5th Grade

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Did I change? Maybe a bit. Little less awkward, little less negative, little less, well, me. Little more on the nice side, little more optimistic, little more perfect, little more like Ellie. 5th grade was a big change for me.

I was never comfortable being with a different family; maybe because it took so much time to forget about my genetic parents and realize they were gone. They were in the past. This is my future.

Ellie helped me change all of that. She invited me for my first sleepover. I would obviously need to get permission from my parents, but when I told her, Ellie took off on her rant. She was the only one who ever bugged me asking all the questions about my family. Every time she asked about my family, I would shut her down immediately. Derek understood not to bother me about it, but did Ellie stop?


Even if she knew, she wouldn't understand.

She had this perfect family. She had a loving mother and father who looked just like her. An older brother who was playful and fun. But her house, oh! It's beautiful! A house that I would call a mansion. She calls it a cottage. A room that is like a castle, but to her like a box. But what I loved about it most: they welcomed me with open arms! Like I was one of them!
Anyway, about the sleepover-
As you can see, I said yes. After I accepted the invitation I couldn't wait to go to her place. I mean, it's not like there is much to look forward to in my life. That's why I still remember the day. It is impossible for me forget.

I walked to her house. My parents were at work as usual and I had no other family or friends. The only other transportation was my bike. From 1st grade. Yeah, no. So walking it was. When I arrived you could imagine the look of shock I had on my face. 2 stories! I lived in a small apartment. They had beautiful flowers in the front lawn. Ellie always told me her favorite flower was the rose, so I went to look at the bush. As soon as I walked over I just had to sniff it. Bad choice.

A bright red headed woman opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch. She noticed me there and called, "HOWIE?! HOWARD?! THERE IS A STRANGER IN OUR BUSHES!!!!"

From inside the house a voice called, "Relax honey, I'll get the pepper spray."

So humiliating. I was MORTIFIED! You would not believe the embarassment I went through.

Ellie swooped put to save my ass. "Mom, is that Mallory? Didn't I tell you my friend was coming over?"

She and her mom were distracted so I took a few steps back hoping they wouldn't notice me. My plan? Run home and never show my face in their neighborhood again.

"MALLORY! THERE YOU ARE!!!!" I froze. To late. Guess I have to take the heat.

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