Chapter 15

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Stiles' POV

I wake up in the middle of the night and look out to the desert.

It's really cold out there. I think now is our chance to get out of this hallway.

If we go later, the sun will get too hot again.

I tap on Minho and Newt, waking them up.
"Guys, I think we should start going into the desert." I whisper.

They both stand up.
Minho looks out and it feels a little colder.

"That's a good idea, Stiles." Minho says and wakes everyone up.

Sooner or later we all are running in the desert at night.

Minho and I were in the front, Gally and Newt were in the back, and Lydia was in the middle.

It felt as if we were running for hours, even though it was probably only a few minutes.

"Guys, There's a building! Lets go, follow me!" Minho yells and leads us all to the building.

We got there and ran inside. It was pitch black inside the building. Gally lit his tortch and a sudden group of screams star.

They were coming from these people-like things chained to the wall.

"Oh, shut it." A woman says, coming through a door.

She walks in the middle of all the creatures and over to us.

"Well, well, well. It looks like we've got new visitors." The woman says with a smile.

I looked at Minho, then back at the woman. This.was getting a little weird to me

"Follow me, or you can just stay here with them." The woman says and walks through the middle of all the creatures back to the door where she came from.

The group of us follow in high persuit.

We get to the door and keep following the woman.

I look around the place while still walking.
"Woah.." I mutter.

It's like this place was a safehouse for people. "This is cool." I hear Gally say behind me.

Eventually we're all up in what looks like an office.

"Brenda who are these people?" A man asks, sitting in a chair.

"They're the people, Jorge. Atleast they look like it." The woman named Brenda says.

I look at Newt. "What does she mean by 'the people'?" I whisper.

Newt shrugs, not knowing.

I sigh and turn back around to look at Brenda and Jorge.

"Okay, we just came here to get out of the storm." Gally pipes up, even though there wasn't a storm.

"Oh, I see. So, I have three questions. Who are you? Where are you from? How does it benefit me?" The man asks.

I decide to be a leader and step up.

"Okay, my name's Stiles. These are my group of friends. The rest is private." I say, looking at Jorge.

"Okay, we'll have to do this the hard way. Scan 'em!" Jorge yells.

A person comes over with a scanner and shoves me down to the ground. Then the person scans my neck.

I stand up, running my neck.

"What's that about?!" I ask, a little upset about why they just did that to me.

"They're Wicked property." Jorge mutters to Brenda.

Brenda looks at us as if we're some type of prize.

"What should I do boss?" She asks

"You know what we do with treasures." Jorge says.


"Okay, kids. You try to get out, I have my man pull this lever." Jorge says with his hand on the lever.

"What does it do? I bet it's not bad!" Gally taunts him.

Jorge pulls the lever and immediately pulls it back.

We all fell for a second.

"O-Okay, it's pretty bad." Gally says.

Jorge smiles.

"Why are you doing this?" Lydia asks.

"We can't let treasures roam free." Jorge says.

Jorge walks out of the room, leaving us all dangling upside down from our feet.

I look around.

"Okay, we gotta get out of here." Minho says.

"But you know what'll happen if we try!" Lydia says.

Jorge's goon stood at the lever.

I sigh. "There's no point in trying." I say.

Newt looks at us all. "Since when did we give up?"

"Well, I'd rather not fall to my death." Gally says.

I'm gonna leave it there. I hope you enjoyed!

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