Prolouge: Separated

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Third Person POV:
°February 17, 2018...°

On an island far away full of pirates and peaceful animals as two young pirate girls played in a beautiful flower garden on the island. But a ship arrives at the garden instead of the docks as a crew of men started matching towards the girls and as the girls looks confused of why there was men matching towards them, one of them immediately realized what was going on and tried to warn the other little girl but was to late and ran as older looking man grabbed the pirate girl by force and the crew of men started matching back towards their ship. An older pirate girl walked out of tunnel that connected the village and garden together and saw the men forcefully dragging the young pirate girl away as the young pirate girl reached her hand out with tears in her eyes screaming for the older pirate girl to save her. The older pirate girl with widen eyes brought out her Cutlass and rushed at the men that had hold of the little pirate girl, but another man smacked the older pirate girl across the face as the crew of men started boarding their ship. The ship set sail and was a fair distance away from the island already as the older pirate girl watched the ship sailed even further away as the older pirate girl reached her hand out screaming at the top of her lungs.

????: NOO!!

As the older pirate girl slammed her fist into the ground, as a male pirate ran out of the tunnel and he went to the older pirate girl and immediately kneeled down beside her while trying to calm her down.

????: Naomi calm down.

Naomi: Ben, How am I supposed to calm down when the Tidal bastards just kidnapped my little sister! *Tears streaming down her face*

Ben: T-They what!

Ben immediately took out his telescope from his side bag and looked through it to see a ship in a far distance from the island as the flag on the back of the ship flapped around with an empire symbol on it. Ben with widen eyes immediately turns to see Naomi sprinting towards a paddle boat that her little sister used, but is stopped by Ben from reaching the paddle boat as she reached her hand out while screaming into his ear.

Naomi: Get out of my way Ben, I'm gonna kill them and get my little sister back! *Tries to push Ben outta the way*

Ben: Naomi, you can't it's suicide! *Keeps a hold on Naomi*

Ben continued to hold her back and he soon smacked Naomi from behind knocking her out as he carried her bride style back to her home. Naomi's parents had gone missing ever since she was only 12 years old and her little sister had just been born at that time. He made to her home and went to her bedroom as he looked around to see a perfectly tidy room, he then placed her on her bed and left the room. He closed the door behind him and sighed but a girl with orchid eyes and blue hair that was 6'6 pinched Ben by the ear and pulled him into the living room.

Ben: Owowowow!

????: Explain why were you in Naomi's room just now?!

Ben: Kanon. I can explain but I need you to help me stop Naomi.

Kanon: What happened Ben?

As Ben began to explain what had just happened. Kanon remained silent and frightened as Ben tried to continued explanation without letting the same emotions that hit Naomi in the stomach after seeing of what happened to her little sister.

Kanon: That's terrible.

*Sigh* Ben: That's why I need your help, if Naomi wakes up the first thing she'll do is find her little sister.

Kanon: Alright, but I'm just worried about her, I mean we've been her best friends since we were little and after her parents disappeared she spent all her time into looking after her little sister, and that's all she has left as her family.

Ben: Yeah...

Kanon: I'm going to make some tea.

Ben: Alright.

As Kanon walked to the kitchen, Naomi's bedroom door swung open as a pissed off Naomi came charging out of room and headed straight for Ben. Kanon started making tea as Naomi punched Ben from behind and which alerted Kanon, and after the first punch from Naomi. Ben immediately pinned Naomi to ground as Kanon ran out of the kitchen aiding Ben as Naomi tried to break loose of Ben's grip.

Naomi: I won't forgive you for what you did Ben! *Tries to break loose*

Ben: Naomi, please calm down you must have known that you had no chance of catching up to the Tedal ship with a paddle boat.

Naomi: Does it look like I care! *Tears up*

Kanon: Naomi...

Naomi finally got loose of Ben's grip and started to cry as Kanon looked at her once cool and passionate best friend. Naomi break into tears as Ben looked at ground feeling that he was also responsible for what happened to Naomi's little sister. Naomi turned around and picked up a photo of herself and her little sister in the very same flower garden from a year ago as tears dropped onto the glass that protected the photo.

Naomi: Y-You knew how much my little sister means to me... *Tries wiping her tears*

Kanon: Naomi...

Naomi: I-I l-love my little sister and I would put my life on the line if her life was in danger! *Cries her heart out*

Ben: Naomi I'm sorry. I should have known better.

Naomi couldn't take it anymore and ran out of her home as it started to rain. Ben and Kanon tried to stop her but failed to catch their best friend as they walked back in, Ben slammed his fist against the wall while feeling guilty for Naomi's emotional breakdown, and as for Kanon. She just down on a chair thinking of what Naomi had said. Naomi ran to the flower garden but collapsed as she continued crying as it started to rain a bit more heavier than before.

°One weeks later°

Naomi had never left her home after losing her only precious little sister to Tedal empire. She refused to eat anything that Kanon or Ben makes, and Ben had been getting Naomi's old crew back together to search for the lost treasure that they promised to find. Kanon on the other hand has been trying her best to get Naomi to eat something but failed every time, Kanon knew that Naomi was on the verge of starving to death since she had eaten nothing for two weeks. Some time a week ago Kanon found Naomi collapsed on the kitchen floor cause she didn't get any sleep, and even now Naomi refuses to eat or sleep, and her once perfectly tidy room was now a pig sack. Kanon started clearing the living room as Ben charged into the house.

Kanon: Ben what is it?

Ben: Where's.... *Pants* Naomi?

Kanon: In her room. She won't come out and you know that.

Ben: We can go find her little sister now, I got the whole crew back together and now all we need is our captain.

Kanon: That's great but will it be enough to get Naomi back on feet?

Ben: I hope so.

As Naomi's bedroom door slowly opened. Naomi came out walking to kitchen as Ben walked up to Naomi and told her the news. Naomi got her things from her room as Kanon and Ben followed behind her. They reached their ship the Chariot-Horse and board it, they reunited with the crew as they sailed off from the docks.

????: It's good to see you again captain.

Naomi: Like wise Kane. Now excuse I have work to do in my quarters.

Kane: Aye aye captain.

The ship sailed off as Ben steered the ship to their first destination, and as for Kanon. She was in the kitchen cooking lunch for the entire crew. Naomi looked at the photo of herself and her little sister with a determined look knowing that she'll do anything to save her.

Naomi: Just hang in there Tilly.... Onēsan is coming... *Looks at a photo*

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