I am Traumatized

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This apartment, for whatever reason attracts bugs. There are no fly infestations so I'm hoping the demons haven't quite found me yet. lol. However, we get a lot of spiders (which I am terrified of) and every summer we get these tiny little black beetles. The beetles aren't dangerous or anything, they're mostly just annoying. They get into everything, especially the pets' water bowls. I'm constantly changing the water or squashing them as they scurry across the floor.

So how does this lead into my traumatizing life event?

Not thinking about said beetles, I left my HydroFlask sitting on the desk open. It was like that for most of the day. Apparently one of those beetles saw it and went, "Oh boy free water!" and crawled on inside it. Cue me grabbing my water bottle and taking a drink. Immediately I knew something was wrong. My brow furrowed and my brain went, "Why is there something hard in my water?" I immediately spit out said hard object and promptly freaked the fuck out when I realized it was a dead beetle. If he had been a live it would have been even more traumatizing, I'm quite sure.

I brushed my teeth and scrubbed my water bottle out, twice. 

Now when I want water I stare at my HydroFlask for a moment, shudder and then take a drink. I will never ever leave it open again. I mean it, never.  This was worse than the time the spider scampered across my face when I was lying on the couch. I am not a fan of bugs (in case you hadn't guessed). I will have nightmares about this, I'm quite certain.

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