Why All the Pain?

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Beep Beep Beep

"Shut the d*amn thing off! Ugh it's so annoying!" I groaned.

"Annoying? Just like you," Ellie said as she smacked me with a pillow.

"It's 6:00 in the morning?! Who gets up that early?!" I grumbled.

"I do, especially on the first day of school. And by the way, I'm not letting you go back to sleep, so don't even try."

I peeked out of the covers to see if she was joking. I was greeted my another smack.

"Fine," I said as I rolled out of the bed, "And what is in that pillow?" I rubbed my as the pain from the sneak attack faded away.


After an hour of choosing what clothes Ellie should wear and figuring out what breakfast to eat we finally were ready.

Mrs. Thrawn was in the kitchen along with Nick.

"Thank you for having me over Mrs. Thrawn!"

"Mallory," She replied, "How many times do I need to tell you, that there is no need to thank me! You are welcome to come over whenever."

"Squirt, El, I'll give you a ride. I'm going that way after all," Nick said as he grabbed the keys. He winked slyly at his mom.

"Nick," I'll said suspiciously, "What are you not telling us?"

Mrs. Thrawn swatted him. "You mean you didn't tell them?"

"I'll tell them in the car." And with that he left to the car.


"WHAT?!" Ellie and I screamed in unison.


"I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! THAT'S ACTUALLY...," I sat back in my seat trying to find the right word, "Pretty cool."

"Thank you Squirt! At least someone appreciates my presence," Nick stated throwing shade at his lil sis.

I stepped in- I needed to defend Nick- he wouldn't last two seconds against Ellie. "It's not like he's going to be coaching you. You're not even taking basketball."

"Well still, if people don't like him, people won't like me. It's the nature of things." Ellie said bluntly, "Make sure people like you."

With a slam of her door, she walked into the school leaving her brother behind.


First period: Psychology

Ellie wasn't in my class. Which meant my life would be torture.

I was happy she wasn't in my class for one reason- I don't want to become too dependent on her. The reason I was sad- She was the on who stopped me from being bullied. Though my bullying was minor, it still got to me after a while.

Ellie and I worked together. It was kinda like a process- I got bullied, Ellie stopped it, and I become to dependent on her.

I entered the classroom to hear snickers, names, chairs scrape away, and books being slammed onto desks. I was called names like, "Sob story, Nobody..."

Chairs were moved away, so all I could see were the backs' of people. Books being slammed was actually an odd sound- unless it was the first day of school. People had already saved spots for their friends to sit; even those who didn't have a friend saved the spot next to them.

Only because....

They didn't want to be the one to sit next to me.


I went through my classes one by one. Lunch came just in time- I needed time with El.

Just a short period of time when people can't say anything to me.

They wouldn't be able to touch me when I was with her.

Hurt me

Harm me

I entered the commons looking for Ellie. I decided she would be late and grabbed our usual spots before getting in line to get lunch. Today they were serving spaghetti.

It was not ideal for me, but my bullies thought otherwise.

I headed down to where my seat was. Some jock though it would be funny to trip me. As soon as he stuck his leg out, it became Cloudy With The Chance Of Meatballs all over again. I slipped- my tray being thrown up in the air came down with a loud-


I was covered in the stuff. Everyone turned to see what had happened.

"I'm not hungry, where's the trash?" asked a jock. Even an idiot would know what was going to happen. With that remark he dumped his food on me hitting my head with a tray.

Where's Ellie when I need her?

As if on cue, Ellie entered with the cheerleaders and gathered to watch the spectacle.

"What a loser!"

"Sauce really matches your outfit!"

"Actually, the sauce makes it look better."

"MAL! ARE YOU OKAY?" A hand helped me up. I looked at Ellie's worried face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said brushing myself off, "Let's go."

As we left the cafeteria we heard remarks like, "Is that Ellie Thrawn? Why is she with... her?"

"Why are you calling that thing a her? She's an it. She's not classified with us."

"That's because she's too good for you. That's why she is not classified with you," Ellie muttered in disgust.

"Poor Ellie, wasting her time on that creature. She's just taking pity on... it."

"Or someone is paying her."

"No one could pay me to be seen with that hideous thing."

"Ellie, thanks, really- just go. Your social status is plummeting every second you are seen with me... just go," I pleaded.

"No, nobody could pay me to stay away from you," Ellie smiled.


7th period- best class ever!

I have girls basketball, and though I'm not the best I still enjoy it.

But I also have the best coach ever- Nick.

"Hi guys, I'm your new coach- Coach Thrawn- I'm excited to coach you, but first lemme take roll and get to know your names."

He started calling roll. It was the same group as last year, so we knew the order we were called in.

"Abby, Amanda, Beth, Caitlin, Emma, Mackenzie, Squirt-"

"He-" I said caught off guard

Everyone burst out laughing.

I was humiliated.

No, no, worse than that- Mortified


"What kinda name is that?"

A group of populars walked up to me.

One of the girls stuck her water bottle in my face pressing it as she yelled, "SQUIRT!"

I was soaked.

"Haha! You said her name Squirt and squirted her with water. Haha..."

I gaped at the girl who said that. The stupidity is unbelievable.

"But what a waste of water."

At this point there were tears adding to the mix.

I ran out of the gym with Nick trailing behind me.
He grabbed my arm and said, "I'm so sorry... I've called you that all my life. It was just natural. I didn't realize people would react this way. I'm sorry Squi-"

I was blind with rage, "Never call me that again."
And with that, I raced out of the school.


The bell rang as I raced through the hallways. People poured out of their classes to see me wet, crying, and in my gym clothes.

"Ahhh, my eyes! I wish I was blind."

"What's the idiot doing now?"

I only had time to hear a few comments because I sprinted outside in time. The stereotypical jocks and cheerleaders were standing there.

They started laughing hysterically.

I ran away, hearing one last remark.

Go kill yourself

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