't stop then right again and continue forward once you r-reach a room exit through the left door and run down that hall. Take the first door. S-stay safe."

The voice crackled off. I quickly followed the directions and cambered through a vent and arrived in a room. Memories came flooding back from the similarities of my first job.

'I thought you trusted me..' Baby's voice

"Quickly through the left door." I skidded out into the hall and down it I didn't stop moving "this door."

I quickly opened it and slipped in. I shut it tightly behind me. I sighed at the door. I turned around and was met with two bright glowing (e/c) eyes.

"Do not fear." I saw each part of her face move as the cat like features spoke "I am done with harming."

"Done?" I asked curious.

"Yes done." She rose her head and I saw an elongated metal neck and spine her head brushed the light and I heard a zap and the room was eliminated. I saw it around her mouth dried and crusted blood, metal parts laid strewn about. Her bonds consisted almost nothing more than severed wires and metal endoskeleton. "I was the first." She looked far off "It was a boy. He was alone and enthralled with my balloons. Then something just clicked on my head I couldn't stop myself. My chest opened. The I grabbed the boy placed him in my chest. He was screaming, but it was muffled. I started bleeding through my mouth and eyes. When I tried to get back to the stage and sing I was stopped. I child was crying and the mother screamed at me. T-the rest was a blur really. Getting taken from the party. A man saying something about how well I worked, but I was needed to be removed. Agony. Being unable to move. I have a connection with all the animatronics here. I feel what they feel see what they see. I see everything. They thought I died but I did not.... the protect the people from within."

"Whoa"  that was all I could say.

"I know. They will come for you at 6 am. You will be fired and I will protect you until then. I will keep you safe."

Ok sorry it's so lengthy but I kind of like it. Meh. I'll get back to Good ok metal arm.

Hope ya get noticed,


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