Him Again

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I exited school and headed toward my car. A certain someone was leaning against it. I quickly turned on my heel and headed back toward the school.

"Gwen! Wait!" Cole ran after me, his hand in the air like he was hailing a cab

"Cole I don't wanna hear it!" I yelled at him, speed-walking away

"Let me explain!"

"You don't need to! I know everything!" I turned around and people streamed past us as we just stood in the middle of English Hall. School just ended.

"What you know isn't what you're suppose to!"

"How is it not what I'm suppose to know!? Are you just going to let me flirt with you and you're going to just flirt with me when you have a girlfriend?!?"

"No... It's just..."

"You're screwing with my emotions," I yell punching him just like Captain Kirk did to Kahn in Star Trek Into Darkness, "Who the hell does that?!??!!!"

"Guys. Guys do that. Idiotic stupid guys. Idiotic stupid guys that can't see how beautiful, sweet, kind, and smart a girl is until she punches him like Kirk in Star Trek." He look me in the eyes, dead-serious

"Wait. What?"

"Gwen. You are that girl."

"I-" I stuttered trying to put what I thought and felt into words, "You should be saying those things to your girlfriend."

"Gwen. You don't realize something."

"What don't I realize? Hmm??" I turn not facing him, the halls thin out and soon we're the only ones there

"I don't love Rosie...." He sighs then whispers, "Like I love you."


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