Chapter 12

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Stiles' POV

I sit in the chair, a little confused as to why I was called to the big office. Everybody is looking at me. It's intimidating. Scott sighs. "Stiles, we've gotta talk to you about something very important." Scott says. Malia walks over and sits on my other side.
Allison, Liam, and Mason are sitting in the chairs across from us. Everyone else is just standing around the table. "What is it?" I ask.
"You and your friends will be in another trial." A man with a scruffy beard says, bluntly. He's quite muscular. "Derek, I didn't want you to say it!" Scott says and sighs. The guy named Derek chuckled a bit. "Whoops." Derek says.
"Wait, what?! I thought they were over!" I yelled and stand up. That Isaac kid looks at a man. "Deaton, tell him where." Isaac says. Deaton sighs. "Your group will be entering the Scortch Trials." Deaton says. I make a puzzled face. "What's that?" I ask. Isaac facepalms. Allison chuckled. Liam looks at me. "Your group will be in that big desert where the plane landed." Liam says. "Ohhhhh" I say, mentally facepalming at myself.
"You'll have two weeks to get to where you need to go. You're going to get the cure for the flare." Scott says. I nod. "Okay." I say and start to walk out. Scott grabs my arm. "Stiles, it'll be dangerous." He says. I nod and get out of there.

I walk into the room and sit down. All my friends look at me. "So? What was it?" Newt asks. "Umm.... We're going to be doing another trial." I say. Gally groaned. "What do you mean another?" Lydia asks, walking over. "Well, we have to go into the desert and get to the cure at the end. I think we start tomorrow." I explain. "This is garbage." Minho says and crosses his arms. "Yeah! They told us we were finished!" Newt says. I shrug. "Maybe this one is the last one." I say. Minho nodded. Newt sighed. Lydia just walked to her bed and went to sleep. Gally went back to reading. I sat ony bed and thought about the next day.

Hey guys! Sorry this one was so short, but this one was gonna be in the last chapter. My wattpad just messed it up. That was really going to be the ending of the last chapter. I hope you understand. Thanks for reading! XOXO

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