On Repeat

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I can sit and watch certain things on repeat until it would drive most people insane.

During the beginning of the COVID epidemic my WiFi stopped working. Cox refused to enter homes because of COVID so it took them forever to come out and fix it. Most days it was spotty at best. I could do basic things like check email or Wattpad but I couldn't stream anything on TV. I watched my DVD of Zooptopia for something like two weeks straight. One, because I love the movie and two I was too lazy to get up and change the DVD. I've watched the storm episode of Stargate Atlantis so many time I know most of it by heart. The same goes for the entirety of Gravity Falls. There are certain episodes of Supernatural I can watch over and over too. 

I'm not certain what this sort of behavior says about me but there you have it. I guess it means that I'm dedicated to my fandoms lol.

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