Chapter 6

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Raph's POV (Finally!)

Don't think I know why Leo's acting like this.

I don't know why he's like this now.

It had something to do about...Master Splinter's death...

But that stubborn Fearless always had to put the blame on himself! That martyr...

You may look like Leo admired Father..but sometimes, when we were little...Leo would always complain about something about training or any other shit that had something to do with ninjitsu.

I know...its really unbelievable..the Splinter Jr!

Used to complain something about ninjitsu!

I don't know what. I don't remember..that was years ago.

He now loves ninjitsu..atleast..when he was sane.

I looked at the time, it was 1:30 AM. Ever since Leo became mentally unstable, I couldn't sleep until 3 AM.

I'm developing insomnia or something about losing sleep that Donnie talked about.

I closed my eyes and tried so hard to sleep.

Then few minutes, my consciousness faded.


When I opened my eyes, I felt small and I felt the excitement in in my veins.

I looked around to see that I'm in the dojo.

Then, I spot some cool weapons displayed right infront of me.

"Woah! Cool!" I exclaim.

I didn't mind the high pitched voice that came out of my mouth.

I saw my sensei sitting under the tree, meditating.

He's alive.

"Dad!" I called, running towards him.

His face held an expression of frustration and annoyance.

It made me giggle a little.

"Hey dad." I greet as I smiled sweetly when he opened his eyes and stared at me.

"I see you still haven't left the dojo, my son." Master Splinter spoke, kindly.

"What are you doing?" I ask, which was weird because I know exactly what he was doing.

Was this a dream? Or a memory?

If its a memory, well..I don't remember this happening before.

"I am calming myself. It is called meditation." Master Splinter answers, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I wanna meditate!" I exclaim.

What? I swear, I never wanted to meditate in my life. How the hell did I ever get interested in meditation when I was little?

"You are too young, my son. Perhaps when you turn 6 years old. You can meditate and train to be a ninja with your brothers." Master Splinter says as he raised an eyebrow.

"I want to be a ninja!" I exclaim more.

This high pitched voice is annoying me. Did I really sound like this when we were tots?

This voice is so annoying than Mikey's voice and babbles.

Master Splinter stood up and walked slowly to the shrine and lit a candle.

I followed him, "I want to be a ninja now!"

Wow. Was I really determined to be a ninja when I was young?

Man, if only my younger self knew.

Then, a beautiful katana caught my eye.

I walked towards it.

"What's this?" I ask in wonder even though I know what this thing is.

Its a katana.

"That, my a katana. A samurai weapon." Master Splinter answers.

I can feel myself drool at how beautiful and magnificent the katana looked.

"Lemme hold it...!" I mutter excitedly.

I took the katana and boy! It was heavy!

I was about to swing it until a hand grabbed my wrist.

It was Master Splinter! And he looked mad!

He grabbed the katana and put it back in the case.

"Don't touch it, my son. It is dangerous and sharp. You may hurt yourself!" Master Splinter scolds me.

Wow, its been so long since I heard Master Splinter scold me.

I heard myself scoff and I pulled my hand away from his grip, harshly.

What the hell? I'm pretty sure I never disrespect Sensei when I was little unless I get annoyed by his scolding when I did nothing wrong.

"Why not? I'm already old enough! I'm the oldest! Its not fair!"

"My son, you will learn to be a ninja when you are 6 years old and ready. All of you." Master Splinter said, calmly.

"I want to be a ninja now!" I stomped my foot.

"I want to be the leader!" I shout more.

"I want to fight!"

Master Splinter looked at me as if I was a different person.

"I deserve it! I'm the eldest! Only me! I'm just as important as you!" I pointed at him.

Master Splinter's calm face turned from calm to furious.


I felt myself scoff and run away.

No...this is not a memory...

This is not me...


I walked to the bathroom and looked at my fist, that is shaking in anger.

I looked at the mirror and saw a blue banded turtle staring back at me.

He roared and punched the mirror.

Then everything shatters.

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