Chapstick Challenge

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Here in this school of despair, a normal person wouldn't even care about their love life. But I'm the ultimate romantic and I couldn't help myself when I saw Chihiro. He told what his gender was whenever Monokuma said he would tell our secrets if nobody murdered. He said he was going to tell people one by one, and that I'm the nicest person here so he told me first. Ah, he's so cute. But I don't think he's too concerned about his love life at the moment. Who knows, maybe he'll marry his computer?

"Hey, (Y/N)! How are you?" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Chihiro standing in front of me with an adorable smile.

"Yo, Chihiro. I'm just, well, daydreaming." He's gotten used to me doing this after I did it a couple times a day. I can't help it, okay? "Chihiro, do you wanna play a game?" I asked, while smirking. I could see him blush and smile nervously.

"What game?" My smirk turned into a grin and I said the name.

"The Chapstick game, of course!" I practically yelled. I could see his face visibly redden and his eyes widen. "W-what? Why do you wanna play that with me, of all people?" I knew he had this inferiority thing going on but I'm going to try and make that disappear as best I can.

"Because everyone one else is ugly and you're my best friend. Pppllllleeeaaasssseeeee, Chihiro!" I saw his face soften and he smiled gently. "Fine." He said and I grinned.

"Yahoo!" I yelled and took his hand. I was running to my room because I have SO many Chapsticks in there. People say I'm kind of obsessed.

As we walk up to my door I slide my ID thing over it and walked in. I ran over to the bathroom and giggle. I grabbed my pouch of Chapsticks and walked back into my room. I saw Chihiro sitting on my bed as I walked in and he looked up at me, smiling.

"So you know how this works right? I will put on a Chapstick and then you kiss me and guess what flavor it is. And then we do it again but vice versa, got it?" I explained. He already knew it of course, but I wanted to go over it.

He turned around and I picked out my favorite flavor, cherry. I put it on and told him it was okay to turn back around. His face was really red, probably because we were about to kiss.

He leans forward and I close my eyes. I feel warmth on my lips. His lips were smooth and plump, who am I kidding? Those words don't do them justice. When I opened my eyes again I saw him lick his lips, trying to figure out what flavor the Chapstick is.

"Cherry?" He finally says, and I smile say nodding. "You got it right! Okay, it's your turn." I say, handing the bag to him. I hear shuffling and him opening the Chapstick and then him closing it, "turn around." He says, finally.

I smirk and say, "close your eyes, silly. No peeking~" I teased. he blushed and complies. What is it with this boy and blushing?

I lean in and take my time, of course. When I pull away I licked my lips and surprising, couldn't get the flavor of it. It was as if there was no flavor at all! 

"Yo, if you don't mind, can I kiss you again? I can't taste the flavor." I wanted to make sure he was okay with this. I'm surprised he agreed with this to begin with. 

"Yeah." He spoke, slowly. I nodded and kissed him again. 

This time, I decided it'd be fun if I ACTUALLY kissed him. This was probably the only chance I'll get and I like him, you can't expect me to not do something like that! 

I started off pecking his soft lips, and then actually kissed him. 

And then he kissed me back! What?! 

Our lips had formed a rhythm by now and I took this chance to lick his bottom lips. I heard a moan and my eyes opened wide in surprise of how.. I don't know how to describe it. Guttural or throaty would be the right words. I smirked into the kiss and then moved myself so I'd be straddling him. I giggled as I broke our kiss and looked into his eyes. He was panting and red in the face. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and I felt a wet sensation. 

He was lapping at my neck as if it were lollypop. Then, he started nibbling and biting right were he was licking beforehand.  I couldn't help the moan that fell from my pink lips as he bit into my smooth skin. He then stopped biting and kissed where he bit softly. 

He then went back to kissing me and I immediately wanted to taste him. So, I started lapping at his lips and he opened his mouth for my tongue to explore. I licked everywhere and I made sure I didn't miss a single spot in his wet cavern. He then started prodding my tongue with his and and I smiled as I started dragging my tongue along the side of his. 

When we pulled away, a thin string of saliva connected us and he laughed joyfully. His smiled was so genuine and I was confused, but then remembered how he told me he never had any friends and nobody liked him as a kid. 

I smiled as well and hugged him. I heard a sniffle and then looked up at his face. He was crying.

"Hey, you don't need to cry. Don't be sad." I wiped away his tears.

"No, I'm so happy." He says, laughing. "(Y/N), I really like you."  I smiled warmly, and went back to hugging him. "I like you too," I whispered. 

"Thank you." After all, how could I not like you, Chihiro? You're sweet, funny, adorable, strong, and smart. You fight for what you believe in and that's truly amazing.

You're amazing, Chihiro. 

(Stop reading now if you don't wanna ruin the fluff, hehe.)


"CHIHIRO!" I screamed as I walked into the girls locker room. My sight turned blurry and I choked on air. "No, no, no, NO!" I ran over to his lifeless body, "Wake up, Chihiro! You have to wake up!" I sobbed and clung to his body. 

"Chihiro.. I promise I will find whoever did this, and make sure they d-" I stopped mid sentence, and remembered that Chihiro wouldn't want that. "Sorry." I spoke. 

"But, I will always like you." I said, and walked away.

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