I've Been Pounced Upon

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I was tagged by the wonderfully amazing stephenkinglover2 to answer the following questions

1. Zodiac Sign

2. Song you don't like

3. Your crush/lover on Wattpad (tag them)

4. Time Zone

5. Bed time

6. Least Favorite Color

7. 15th photo in your gallery

8. Picture of yourself

9. Last thing you ate

10. Middle name

11. Song that makes you feel like a boss

12. Favorite song by the Rolling Stones

13. Favorite Song by Led Zeppelin

14. Snapchat account

15. Tag 20 people

Okay, here are the answers, as if anyone cares lol

1. Pisces

2. Uh ... idk off the top of my head but if Ariana Grande is involved hell no

3. Yeah that's not gonna happen I'm twice as old as most everyone on this site

4. PST

5. Bed time, what am I 5? I go to bed whenever I feel like it, the one perk of being an adult lol 

6. Anything bright or pastel

7.  My cat Boomer taking a nap on all book notes

8. You sure you want that? This is from a book event a couple of years ago in Boise. Sorry but I don't really take pictures of myself. 

9. Eggo waffle

10. My author name doesn't have one and ain't no one getting my real one cause it's awful

11. The World Will Know - from the Newsies Broadway musical

12. Sympathy for the Devil

13. Immigrant Song

14. Who uses Snapchat anymore? I can't even remember mine. It's all about the Tikity Tok now LMAO

15. I don't think I even know 20 people anymore, so you get what you get ... and if you don't like being tagged, ignore me ...







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