Hospitals Are Always Fun

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A nurse ran into the room and looked shocked at all the machines, they were going off like a sailor swears at the sea.

Kiera pushed me out of the way and went to Rosie's side, "Gwen. What happened." She turned and looked at me straight on, "Tell me."

"Girls go into the hall." The nurse yelled at us and called for a doctor

We went into the hall and I tried my best to explain, "When you went down to get her balloons, I don't see why she would need them at a time like this." Kiera gave me a dirty look, "Anyway, I put my hand on the edge of her bed and I asked if she was okay. She said no, this is your fault. Then she started to shake and freak out."

"You're a bitch Gwen." Kiera glared at me

"What? Kiera!" I reached toward her arm but she turned quickly

"Whenever someone has a better life then you, you ruin it. You say that you're not a bitch when you are." Kiera began

"But I try to be a good friend, at least I succeed in that..." I mumbled

"I'm surprised you even have friends because you're one of the biggest bitches I have ever known."

"Kiera, I try to be a good friend. I try to honest, loyal, nice, and trustworthy."

"You are bitchy, inconsiderate, not loyal, honest to where it's mean, should I continue?!"

"No need. If you and Rosie don't like me this much then why do you even hang out with me?"

"It's not just Rosie and I. Silvia doesn't even like you! We have been done with you for many months now. We're just putting up with you because there's three months left. I admit that I'm a weird, stupid, bitch. You don't! I don't try and act like I'm better than everyone and too good for anything. You say you're so nice and loyal and innocent when you're not at all."

"At least I show compassion toward others when they loose a love one or when life screws them over!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face

"You want to talk compassion?! Since I show none that might as well make me a robot right?!!? Right Gwen!?"

I nodded, "At least I care."

"Like you care about other people's feelings! You don't care if you hurt their feelings! You strive to hurt their feelings. You strive to make them feel like you did when you killed him."

"Kiera I-"

"No Gwen. You wanna know what? I'm feeling just as you were when he died. You just most likely took another victim. You probably killed my best friend." She turned to walk back toward room 361

"Aren't you going to attack me or something?" I asked curiously

"No Gwen. No I'm not. Want to know why?" She said it in a calm even tone, unlike the tone she had just minutes before


"If your family adopted you, that showed that your real mom and dad hated you and wanted to get rid of you. Some parents drown their kids instead of give them up. Too bad your real parents weren't like that. I wonder what will happen when Dervik and your adoptees disown you..." She turned and walked away, "Goodbye Gwen."

Tears were streaming down my face even faster. I ran down the halls blindly. When I finally did stop, I was in front of room 822. His room.

This wing was no longer used anymore. Barely lit bulbs lined the corridor, some of the doors window glass was broken, old clipboards with sheets lay in abandoned piles on the floor and in the plastic pockets next to the doors.

I opened door 822 and stepped inside.

It was dark and there was broken glass on the floor. If you couldn't tell already, this was the town's poorer hospital.

Opening the curtains, light flooded the room. It had started to rain outside. My breath against the window made it fog up and tear. Like it was crying.

I didn't want to turn around, to see it all again. Like it once was.

So instead I gazed out the window, it gave the perfect view of 'our' cliff. 'Our' mountain.

I remember gazing out this window when he was in here. In a coma. Thanks to the fall caused by me.

The doctors said he would survive. They promised. But in the end, he didn't.

I took a deep breath and turned around.

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