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I'm sorry that the last chapter wasn't an actual chapter. But I hope you'll enjoy this! Yes, it's an actual chapter. If it wasn't it wouldn't have taken so dang long to write: *Warning! IMMATURE CONTENT*

             "My hairline good?"


             "My nail-job good?"


             "My face good?"

      Finally pulling my eyes away from my phone, which was open to a What Does Your Eye Color Represent About You? quiz from some stupid website (I wasn't even really paying attention), I turned to Amethyst and snorted. She was buffering again.

             "No, it looks-"

             "Hey, Minuette!"

    I suddenly let out a glass shattering scream, slamming myself onto the wall and hitting my head so hard that I fell onto the hard tile floor and skidded across to the corner, almost to the door of the girls bathroom. Pointing at my boyfriend, Chancier, I heaved another deep breath and screamed again as random girls passed out of the bathroom and in, stepping over my legs as if I weren't even a matter.

Amethyst rolled her eyes and whined about how her hot pink dye-job had sunk into her roots and it was messing up her scalp.

Looking back at Chancier, I noticed he was still staring at me with a concerned look on his face. He also looked kind of freaked out as a couple of his best buds from the football team stopped near his blonde head and laughed at me. "Nice girlfriend, Dude. She should try out for Scream Queens sometime. What did you do this time? Slam her too hard?" And then they laughed, walking away, leaving a red-faced Chancier and a still screaming me.

"Shut up, Minuette!" Finally Chancier blew his top, which shocked me for he hadn't blown his top ever since I tried to murder the cat with a paperclip and oven mitts. My mouth flew shut and I stared at him with wide eyes. Did he see that man over there with black and blue hair, eyeing me like I was prime ribs? Or that girl over at the water fountain, letting her black hair fall down the drain as it endlessly poured off her head and onto the floor?

Shaking my head, I slowly stood up and walked over to him, trying to give him a hug, but he blocked me before I reached his torso. I frowned and tried again, but he blocked me again, shoving past me, and walked down the hallway, glaring after me. I felt a stab in my chest for he had never done something like that before.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to see Amethyst folding her arms across her cleavage and staring after him. "You two doing alright?"

Pulling off my best fake smile, I nodded my head and said in my most cheery voice, "yeah! Why wouldn't we be?"

            Amethyst shrugged and we walked out into the hall, zeroing in on the front doors that led out into the warm and sunny, smells-like-hot-dog-season air. "Just from the way he treated you just now. I mean, Blake would never tell me to shut up. Or give into peer pressure," she wrinkled her nose. "you do know Chancier smokes right? And what was it again...? Im sure it wasn't an E... Those things taste horrible. And I know, right? How would I know? Well when you dated the cashier at the drug store for a few seconds, you learn a thing or two." She let out a bubbly giggle. Walking alongside her, I mindlessly reached up to twirl my friendship necklace which was half of a pink heart that matched Amethyst's purple one.

"He smokes Marlboro. I told him to quit last season when he almost hit a buck and I flew out of the car while it was still moving." Amethyst nodded, as if that were totally normal, which it was for me. "And didn't Blake dump you after he found out you were making out with that guy on Second Street?" Amethyst rolled her eyes as her hot pink hair bounced in the sun, as did her belly piercing, which was showing due to her belly showing tie-dyed top.

"I tried saying he was from Sesame Street, but he was too smart to fall for that. See? This is why you should try speed-dating with me! Instead of sticking with that tacky Chancier guy, try cheating for once! Don't be such a goody-goody." She joked, slapping my arm. I playfully shoved her harder, making her ram into another person who flipped her off before continuing. Amethyst smiled after her and laughed.

"I have a F in PhyEd."

"Therefore, you're a goody-goody."

Rolling my eyes, I laughed, but screamed again when one of Amethyst's new boyfriends stopped to say hi.

              "Oh my gosh! Amethyst, do you see him, too?" I wasn't pointing at Amethyst's 15th boyfriend, I was pointing at an old guy who was about to get hit by a car. A Ford-Shevvy... Thing to be exact.

              Amethyst looked over and looked at me like I was crazy. This has been going on for a while, in case you haven't noticed. For some reason, I see things and people that others don't. At first I thought it was a gift but when I saw that poor pony get stabbed and slithered to pieces by a chainsaw... Let's just say, I thought otherwise.

"Minuette, no one's there."

"But don't you-" I suddenly let out a creepy giggle that made half of the people standing around us turn to stare at me. The laugh turned into a full on wicked cackle and then I sat down on the sidewalk. I fell down on my rear end and sat cross legged, staring up at Amethyst as she began to make convo with No. 15.

"Umm, Ame, is she okay?" Amethyst didn't even glance at me as she nodded her head nonchalantly, she has always known something was wrong with me ever since we were friends. To be honest, I had no clue what was wrong with my head. I was born into a perfectly sane family, and I seem like I just fell out of a tree and hit my head.

As they stated making small talk, and Amethyst starting making sexual comments, I stood up and did a back hand spring, landing in front of a lamppost just as my cell phone chimed. Digging into the back pocket of my jeggings, I pulled out my Galaxy and hit the green button.

"Hola, me llamo Minuette, como estas?" (Sorry I don't know where the figures button is on my keypad)
  I heard someone sigh on the other end of the line. "Stop acting like your Spanish, Minuette, it doesn't work. It's not funny anymore."

               Laughing playfully once I realized it was Chancier. "Well, no need to put me down. ¿Que tempo hace?"
  "Go outside." Chancier snapped. I widened my eyes a little, even though he couldn't see me. He never snapped at me. He usually laughed his answer... "Are you okay, Chance? You seem... Mad."

              "Gee, I hadn't noticed." I sensed him roll his eyes. Narrowing my eyes, I felt a surge of anger pulse through my veins.

               "What is up with you? You've been acting different ever since I tried to suffocate that fly." It was true, I trapped it in a tissue and laughed as it buzzed through the tissue paper.

              "Look. Minuette, it's not... Oh who am I kidding? It's not me, it's YOU. Minuette, I'm sorry, actually, I'm not sorry. You're crazy. And not as in sane crazy as in I think you need to get some help. Like, see a psychiatrist or something. I think you need to go to a mental hospital. You're sick, Minuette." I felt tears brim along my eyes, but I blinked them away. "First, you killed my pet bird in the kitchen sink. Then, you jumped out of my car when it was moving. Then, you tried stabbing my sister and wanted to play Kick the Can while you swung a baseball bag at anyone in sight. And don't even get me started on the things you've said. Plus, you keep seeing things. You keep asking me if I see these random people and I never see anything. I'm not sorry, I'm not because I can't believe I ever even liked such a crazy BEYOTCH like you." My mouth opened slightly.


            "No," Chancier's voice that once was soothing but now was like an icy cold nip barked through the speaker. "don't even try. We're over, Minuette. And I hope I never have to see you or be around you ever again. I don't know how Amethyst puts up with you, you're just a disgrace to humanity." I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "If an alien ever took over your body, they'd leave this planet because of what you resemble as human life. Oh, and by the way, I hope you know that no one even likes you. Everyone hates you. I don't even know what I saw in you when we met. You're so annoying, you're just a waste of space. Why don't you do everyone a favor and just disappear already?"

           "Wait-" beep. I looked down at my phone as tears splashed onto it. He hung up on me.

   My mouth opened and shut, but nothing came out as I stared at nothing. Had he... Really just broken up with me? Over the phone? Who does that? Did he really mean all of what he said? I mean, I know I'm crazy but I don't need to see a doctor... Do I? Isn't seeing things that other people can't considered normal?

            At least, I always thought it was normal behavior. And I guess... Maybe my behavior isn't as normal as it should be... I mean, everyone is scared of me. They're scared I'm going to rip the wings off their pet birds or feed their girlfriends undergarments to a seal.

           Actually, I have done both, but besides the point.

    Does he... Do they really want me to just... Disappear? Tears streamed down my cheeks faster and faster as kids walked past me without even batting an eye. Maybe I am invisible... Maybe I should disappear. I've never noticed until now how abnormal I am.

           There must be an explanation to this, but I'm sure he gave me a good one through that phone call. I opened up my notes app and opened up a new note, typing in one of my newest quotes, "yes, I am nice. no, that does not mean you can walk all over me." And I clicked save.

             "Min?" I jumped at Amethyst's voice and twirled around, smiling, despite the tear stains I knew I had on my face. Her emerald eyes widened at the sight of my dark blue ones.

             "Hey... What happened?"

  I smiled and shook my head. "Chancier broke up with me."

            Amethyst's eyes widened even more. "Over the phone?" I nodded.

"Yeah. And a whole bunch of other stuff about how I need to see a doctor because I'm mentally insane, like, actually crazy, insane, as in mentally ill, as in-"
         "I get it, M." Amethyst nodded.

      "He also said that I should just do everyone a favor and just disappear." After those words I felt tears stream down my face even though I was smiling.

         Amethyst's expression softened and she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her tight as I could and breathed in her lavender scented perfume. I remembered when she told me that her father got it for her on a business trip a couple of years ago and she always spritzed a little on everyday of that she still remembers him wherever she goes.

           After we pulled back, she wiped my eyes and checked to make sure that my eyeshadow wasn't smudged before she remembered I never wear makeup.

            "Umm... I'm gonna head home." I smiled, sincerely. Amethyst nodded as I started walking backwards. "I just need some time to think."

             "Kay. I'll call you tonight!" Amethyst waved before turning on her high tops and walking back into the building as I walked the other way, past the exhaust-leaking school buses and up over the grassy hills, all the way to my house... Well, excuse of a house, where I ran inside, locked myself in my room, threw some things, and then cried in the corner.

               You never realize how lonely you really are until being lonely is all you really can feel at the moment....



Hope you enjoyed this! Next will be Chapter 1, not sure when I'll get around to writing it, but I'll keep in touch about due dates.
     Here's the Chapterly Quote:



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