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I find myself in a dark hallway. I don't know how I got here I can't seem to remember anything. Its quiet other then the voice in my head leading me somewhere. I should know better then to do what voices in your head says especially after watching all those horror films but it was like the voice has taken over my body and I have no control anymore.
"Now to the right," I can hear the voice, high pitch and loud, buzzing in my ear. I come to a three way hallway and like the voice said I turn right. I start to feel uncomfortable...I feel like some things not right here. My stomach does summersaults once the voice spoke again...in a different tone, fear, it spoke the words softly, "Run now."
Panic washes over my like a huge wave and the next thing I know is I'm running down the corridor as fast as my legs can take me. I have a curious mind but I don't want to stick around to find out what I'm running from. I mean if the voice shows signs of fear when I first sensed it I think my skeleton would jump out of my skin once I've laid eyes on it.
Ive soon been swallowed whole by the darkness and I slow down and catch my breath. "What is that thing?" I ask myself as I continue walking sliding my hand against the walls, well the ruins of the wall. The paint peeling off and some chunks of wood missing.
As I walk I realize something. The voice is gone but I can't tell if that's good or bad. After a while of walking in scilence and darkness I hit a dead end. I feel around to find a light source.
"Jackpot," I speak to myself as my hand hits a cold piece of a circular metal. Flashlight. I switch the light on and freeze. Before me is a face staring back at me so pale and twisted I let out a scream dropping the flashlight causing it to turn off. I feel a hard cold metal hit the left side of my head before everything went completely black.

I scream and stand up quickly without really thinking because of the horror that I have just witnessed. The chair I was sitting in went flying backwards across the room and as I look around I see a dozen eyes looking my way.
"Shit..." I think as I start to realize where I am. I'm in my Science class last class of the day and Mr. Winten, my teacher, is making his way across the room to where I am standing still shaking from what just happened.
Mr. Winten isn't making things better for me either. He scares me. Every step he takes towards me it makes the ground shake under me and my heart stops for a second in fear. Mr. Winten is tall and always dresses fancy. His hair pulled back with a ton of hair gel like the movie stars. His eyes chocolate brown sharp and evil. Can't look into his eyes without getting the chills.
Mr. Winten finally makes his way over to me and slams his open palms onto my desk, making me jump, "Miss Jones would you mind explaining what that scream was about," he asked me as I try to avoid eye contact but I can feel his cold eyes gleaming at me.
"I-im sry Mr. Winten I just...saw something..." I say letting my voice trail off as I examine the room and the students snickering to one another. I was never really popular in school. Mr. Wintens booming voice, filled with anger and harshness, broke my train of thought.
"And WHAT exactly did you see?"
"I saw a...spider," I answer him, but my response sounded more like a question then a answer.

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