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Cold sweat ran down my back. What the heck just happened?! Was that girl...dead? And was she really here? No it couldnt be! So...why do i still smell her rotten sent?
I quickly change trying to think of a resonable explanation for whats going on. I run out and i see Mum standing by the door. She smiles at me when i walk out.
"Took ya long enough," she said as she took my hand and started to walk towards the door, "lets go home."
Outside in the hall bunch of doctors are buzzing in every direction. In a seat on the other side of the hall was Nana and next to her, leaning against the wall, is Dad. When Nana sees us she gets up and closes the distance, Dad on her heels.
"Okay lets go but first i need to use the restroom. Danna, honey mind taking me?" Nana asked Mom.
Mom turned to Dad, "You take Abbi to the car, okay?" Dad nods. Mom takes Nanas hand and guids her away and they disappear around the corner. Dad took the bag out of my hand.
"Common lets get going," and with that we headed outside to the parking lot. Then i heard it again, heard her again.
Boom? What did she mean by boom? Was there gonna be a explosion? A bomb? If so, when? And where? Is it just a trick? Or is it a clue? So many unanswered questions. Well unanswered for now. What if she-
Dads voice broke into my thoughts. Of course I didnt hear what he said and i let out a pathetic "huh" looking around. I was standing in front of the recently bought jet black mustang. I looked back at Dad who was holding out my favorite plain blue jacket.
"Here wear this its cold," he said and it shocked me. Was he caring for me? But why? Thats the first parenting thing hes done to me ever since he moved in a few monthes ago. He must of seen how shocked I was and he let out a long sigh, "Look I know I havent been the best Dad dont deserve a dad of the year award and im sorry about that. Listen I just was to change for you for our future, okay?" he said with a smile. His efforts made me smile and i took the jacket and wore it.
As i zipped it up there was a sound so loud and so close. Boom. The ground shook and heat burned my cheeks. I look up and there it is. The hospital was on fire. Mum. Nana. No. They were still inside. No they can't be! They made it! Right?
I looked over at Dad who stood frozen in place staring at the flames. I turn my attention to the hospital again. The girl was warning me wasnt she? I feel stupid. I feel numb. Then i saw him. The guy from thr dream, in the doctors coat, standing in front of the hospital. Was he...smiling? Yea...yea he was. It was his fault. Ill make him pay. For Mum Nana and everyone else in that fire.
I realized that Dad was holding me and i was crying my eyes out. I need to make the guy pay for what hes done! I swing my head back hitting Dad right on the nose. He lets me go letting out a cry of pain.
I didnt stop to apologize. I ran right into the hospital doing my best to avoid the fire. I dont really care anymore.
"MUM! NANA!" I scream at the top of my lungs causing them to be filled with smoke. I start to choke on the smoke as i keep searching for them. I went up to the third floor. Thats were my room was or at lease thats what i think. Before i can make it to the bathroom the floorboard broke and i fell to the second floor. Now im in the middle of a pool of fire. I lay there, numb. Now im gonna burn there and die 'cause i was just to stupid. doesnt burn. In fact the flames against my skin felt good. How is that possible? I stand up and look around. Flames everywhere. I look at my hands. Covered in fire but no marks.
I heard a weak cough close by. I run to the sound, there was still hope on finding them. As i neared i saw a figure leaning its back againts the wall. Its a girl. She had long brown hair half her purple blouse burnt. Wait. Purple blouse?
"MUM!" I scream again and the girl looks at me. Sure enough it was her. My eyes filled with tears of joy as i get closer and bend down next to her, "Mum im gonna get you out of here, okay?"
She started to cry, ""
"What? Why? No Mum you're coming with me! Wheres Nana?"
"Abbi...go..." she swallows, "Nana's am...I..." and with that she slowly closes her eyes.
I hold her in my arms, tight never wanting to let her go crying, "No! Mum dont leave me! Please dont leave me like Dad did! Mum!"
After a while i stood up and wipped away my tears.
"I will kill you for this!" I say spinning around trying to spot the guy again, "Ill make you fucking sorry! Do u hear me?" I drop to my knees again and look at Mum. Her skin slowly melting away.
I let out a scream again the the fire start to whip around me. It felt really good. I put my hands on the floor and the fire crawled along the floor to my hand. Slowly the fire died down until there was nothing left.
I had power.
I had control over fire.
And im gonna become a hero.
Then i hear her again...
"Save the dead...please Abbi..."

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