Dead?! How?!

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Listen to the song The End of All Things (Perfect for this chapter) By Panic! At The Disco.

"We're dead?! How?! What?!" I asked, confused, turning to look at everyone in the room who just looked right at me but through me. When a lady walked right through me, I crumpled to the floor in a crying heap. I felt Noah's hand on my shoulder, "Noah- why am I here? What did I do to get here?"

He was taken aback a little by what I was saying, "But Gwen- this is what you wanted. To see me again. I know it's not the perfect circumstance but we can be together now. Forever. Death is no longer a barrier between you and I. I missed you." He kissed the left corner of my jaw and wrapped his arms around me

"Noah, I don't know." He looked confused so I continued, "About all this.." I gestured to all the decorations, the people, us. "I don't know if this is what I want. I don't know if I would give up my life to be... dead."

"But you'd be with me. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Actually, the more I think about it- the less I want it." I stood, "Noah, I just want to go home."

"But Gwen, you can't."

"I can do whatever I want Noah. Go back to your siblings and leave me alone." I glanced over my shoulder and headed towards the doors, Noah looked hurt.

"So that's it."


"After all this time. All this time of fighting- after how you acted, all bi-polar and shit, this is how it ends."

"What the hell are you talking about Noah?"

"What am I talking about?! You at the hospital, you with Charolette's cousin, you and everything you are and stand for. Y. O. U." Noah turned and started walking back to the room where we had just left- the room his casket was in.

"Noah! Noah, wait! What was that all about! Tell me Noah! I can't read minds! Noah!" I ran after him. He stopped, I hit him, and fell to the ground from the impact. "Hey-!"

His eyes grew big as he saw what was happening, no one was in the room with him and I. The actual I and his actual body. The actual me bent down and kissed him softly on the lips. He turned to look at the ghost me, "Why did you do that."

I grabbed his hand and held it next to my face, delivering a gentle kiss to it, "Because I love you Noah. Your death wasn't just hard on me but- it seems to be hard on you too..." Tears silently streamed down his face as he shook his head.

"Yes." He hugged me, tight, "Yes."


I shot up screaming. Apparently the force was large enough to cause the IV to come out of my arm, making a machine somewhere in the room erupt in frantic beeps. The chairs near my bed were empty, save for one near the door. Occupying it was none other than my brother, Dervik.
"Gwen?" He looked up. From the way he looked, sleep had obviously evaded him.
I went to speak but found that no sound came out, so I waved instead.
"The doctor said you might have trouble talking." He supplied me with information. Then stood and walked towards the bed. "Here's a notepad. If you want to say anything, just write it down."
I wrote down 'Thanks.'
"No problem."
'How's Uncle John?'
"He's out of the hospital and at home, resting."
'Where's Alan?'
"Had to go back to the tour but he sent you some flowers." Dervik gestured to the bouquet on small nightstand-like table.
'That was nice of him.'
"Yes, it was." Dervik sat back down in his chair, but scooted it closer to the bed.
'What happened?'
"What do you mean?"
'To me?'
"Oh. Well the details are a little foggy since we have no clue what really caused it, but the gist of it is that you had a form of shock and panic where your body just shut itself down- or attempted to."
'So, a panic attack?'
"Something like that, not quite though."
"You were out for a couple weeks though."
My eyes widened, 'Wait... how long?'
"13 days, almost 14. It's around eleven fifty-five right now."
'So, almost midnight?'
We sat there in silence for a bit, Dervik looking down and I looking out the window at the stars that could be seen. As sudden as the comforting silence came to us, Dervik ruined it. He slowly looked up at me and with an undeterred gaze started to speak:
"Gwen, when you get out of here you're going to be in a lot of trouble. I hope you understand that." I nodded to signified that I did, in fact, understand. "You caused a lot of problems. First with the whole Lola thing, then Uncle John, and finally, making Alan miss a couple tour dates." I went to throw my arms up in the air as a way of letting him know that I was angry at what I would be blamed for and have to deal with when he slammed his fist against the arm of the chair. "Don't even act pissed or upset Gwen, you know the consequences for your actions."
'Are you done lecturing me?' I scribbled down furiously 
"I know where you can get some information about Noah, cause you're kinda out of a safe full of items."
'What do you mean?' I wrote, feeling his undivided gaze on me
"I was kinda mad at how you acted when we were here so I might have told mom about the Noah stash you had in your secret artroom..."
"I had a moment of anger, we all do." He calmly explained like any psychopathic killer would
'But you know how much I valued those things!'
"I didn't think she would throw them out!" He snapped, standing up and yelling
"Sir, there are patients trying to sleep." A nurse calmly informed him of the obvious
"Yes, I know. Thank you."
'Way to go.'
"Shut up Gwen."
I stuck my tongue out at him and laid back down to go to sleep. Dervik attempted to sleep but obviously a chair isn't the most comfortable, so I pulled a Noah move and pulled back the covers to let him lay next to me. He did and within minutes was snoring. Just had to figure out some more things, like what Noah had said and the little clues he left. I'll figure this out Noah. I promise.

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